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Indian Agriculture
Which is the most important job in a country? Is it building machines? Is it hospitality? Is it medical in nature? No. The most important job is Agriculture.
It’s what feeds the people in a country. It’s what keeps us going. Food is the most important thing. If you have food then people are with you.
It is so important that’s why with its allied sectors, it is unquestionably the largest livelihood provider in India, more so in the vast rural areas.
Agriculture contributes a significant amount to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
What is the History of Indian Agriculture?
Indian agriculture began by 9000 BCE as a result of the early cultivation of plants, and the domestication of crops and animals. Settled life soon followed with implements and techniques being developed for agriculture. Double monsoons led to two harvests being reaped in one year.
Indian products soon started reaching out in the world via existing trading networks and foreign crops were introduced to India through these networks. Plants that were considered to have medicinal and healing properties were started to be worshipped like Tulsi.
The middle ages saw irrigation channels help agriculture reach a new level of sophistication in India. Land and water management systems were developed with the goal of helping with uniform growth. And then we all know what happened after that.
The growth of human civilization was only possible because of agriculture.
Who is the Father of Agriculture?
It is impossible to put a name to the man or woman who started agriculture in its true sense as it was such long ago. It’s highly unlikely we would know who truly started it.
The Neolithic Revolution began long before writing and no name has been passed down by word of mouth through the generations that followed.
But given the ingrained practical nature of the Human race, it is suspected that it could be attributed to more than one individual, and perhaps it happened at many different times and locations.
It could even be almost as old as humanity and to date back to the time we first used fire.
What we do know is the name of the father of modern agriculture, Norman Ernest Borlaug. Norman Ernest Borlaug is considered to be the “father of modern agriculture” and the father of the green revolution.
He was the 1970 Nobel Laureate for his life’s work.
What are the Types of Agriculture in India?
India is one of the most if not the most agriculturally sound countries in the world. We have more than enough food to even export some of it to other countries. India’s agriculture game is strong.
India is home to many types of agriculture but these are the most prominent types of agriculture in India. These 8 types of agriculture sustain India and some of the other countries too.
Shifting agriculture
This agricultural practice is generally utilized by tribal groups to grow tuber and root crops.
The land is obtained by clearing a forested area and planting crops there. When the land is no longer fertile, another area of land is cleared and the crops are shifted there.
Subsistence farming
This is a widely-practiced farming technique that is seen all over India.
The farmer and/or their family grow grains for themselves or they sell it at the local market.
Extensive agriculture
This is a modern type of farming that is seen usually in the developed world and in some parts of India.
It relies largely on machinery as opposed to a human labor force and raises one crop per year.
Commercial agriculture
The goal of commercial agriculture is a high yield so that the product can be exported to other countries for profit. Wheat, cotton, sugarcane, and corn are some commercial crops and they are grown in states including Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, and Maharashtra.
Intensive agriculture
This farming practice can be seen in densely populated areas in India.
It is an attempt to maximize the output of the land, through the use of every possible effort. It requires a huge amount of capital in addition to a great deal of human labor, but more than one crop can be raised per year.
Plantation agriculture
This style is generally used for crops that use a lot of space and have a long growing period, such as rubber, tea, coconut, coffee, cocoa, spices, and fruits. Plantation agriculture is usually practiced in Kerala, Assam, Karnataka, and Maharashtra because of the huge amount of fertile land available there.
Dryland farming
As the name suggests, dryland farming is practiced in the more arid and desert-like areas of the country, including northwest and central India. Crops such as gram-jowar, bajra, and peas have lower water requirements and can, therefore, be grown in these conditions.
Wetland farming
Many areas of India are affected by heavy monsoon rains and subsequent flooding. Well-irrigated areas, such as those in northeast India and the Western Ghats, are suitable for farming rice, jute, and sugarcane.
The whole country partakes in agriculture. Every state grows something that is useful and adds to the total agricultural output of the nation.
What is the Importance of Agriculture In India?
Agriculture is an integral part of India’s economy. This sector comprises of 52% of employment opportunities present in India and contributes around 18.1 percent to the GDP.
The agriculture sector of India has occupied almost 40 percent of India’s geographical area. Agriculture plays an integral role in the Indian economy.
Over 70 percent of rural households depend on agriculture.
These facts prove it – Agriculture is one of the important if not the most important sector of the Indian economy.
India is in the second position among the largest producer of agricultural products in the world.
Which state is best for agriculture in India?
Uttar Pradesh is the largest agriculture sound state of India. It has the most fertile land and very skilled farmers.
Which agriculture is more useful for India?
There are many types of agriculture practiced in India. We know that every place has its own specific type of agriculture. It’s not about which type is the most useful, it’s about how suitable the type of agriculture is according to that place.
The most useful type of agriculture according to us is Smart Agriculture. It s the use of resources very carefully and meticulously to get the best out of them. Smart agriculture is the best type of agriculture.
What is agricultural growth?
Agricultural growth is when the agriculture sector contributes the most to the GDP.
Determinants of agricultural growth.
- Agricultural credit
- Landholdings
- Irrigated area
- Farm mechanization
- Electricity
- Storage infrastructure
- Transportation
- Agriculture market
- HYVs/seeds
- Fertilizers
- Pesticides
- Population
- Poverty
- Literacy
What are the top issues impacting agriculture?
Some of the issues that impact modern agriculture are –
- Supplying the growing global demand for products arising from developing economies and world population growth.
- Development and use of bio-based fuels.
- Impact of global trade policies on food security and the supply and demand for products.
- Availability and price of land for expansion.
- New government mandates and regulations.
- Stability, development, and fluctuations in global financial markets.
Best agriculture journals list
1) Indian Journal of Agriculture Business
2) Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences
3) Agriculture and human values
4) Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development
Visit for more agriculture journals : agriculture journals