scopus journals list

List of ACS Publication JournalsACS Publication Journals

1) Journal of Organic Chemistry

Publisher aCS Publication

The Journal of Organic Chemistry welcomes original contributions of fundamental research in all branches of the theory and practice of organic chemistry. In selecting manuscripts for publication, the editors place emphasis on the quality and novelty of the work, as well as the breadth of interest to the organic chemistry community. Manuscripts with a focus on the following topics along with guidance are included below. The scope of organic chemistry is broader than these several areas of research and the Editorial Board is consistently welcoming and evaluating manuscripts addressing topics in addition to these. Guidelines for specific focus areas are as follows: Single or multistep synthetic...

2) Journal of Chemical Education

Publisher aCS Publication

Journal of Chemical Education Scope The Journal of Chemical Education (JCM) is the official journal of the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society, co-published with the American Chemical Society Publications Division. Launched in 1924, the Journal of Chemical Education is the world’s premier chemical education journal. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed articles and related information as a resource to those in the field of chemical education and to those institutions that serve them. JCE typically addresses chemical content, activities, laboratory experiments, instructional methods, and pedagogies. The Journal serves as a means of communication among people ac...

3) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Publisher aCS Publication

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces serves the interdisciplinary community of chemists, engineers, physicists and biologists focusing on how newly-discovered materials and interfacial processes can be developed and used for specific applications. The editors are proud of the rapid growth of the journal since its inception in 2009, both in terms of the number of published articles and the impact of the research reported in those articles. ACS AMI is also truly international, with the majority of published articles now coming from outside the United States, capturing the rapid growth in applied research around the globe.   The following journal TOC sections provide a high-level guide to the journa...

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