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List of ugc approved journals List of ugc approved journals

UGC Journals List

Note : All UGC approved journals have not been mentioned here, so if you want a list of UGC approved journals, please click here.

351) Annals of Saudi Medicine

Publisher King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre

The Annals of Saudi Medicine (ASM) is published bimonthly by King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We publish scientific reports of clinical interest in English. All submissions are subject to peer review by the editorial board and by reviewers in appropriate specialties. The journal will consider for publication manuscripts from any part of the world, but particularly reports that would be of interest to readers in the Middle East or other parts of Asia and Africa. Please go to the Author Resource Center for additional information. ASM conforms with the guidelines and best practices of the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publicati...

352) Journal of Clinical Gynecology and Obstetrics

Publisher Elmer Press

Journal of Clinical Gynecology and Obstetrics is international, open access, peer-reviewed journal, publishes original contributions describing basic research and clinical investigation of gynaecology and obstetrics, on the cellular, molecular, prevention, diagnosis, therapy and prognosis aspects. The submissions can be basic research or clinical investigation oriented. This journal welcomes those submissions focused on the clinical trials of new treatment modalities in gynaecology and obstetrics.   Abstracting and Indexing Worldcat Google Google Scholar JournalTOCs PubMed and PubMed Central (selected citations, only N...

353) journal of agricultural economics

Publisher Wiley

Journal of Agricultural Economics is a leading international professional journal, providing a forum for research into agricultural economics and related disciplines such as statistics, marketing, business management, politics, history and sociology, and their application to issues in the agricultural, food, and related industries; rural communities, and the environment. A leading journal for the discipline worldwide - consistently highly ranked in the Agricultural Economics & Policy category of ISI A dynamic, international, applied social science journal dealing with agriculture, food and related industries, rural development and the environment Articles on developments in research and ...

354) indian journal of agricultural sciences

Publisher Indian Council of Agricultural Research

A journal devoted to experimental agriculture and abstracted by all the major abstracting services. It includes articles on cytology, genetics, breeding, agronomy, soil science, horticulture, water use, microbiology, plant diseases and pest, agricultural engineering, economics and statistics with emphasis on original articles, from India and countries having similar agricultural conditions. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences publishes papers concerned with the advancement of agriculture throughout the world. It publishes original scientific work related to strategic and applied studies in all aspects of agricultural science and exploited species, as well as reviews of scientific topics of current agric...

355) Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology

Publisher Medknow publication

The Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology is the official Quarterly publication of the Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists. It had completed 50 glorious years in the year 2007. Late Dr Vanmali Saran Maglik of King George Medical College, Lucknow is the founder editor who started the journal in the year 1958. Initially the journal was called Indian Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology and the present name is in existence from the year 1965. The journal grew over the years under the able guidance of stalwarts like Late Dr HI Jhala, Late Dr V Ramalingaswamy, Dr HD Tandon, Late Dr BK Aikat and Late Dr S Nagalotimath. The present form is due to the untiring efforts of Dr KS Ratnakar, Dr VH...

356) Turkish journal of ophthalmology

Publisher Galenos Publishing House

The Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology (TJO) is the only scientific periodical publication of the Turkish Ophthalmological Association and has been published since January 1929. In its early years, the journal was published in Turkish and French. Although there were temporary interruptions in the publication of the journal due to various challenges, the Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology has been published continually from 1971 to the present. The Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology is currently published in Turkish and English languages. TJO is an independent international periodical journal based on single-blind peer-review principle. TJO is regularly published six times a year and special issues ar...

357) Ophthalmology Retina

Publisher Elsevier Publication

Ophthalmology Retina, a journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, serves society by publishing clinical and basic science research and other relevant manuscripts that relate to the sense of sight. Excellence is pursued through unbiased peer-review, the advancement of innovation and discovery, and the promotion of lifelong learning.  ...

358) Journal of Ophthalmology

Publisher Hindawi

Journal of Ophthalmology is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research, review, and clinical studies related to the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye. Submissions should focus on focusing on new diagnostic and surgical techniques, instrument and therapy updates, as well as clinical trials and research findings. Journal of Ophthalmology is archived in Portico, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals, as well as via the LOCKSS initiative. It operates a fully open access publishing model which allows open global access to its published content...

