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Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry

Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry Journals, Publisher, Abbreviations

Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics

The Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics - RDE (ISSN - 2234-7658) is a peer-reviewed and openaccess journal providing up-to-date information regarding the research and developments on new knowledge and innovations pertinent to the field of contemporary clinical operative dentistry, restorative dentistry, and endodontics. In the field of operative and restorative dentistry, the journal deals with diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment concepts and techniques, adhesive dentistry, esthetic dentistry, tooth whitening, dental materials and implant restoration. In the field of endodontics, the journal deals with a variety of topics such as etiology of periapical lesions, outcome of endodontic treatment, surgical endodo...

Advanced Science Letters

Advanced Science Letters is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a very wide-ranging coverage, consolidates fundamental and applied research activities by publishing proceedings from international scientific, technical and medical conferences in all areas of Physical Sciences, Engineering, Biological Sciences/Health Sciences, Medicine, Computer and Information Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Agriculture Science and Engineering, Geosciences, and Energy/Fuels/Environmental / Green Science and Engineering, and Education, Social Sciences and Public Policies. This journal does not p...

Underground Space

Underground Space is an open access international journal without article processing charges (APC) committed to serving as a scientific forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of underground engineering. The journal welcomes manuscripts that deal with original theories, methods, technologies, and important applications throughout the life-cycle of underground projects, including planning, design, operation and maintenance, disaster prevention, and demolition....

Journal of Building Materials

"Journal of Building Materials" is supervised by the Ministry of Education and sponsored by Tongji University. It is a professional academic journal serving scientific and technological workers in the field of building materials at home and abroad. The domestic unified serial publication number is CN 31–1764/TU, an international standard The serial number is ISSN 1007–9629, and the CODEN code is JCXUFN ; monthly, published at the end of each month . The purpose of the journal of "Journal of Building Materials" is to adhere to the four basic principles, adhere to the reform and opening up, follow the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred sc...

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