wos journals list

Taiwan Animal Journals ListTaiwan Animal Journals List

Animal Journals List of Taiwan

1) Journal of Animal Science

Publisher Oxford University Press

The Journal of Animal Science (JAS) is the premier journal for animal science and serves as the leading source of new knowledge and perspective in this area. JAS publishes more than 500 fully reviewed research articles, invited reviews, technical notes, and letters to the editor each year.  Articles published in JAS encompass a broad range of research topics in animal production and fundamental aspects of genetics, nutrition, physiology, and preparation and utilization of animal products. Articles typically report research with beef cattle, companion animals, goats, horses, pigs, and sheep; however, studies involving other farm animals, aquatic and wildlife species, and laboratory animal species that ...

2) Asian Australasian journal of animal sciences

Publisher Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies

Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences - AJAS is published monthly since 1988 by the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies (AAAP). Copyright 2017 by AAAP. Printed in Korea. All rights reserved. ISO abbreviated title is Asian Australas J Anim Sci. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences (AJAS) is a peer reviewed journal which is indexed or abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Scopus, PubMed Centra...

3) Animal Production Science

Publisher CSIRO Publishing

Animal Production Science - Research papers in Animal Production Science focus on improving livestock and food production, and on the social and economic issues that influence primary producers. The journal (formerly known as Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture) is predominantly concerned with domesticated animals (beef cattle, dairy cows, sheep, pigs, goats and poultry); however, contributions on horses and wild animals may be published where relevant. Animal Production Science publishes the highest quality original contributions dealing with: animal breeding and genetics animal nutrition and reproduction livestock farming systems, sustainability and natural resource ma...

4) Journal of Animal Research

Publisher New Delhi Publishers

The Journal of Animal Research, which is published in Print and Electronic form by New Delhi Publisher, accepts exceptionally exciting, novel and timely communications presenting new and original research work for publication keeping in mind the all round welfare of domestic animals including poultry, companion animals, wild animals and experimental models in lab animals.   The Journal of Animal Research will publish the reviews, short communication and proceedings of symposia of National and International relevance subject to the final decision of Editor in Chief.   National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS) Rating: 5.68   Journal of Animal Research is a Pe...

5) Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology

Publisher Animal Nutrition Association

"Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology" publishes articles in all areas of animal and technology, biochemical and physiological basis of protein, mineral, energy and vitamin metabolism, nutritional effects and performance criteria, safety, nutritional quality and toxicity of feedstuffs, aspects of practical animal feeding, production, processing and preservation of feedstuffs covering farm, pet, wild and aquatic animals. In addition, the journal publishes review articles on topics of current interest. Animal Nutrition & Feed Technology also accepts submissions such as criticism, opinion, historical articles and book reviews. Indexed/ Abstracted by CAB Abstracts, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (I...

Note : This all animal journals are not from taiwan

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