scopus journals list

Eritrea Computer science Journals ListEritrea Computer science Journals List

Computer science Journals List of Eritrea

1) International Journal of Artificial Intelligence

Publisher Self publishing

The main aim of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence™ (ISSN 0974-0635) is to publish refereed, well-written original research articles, and studies that describe the latest research and developments in the area of Artificial Intelligence. This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of Artificial Intelligence and its application in the following topics: Technology & Computing; Fuzzy Logic; Neural Networks; Reasoning and Evolution; Automatic Control; Mechatronics; Robotics; Parallel Processing; Programming Languages; Software & Hardware Architectures; CAD Design & Testing; Web Intelligence Applications; Computer Vision and Speech Understanding; Multimedia & Cognitive Informatics, Data Mining ...

2) Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing

Publisher Springer

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (JAIHC) provides a high profile, leading edge forum for academics, industrial professionals, educators and policy makers involved in the field to contribute, to disseminate the most innovative researches and developments of all aspects of ambient intelligence and humanized computing, such as intelligent/smart objects, environments/spaces, and systems. The journal discusses various technical, safety, personal, social, physical, political, artistic and economic issues.   The research topics covered by the journal are (but not limited to): Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing and Applications Cognitive wireless sensor n...

3) International Review on Computers and Software

Publisher Praise Worthy Prize

The International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original papers on all branches of the academic Computer Science and Engineering communities. Thematic areas include, but are not limited to: Computer Science Theory, Methods and Tools Software engineering, algorithms, and complexity, computational logic, formal methods, heuristics, mathematics, and models of computation, programming languages, and semantics. Computer and Communications Networks and Systems Network and distributed architectures and protocols, traffic engineering, resource management and Quality of Service, network monitoring and traffic measurements, wireless networks, personal and bod...

4) Advances in Human Computer Interaction

Publisher Hindawi

Advances in Human-Computer Interaction is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes theoretical and applied papers covering the broad spectrum of interactive systems. The journal is inherently interdisciplinary, publishing original research in the fields of computing, engineering, artificial intelligence, psychology, linguistics, and social and system organization, as applied to the design, implementation, application, analysis, and evaluation of interactive systems. Subject areas covered by the journal include (but are not limited to): Human-computer interaction Interface design and universal design/access Predictive models and theories of interaction Adaptive and intellig...

5) Big Data and Society

Publisher SAGE Publications Inc

Big Data & Society (BD&S) is open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes interdisciplinary work principally in the social sciences, humanities and computing and their intersections with the arts and natural sciences about the implications of Big Data for societies. The Journal's key purpose is to provide a space for connecting debates about the emerging field of Big Data practices and how they are reconfiguring academic, social, industry, business, and government relations, expertise, methods, concepts, and knowledge. BD&S moves beyond usual notions of Big Data and treats it as an emerging field of practice that is not defined by but generative of (sometimes) novel data qualities such...

6) International journal of computers and technology

Publisher Khalsa Publications

International journal of computers and technology (E-ISSN:2277-3061) is a journal published by Khalsa Publications, Punjab, India. IJCT start published in December 2011, which is Volume 1, Issue. 1, the Year 2011. The mission of IJCT is to share, develop, and facilitate the output of research paper about computer science, software engineering, information system, information technology, and computer engineering. Journal items can be published collectively, as part of an issue with its Table of Contents. Alternatively, individual items can be published as soon as they are ready by adding them to the "current" volume's Table of Contents. ...

7) International Journal of Data Science and Analytics

Publisher Springer

International Journal of Data Science and Analytics - Data Science has been established as an important emergent scientific field and paradigm driving research evolution in such disciplines as statistics, computing science and intelligence science, and practical transformation in such domains as science, engineering, the public sector, business, social sci­ence, and lifestyle. The field encompasses the larger ar­eas of artificial intelligence, data analytics, machine learning, pattern recognition, natural language understanding, and big data manipulation. It also tackles related new sci­entific chal­lenges, ranging from data capture, creation, storage, retrieval, sharing, analysis, optimization, and vis­ua...

8) IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials

Publisher IEEE Publisher

IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials is an online journal published by the IEEE Communications Society for tutorials and surveys covering all aspects of the communications field. Telecommunications technology is progressing at a rapid pace, and the IEEE Communications Society is committed to providing researchers and other professionals the information and tools to stay abreast. The articles in this journal are peer reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual (sections 8.2.1.C & 8.2.2.A). Each published article was reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-blind peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the autho...

9) Journal of the ACM

Publisher Association for Computing Machinery

The Journal of the ACM (JACM) provides coverage of the most significant work on principles of computer science, broadly construed. The scope of research we cover encompasses contributions of lasting value to any area of computer science. To be accepted, a paper must be judged to be truly outstanding in its field. JACM is interested in work in core computer science and at the boundaries, both the boundaries of subdisciplines of computer science and the boundaries between computer science and other fields.   Scope The best indicator of the scope of the journal is provided by the areas covered by its Editorial Board. These areas change from time to time, as the field evolves. The ...