359) Oral health and dental management

Publisher Omics publishing group

The aim of Oral health and dental management journal is to disseminate knowledge and promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality, scientific papers and other material on all topics relating to Oral Health and Dental Management. Oral Health and Dental Management is a peer-reviewed Medical and Dental Health journal that includes a wide range of topics in this field and creates a platform for young and quality researchers to showcase their findings next to the global audience. Scholars belonging to Dentistry and Oral Health discipline are encouraged to publish innovative ideas in oral health open access journals. The focus of this journal broadly covers pediatric dentis...

360) Vietnam journal of science and technology

Publisher Self publishing

Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology (VJST), with a new ISSN No. 2525-2518. Founded in 1962 with the name of Tap san Khoa hoc Ky thuat, the journal originally published short research articles in general science and technique, all written in Vietnamese. Twenty years ago, the journal was renamed as Tap chi Khoa hoc va Cong nghe (Journal of Science and Technology). It has since evolved into a peer-reviewed journal, publishing six issues per year.  The published papers included articles in both Vietnamese and English and on broad topics related to science and technology in following five sections:  Natural Products, Materials, Environment, Electronics-Telecommunication, and Mechanical Engineering - ...

361) Case Reports in Dentistry

Publisher Hindawi

Case Reports in Dentistry is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes case reports and case series in all areas of dentistry, including periodontal diseases, dental implants, oral pathology, as well as oral and maxillofacial surgery. Case Reports in Dentistry is archived in Portico, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals, as well as via the LOCKSS initiative. It operates a fully open access publishing model which allows open global access to its published content. This model is supported through Article Processing Charges. For more information on Article Processing cha...

362) Journal of conservative dentistry

Publisher Medknow publication

The Journal of Conservative Dentistry, (ISSN - 0972-0707) the official journal of the Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, publishes scientific articles, case reports, invited reviews and comparison studies evaluating materials and methods in the fields of Conservative Dentistry, Dental materials and Endodontics.   Abstracting and Indexing Information The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners: Baidu Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Ex Libris – Primo Central, Google Schol...

363) Aesthetic Surgery Journal

Publisher Oxford University Press

Aesthetic Surgery Journal is a peer-reviewed international journal focusing on scientific developments and clinical techniques in aesthetic surgery. The official publication of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), ASJ is also the official English-language journal of many major international societies of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery representing South America, Central America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. It is also the official journal of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, the Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and The Rhinoplasty Society. ASJ’s current Impact Factor is 3.480.* In the Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science Gro...

364) Journal of Gynecologic Surgery

Publisher M A Liebert

Journal of Gynecologic Surgery is the only journal providing an essential, peer-reviewed forum for clinical articles dealing with all aspects of operative and office gynaecology. The Journal provides the most current research on cutting-edge techniques and advances in gynecologic surgery from world-renowned experts in the field. Journal of Gynecologic Surgery coverage includes: Colposcopy Hysteroscopy Laparoscopy Laser surgery Conventional surgery Female urology Microsurgery In vitro fertilization Infectious diseases   Journal of Gynecologic Surgery...

365) The Journal of Pediatrics

Publisher Elsevier Publication

The Journal of Pediatrics is an national and international peer-reviewed journal that advances pediatrics research and serves as a practical guide for pediatricians who manage health and diagnose and treat disorders in infants, children, and adolescents. The Journal publishes original work based on standards of excellence and expert review. The Journal seeks to publish high quality original articles that are immediately applicable to practice (translational research, basic science, evidence-based medicine), brief clinical and laboratory case reports, expert commentary, medical progress, grand rounds,  “classic”...

366) The lancet child and adolescent health

Publisher Elsevier Publication

The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health is a monthly print and online journal in The Lancet's growing family of specialty journals. The journal publishes any original research or evidence-based review that will directly impact clinical practice or child health across the disciplines of general paediatrics, adolescent medicine, child development, or any paediatric subspecialty. The journal will consider any contribution that advocates change in, or illuminates, clinical practice in these particular areas.   The journal publishes a range of article types including Articles, Reviews, Viewpoints, Clinical Pictures, Comments, and Correspondence. Manuscripts must be solely the wo...

