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Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Tehran University of Medical Sciences Journals, Publisher, Abbreviations

Iranian journal of neurology

Iranian journal of neurology provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.   Manuscripts Type The Journal publishes: Original Article  Review Article  Case Report (only accpeted as Letter to Editor or clinical note) Short Communication Clinical Notes  Editorial  Letters to Editor Neurological Images  Neurological Videos Iranian Neurological Events  Book reviews ...

Archaeology International

Archaeology International, produced annually since 1997, combines news about UCL Institute of Archaeology activities with refereed articles and information about on-going projects, carried out by Institute staff and students, or those with honorary affiliation. Papers reflect the broad geographical, theoretical and methodological scope of research at the Institute, including the research of its three main Sections (World Archaeology, Archaeological Sciences, and Heritage Studies), and its extensive global fieldwork presence. A double issue in 2011 marked the Institute of Archaeology’s 75th anniversary year, and the journal, including early issues, is now available online and fully open access.  ...

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