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Annual Reviews Inc

Annual Reviews Inc Journals, Publisher, Abbreviations

Annual Review of Materials Research

The Annual Review of Materials Research, in publication since 1971, covers the significant developments in the field of materials research, including original methodologies, materials phenomena, material systems, and special keynote topics....

Annual review of statistics and its application

The Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application informs statisticians, and users of statistics about major methodological advances and the computational tools that allow for their implementation. The Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application debuted in the 2016 Release of the Journal Citation Report (JCR) with an Impact Factor of 3.045....

Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences

The Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences (ISSN 0974-6803) is a monthly journal. The AAMS's coverage extends across the whole of mathematical sciences and their applications in various disciplines, encompassing Pure and Applied Mathematics, Theoretical and Applied Statistics, Computer Science and Applications as well as new emerging applied areas. It publishes original research papers, review and survey articles in all areas of mathematical sciences and their applications within and outside the boundary....

Annual Review of Microbiology

Annual Review of Microbiology: The Annual Review of Microbiology, in publication since 1947, covers significant developments in the field of microbiology, encompassing bacteria, archaea, viruses, and unicellular eukaryotes....

Annual Review of Immunology

Annual Review of Immunology:  Aims and Scope -The Annual Review of Immunology, in publication since 1983, focuses on basic immune mechanisms and the molecular basis of immune diseases in humans. Topics include innate and adaptive immunity; immune cell development and differentiation; immune control of pathogens (viruses, bacteria, parasites) and cancer; and human immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases....

Annual Review of Biochemistry

  The Annual Review of Biochemistry, in publication since 1932, sets the standard for review articles in biological chemistry and molecular biology. Since its inception, these volumes have served as an indispensable resource for both the practising biochemist and students of biochemistry. The Annual Review of Biochemistry was the creation of Stanford University chemist and professor J. Murray Luck. In 1930, Luck offered a course on current research in biochemistry to graduate students. In designing the course, he said he felt "knee-deep in trouble", as he believed he was sufficiently knowledgeable in only a few areas of biochemistry. He considered the volume of research...

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