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Banking and finance
Banking and finance Journals, Publisher, Abbreviations
The Journal of Banking and Finance (JBF) publishes theoretical and empirical research papers spanning all the major research fields in finance and banking.
The aim of the Journal of Banking and Finance is to provide an outlet for the increasing flow of scholarly research concerning financial institutions and the money and capital markets within which they function.
The Journal's emphasis is on theoretical developments and their implementation, empirical, applied, and policy-oriented research in banking and other domestic and international financial institutions and markets.
The Journal's purpose is to improve communications between, and within, the academic and other research communi...
International Journal of Banking Accounting and Finance (IJBAAF) provides an outlet for empirical research on all aspects of accounting, banking, and finance. Theoretical research with the potential for empirical applications and in-depth literature reviews will also be considered. IJBAAF particularly welcomes papers dealing with topics that link accounting and banking such as auditing of banks; the use of cost accounting in banks and financial firms; corporate governance of banks; financial reporting of banks; and the impact of accounting and auditing regulations in the banking and financial industry.
Topics covered include
Asset-liability management, corpora...
Indian Journal of Finance and Banking (IJFB) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, scholarly open access journal on the financial market, instruments, policy, and management research published both online and print by CRIBFB.
Aims & Scope
The subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields:
Portfolio Theory
Asset Pricing
Futures Markets
Investment Policy
Agency Theory
Risk Management
Banking Systems
Computational Finance
Behavioral Finance
Financial Econometrics
Corporate Governan...
International journal of central banking - In July 2004, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the European Central Bank, and each of the Group of Ten* (G-10) central banks announced their plans to support the development of a new publication focused on central bank theory and practice. Other central banks were invited to participate in this joint project, and there are now 55 sponsoring institutions.
From its initiation, the sponsors were committed to ensuring that the International Journal of Central Banking (IJCB) offer peer-reviewed articles of high analytical quality for a professional audience. The primary objectives of the IJCB are to widely...
Cell and Tissue Banking provides a forum for disseminating information to scientists and clinicians involved in the banking and transplantation of cells and tissues.
Cell and Tissue Banking is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original papers in such areas as quality assurance and control of banked cells and tissues; preservation and sterilization methods; clinical applications of banked cells and tissues; standards of practice in procurement, processing, storage and distribution; and ethical and medico-legal issues. Research is presented in the form of full-length papers describing original work; short communications for rapid publication; and mini- and full-length reviews...