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AIMS Press
AIMS Press Journals, Publisher, Abbreviations
AIMS Microbiology (ISSN - 2471-1888) is an international Open Access journal devoted to publishing peer-reviewed, high quality, original papers in the field of microbiology.
We publish the following article types:
Original research articles,
Letters, and conference reports.
AIMS Microbology welcomes, but not limited to, the papers from the following topics:
Microbial Resources
Microbial Genomics
Physiology and Metabolism of Microbial
Agricultural Microbiology and Biotechnology
Pathogenic Microorganisms and Immunology
Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences (PJLSS) is published twice a year by The Elite Scientific Forum, Pakistan. Its scope is broad and international, covering a range of research areas including: Biology, Medicine, Agriculture, Environment, Public health and Allied Sciences.
The material submitted should fall in the categories of Original articles, Short communications, Research notes, Case reports and Review articles.
Abstract & indexing
Agricultural Economics Database
Plant Protection Database
Agricultural Engineering Abstracts
Postharvest News and Information
Agroforestry Abstracts...
AIMS Molecular science is an international Open Access journal devoted to publishing peer-reviewed, high quality, original papers in the field of Molecular science.
AIMS Molecular Science publishes the following article types:
Original research articles,
and conference reports.
AIMS Molecular science welcomes, but not limited to, the papers from the following topics:
Molecular biology
Molecular biophysics
Molecular epidemiology
Molecular genetics
Molecular microbiology
Molecular nanotechnology...