1) Australian Systematic Botany
cSIRO Publishing
Australian Systematic Botany is an international journal devoted to the systematics, taxonomy, and related aspects of biogeography and evolution of all algae, fungi and plants, including fossils. Descriptive taxonomic papers should normally constitute a comprehensive treatment of a group. Short papers on individual species and nomenclatural papers must contain significant new information of broader interest to be considered. The prestigious L.A.S. Johnson Review Series is published. Other review articles will also be considered. All papers are peer reviewed.
Indexed & Abstracted details:
CAB Abstracts
Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology &am...
2) Australian Journal of Botany
cSIRO Publishing
The Australian Journal of Botany is an international journal for publication of original research in plant science. The journal publishes in the areas of ecology and ecophysiology; invasive biology; conservation biology and biodiversity; forest biology and management; cell and molecular biology; palaeobotany; reproductive biology and genetics; mycology and pathology; structure and development; and aquatic botany. Review articles will also be considered.
Indexed & Abstracted details:
CAB Abstracts
Chemical Abstracts
Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences
3) Animal Production Science
cSIRO Publishing
Animal Production Science - Research papers in Animal Production Science focus on improving livestock and food production, and on the social and economic issues that influence primary producers. The journal (formerly known as Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture) is predominantly concerned with domesticated animals (beef cattle, dairy cows, sheep, pigs, goats and poultry); however, contributions on horses and wild animals may be published where relevant.
Animal Production Science publishes the highest quality original contributions dealing with:
animal breeding and genetics
animal nutrition and reproduction
livestock farming systems, sustainability and natural resource ma...