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Nepal Science and Technology Journals ListNepal Science and Technology Journals List

Science and Technology Journals List of Nepal

1) International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research

Publisher Self publishing

IJSTR - International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research is an open access international journal from diverse fields in sciences, engineering, and technologies Open Access that emphasizes new research, development, and applications. Papers reporting original research or extended versions of already published conference/journal papers are all welcomed. Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. IJSTR ensures a wide indexing policy to make published papers highly visible to the scientific community. IJSTR is part of the eco-friendly community and favors e-publication mode for being an online 'GR...

2) Science and Technology Studies

Publisher The Finnish Society for Science and Technology Studies

Science & Technology Studies is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the advancement of scholarly studies of science and technology as socio-material phenomena, including their historical and contemporary production and their associated forms of knowledge, expertise, social organization and controversy. This includes interest in developing Science and Technology Studies' own knowledge production techniques, methodology and interventions.The journal welcomes high quality contributions that are based on substantial theoretical or empirical engagement with the multidisciplinary field of science and technology studies, including contributions from anthropology, sociology, history, philosophy, political scie...

3) Open Access Journal of Science and Technology

Publisher AgiAl Publishing

The Open Access Journal of Science and Technology is a peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles as well as case reports in a wide range of subjects. The journal's editorial board and table of contents are divided into a number of subject-specific domains, however articles published in the journal may appear in multiple domains. Each article published by The Open Access Journal of Science and Technology will be available on the journal's website in different formats; full-text HTML, downloadable full-text PDF, full-text ePUB, and format for Kindle device. The Open Access Journal of Science and Technology (OAJoST) is a premier scientific journal that aims to ...

4) Journal of Marine Science and Technology

Publisher Springer

The Journal of Marine Science and Technology provides a forum for the discussion of current issues in marine science and technology. The range of topics extends from research in naval architecture, marine engineering, and ocean engineering to marine-related research in the fields of environmental science and technology, oceanography, computational mechanics, and information technology. In addition to original, full-length refereed contributions presenting new research and developments in the field, the journal also publishes review papers authored by leading authorities.   Journal of Marine Science and Technology - Abstract & indexing  Science Citation Index...

5) Science and technology of advanced materials

Publisher Taylor and Francis

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM) is a leading open access, international journal for outstanding research articles across all aspects of materials science. Our audience is the international community across the disciplines of materials science, physics, chemistry, biology as well as engineering. The journal covers a broad spectrum of topics including functional and structural materials, synthesis and processing, theoretical analyses, characterization and properties of materials. Emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary nature of materials science and issues at the forefront of the field, such as energy and environmental issues, as well as medical and bioengineering applications.  

6) East Asian science technology and medicine

Publisher International Society for the History of East Asian Science

East Asian science, technology and medicine - EASTM (formerly Chinese Science) is published by the International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine (ISHEASTM). Numbers 1-10 (1975-1992) were published irregularly under the editorship of Nathan Sivin (University of Pennsylvania). Numbers 11-15 (1993-1998) were issued annually at the University of California, Los Angeles, by Benjamin A. Elman. In 1999 the name of the journal changed to East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine. From Number 16 (1999) to Number 44 (2016), the journal was published by Hans Ulrich Vogel at the University of Tübingen, Germany with the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Since Number 45 (2017), ...

7) East Asian science technology and society

Publisher Springer

East Asian science technology and society - Sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (EASTS) aims to bring together East Asian and Western scholars from the fields of science, technology, and society (STS). Examining issues such as human embryonic stem-cell research, family and reproductive technologies, and the globalization of Chinese medicine, the journal publishes research on how society and culture in East Asia interact with science, technology, and medicine. EASTS serves as a gathering place to facilitate the growing efforts of STS networks from Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, North America, and Europe to foster an internatio...

8) Indian journal of biotechnology

Publisher National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources

Indian Journal of Biotechnology, started as a quarterly journal in 2002, publishes full papers, short communications and reviews in agricultural, animal, environmental, industrial, medical, and microbial biotechnology, bioinformatics, and socio-legal and ethical aspects in biotechnology. The latest developments in biotech-industry are covered under Notes and News.  ...

9) Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Publisher Indian Society for Education and Environment

Indian Journal of Science and Technology is an open-access journal publishing full-length research papers and review articles covering subjects that fall under the wide spectrum of science and technology. The journal is dedicated towards dissemination of knowledge related to the advancement in scientific research. The prestigious interdisciplinary editorial board reflects the diversity of subjects covered in this journal. Under the realm of science and technology, the coverage includes environmental science, pure and applied mathematics, agricultural research and engineering, biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, Healthcare sciences (including clinical medicine, preventive medicine & public health), physics, biophysics,...

10) International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

Publisher Scientific and Academic Research Publishing

The basic aim of "International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development" journal is to provide platform for the researcher, innovators, scholars and students to share their research through worldwide with us. We promote research in all disciplines and the advancement of knowledge and understanding. This journal will provide a quality readable and valuable addition to the knowledge this will serve as resources for researchers along with to provide support to the scholars to enable them to undertake and disseminate their research and to help them for development of their own skills of reasoning and understanding. It is a peer-reviewed journal aspiring to publish high quality of original Research Articles, Review Art...

11) International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Publisher Self publishing

International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology (IJMTST) is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified International peer reviewed, online journal Published monthly by Engineering and Science Research Publication. IJMTST represents the new standard in scholarly Publishing: a liberal open access policy, fast and high quality peer review that brings Publishing to the doorstep of every research and student. IJMTST would take much care in making your research paper published without much delay with your kind cooperation. Our journal aims to bring out the research talent and the works done by scientists, academia, engineers, practitioners, scholars, post graduate students of Engineering and Science. This journal aims to undertaking and pr...

Note : This all science and Technology journals are not from nepal

See also for science and Technology Journals

List of science and Technology journals
Indian science and Technology journals list
United states - US science and Technology journals list
United kingdom science and Technology journals list
ugc care approved journals list
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