367) The International Journal of Indian Psychology

Publisher REDSHINE Publication

The Journal is the psychological, peer-reviewed, academic international journal that examines the intersection of Psychology. The Journal is an international electronic and printed journal published in quarterly. All peer-reviewed articles must meet rigorous standards and can represent a broad range of substantive topics, theoretical orientations, and empirical methods.   The journal welcomes submissions that explore the Psychological aspects The journal welcomes submissions that explore the Psychological aspects of human behavior. International Journal of Indian Psychology a broad-based open access was founded on two key tenets: To free publish the most exciting researche...

368) Journal of Clinical Periodontology

Publisher Wiley

Journal of Clinical Periodontology was founded by the British, Dutch, French, German, Scandinavian, and Swiss Societies of Periodontology. The aim of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology is to provide the platform for exchange of scientific and clinical progress in the field of Periodontology and allied disciplines, and to do so at the highest possible level. The Journal also aims to facilitate the application of new scientific knowledge to the daily practice of the concerned disciplines and addresses both practicing clinicians and academics. The Journal is the official publication of the European Federation of Periodontology but wishes to retain its international scope. T...

369) Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry

Publisher Medknow publication

Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry, a publication of Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, is a peer-reviewed, print + online and Quarterly journal. The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository.  Abstracting and Indexing Information The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners: Baidu Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing's Electronic D...

370) International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research

Publisher Self publishing

International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research - IJCMR, an official publication of International Society for Contemporary Medical Research (Registered under Government of India, Society Registration Act No - 21, 1860), is a peer reviewed, international, print and online, open access journal with MONTHLY (since January, 2016) publication. It  is a multidisciplinary journal to provide a forum for the presentation and criticism of original, innovative and thought provocative ideas in medical and allied specialties. IJCMR publishes new, challenging and radical ideas, so long as they are coherent and clearly expressed. The types of article accepted include original articles,...

371) Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology

Publisher Self publishing

Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology (JPAM) is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal of microbiology aims to advance and disseminate research among scientists, academics, clinicians and microbiologists around the world. JPAM publishes high-quality research in all aspects of microbiology in both online and print form on quarterly basis. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology (JPAM) is a peer-reviewed, open access, quarterly published international journal of microbiology strives to provide a forum for worldwide scientific researchers, academics, clinicians and microbiologists for publication of high quality reviews, research articles, short communications and clinical studies ...

372) Indian Journal of Public Health Research And Development

Publisher Indianjournals

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development is a double blind peer-reviewed. The frequency is monthly. It deals with all aspects of Public Health including Community Medicine, Clinical Research, Epidemiology, Occupational Health,  Public Health,  Environmental Hazards, and Public Health Laws and covers all medical specialties concerned with research and development for the masses. The journal strongly encourages reports of research carried out within Indian continent and South East Asia. ISSN No of Indian "Journal of Public Health Research & Development" Print ISSN: 0976-0245

373) Indian Journal of Pain

Publisher Medknow publication

Indian Journal of Pain : Indian Society for Study of Pain (ISSP) is a professional body representing medical professionals working in the field of Pain Medicine. It is a not-for-profit organisation and exists for the benefit of development of pain speciality in particular. The society was formed in 1984; it is committed for patient care, education, training and research in Pain Medicine. In January 1984, the first meeting was held under the chairmanship of Prof. BC Katiyar, Neurologist (IMS, Varanasi, India). The thought of coming together energized the like-minded professionals and thus Indian Society for Study of Pain was born on July 9th in the year 1984 at Varanasi, India. ...

374) International Journal of Pediatrics

Publisher Mashhad University of Medical Sciences

International Journal of Pediatrics is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of pediatric research.  The journal accepts submissions presented as an original article, short communication, review article,  systematic review, case report or letter to the editor. IJP is indexed in: ISI Web of Science, EBSCO, Chemical Abstract, CINAHL, National Library of Medicine(NLM), ...

375) Indian Pediatrics

Publisher Springer

Indian Pediatrics (IP), the official publication of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), is indexed by leading international services including Index Medicus. The journal began publication in 1963. Indian Pediatrics has a permanent Editorial Office situated at New Delhi, India. It is published monthly and has a current circulation of print/e-copies about 28,000. Indian Pediatrics is provided complimentary to members of the IAP and on subscription to individuals and institutions. The journal gives priority to reports of outstanding clinical and experimental work as well as important contributions related to common and topical problems in India and the developing countries (see information for authors)....

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