10) IEEE Transactions on Computers

Publisher IEEE Publisher

The IEEE Transactions on Computers is a monthly publication with a wide distribution to researchers, developers, technical managers, and educators in the computer field. It publishes papers on research in areas of current interest to the readers. These areas include, but are not limited to, the following: a) computer organizations and architectures; b) operating systems, software systems, and communication protocols; c) real-time systems and embedded systems; d) digital devices, computer components, and interconnection networks; e) specification, design, prototyping, and testing methods and tools; f) performance, fault tolerance, reliability, security, and testability; g) case studie...

11) IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Publisher IEEE Publisher

The IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence publishes articles on all traditional areas of computer vision and image understanding, all traditional areas of pattern analysis and recognition, and selected areas of machine intelligence, with a particular emphasis on machine learning for pattern analysis. Areas such as techniques for visual search, document and handwriting analysis, medical image analysis, video and image sequence analysis, content-based retrieval of image and video, face and gesture recognition and relevant specialized hardware and/or software architectures are also covered....

12) International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems

Publisher Atlantis Press

The International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems is an international peer reviewed journal and the official publication of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technologies (EUSFLAT). The journal publishes original research on all aspects of applied computational intelligence, especially targeting papers demonstrating the use of techniques and methods originating from computational intelligence theory. This is an open access journal, i.e. all articles are immediately and permanently free to read, download, copy & distribute. The journal is published under the CC BY-NC 4.0 user license which defines the permitted 3rd-party reuse of its articles.   Aims & Scope

13) NPJ Quantum Information

Publisher Nature Publishing Group

NJP Quantum Information is a new online-only, open access, multi- and interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing the finest research on quantum information, including quantum computing, quantum communications and quantum information theory.   Aims & Scope The scope of npj Quantum Information spans across all relevant disciplines, fields, approaches and levels and so considers outstanding work ranging from fundamental research to applications and technologies. Fields covered include, but are not limited to, quantum computing and quantum communication, including solid state and optical devices, superconducting circuits, atomic and ion trap systems, topological quantum computing,...

14) Procedia computer science

Publisher Elsevier Publication

Launched in 2009, Procedia Computer Science is an electronic product focusing entirely on publishing high quality conference proceedings. Procedia Computer Science enables fast dissemination so conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue on ScienceDirect, which is then made freely available worldwide. Conference proceedings are accepted for publication in Procedia Computer Science based on quality and are therefore required to meet certain criteria, including quality of the conference, relevance to an international audience and covering highly cited or timely topics. Procedia Computer Science will cover proceedings in all topics of Computer Science with the exception of certain workshops in Theor...

15) International journal of machine learning and computing

Publisher International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology

International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing - IJMLC is an international academic open access journal which gains a foothold in Singapore, Asia and opens to the world. It aims to promote the integration of machine learning and computing. The focus is to publish papers on state-of-the-art machine learning and computing. Submitted papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Journal and Association. The audience includes researchers, managers and operators for machine learning and computing as well as designers and developers. All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted ...

16) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications

Publisher IJACSA Publications

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications - IJACSA is a scholarly computer science journal representing the best in research. Its mission is to provide an outlet for quality research to be publicised and published to a global audience. The journal aims to publish papers selected through rigorous double-blind peer review to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability. In sync with the Journal's vision "to be a respected publication that publishes peer reviewed research articles, as well as review and survey papers contributed by International community of Authors", we have drawn reviewers and editors from Institutions and Universities across the ...

17) ACM Computing Surveys

Publisher Association for Computing Machinery

ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) publishes comprehensive, readable tutorials and survey papers that give guided tours through the literature and explain topics to those who seek to learn the basics of areas outside their specialties. These carefully planned and presented introductions are also an excellent way for professionals to develop perspectives on, and identify trends in complex technologies. Recent issues have covered image understanding, software reusability, and object and relational database topics.  Computing Surveys does not publish "new" research. This is left to the Transactions and other specialized publications of the ACM. Instead, Computing Surveys focuses on surveys and tutorials that i...

18) Journal of theoretical and applied computer science

Publisher Gdansk Branch of Polish Academy of Sciences

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science is published by the Computer Science Commision, operating within the Gdansk Branch of Polish Academy of Sciences and located in Szczecin, Poland. JTACS is an open access journal, publishing original research and review papers from the variety of subdiscplines connected to theoretical and applied computer science, including the following: Artificial intelligence Computer modelling and simulation Data analysis and classification Pattern recognition Computer graphics and image processing Information systems engineering Software engineering Computer systems architecture Distributed and paral...

19) Journal of Computational Design and Engineering

Publisher Elsevier Publication

Journal of Computational Design and Engineering is an international journal that aims to provide academia and industry with a venue for rapid publication of research papers reporting innovative computational methods and applications to achieve a major breakthrough, practical improvements, and bold new research directions within a wide range of design and engineering: Theory and its progress in computational advancement for design and engineering Development of computational framework to support large scale design and engineering Interaction issues among human, designed artifacts, and systems Knowledge-intensive technologies for intelligent and sustainable systems Emerging te...

20) PeerJ Computer Science

Publisher PeerJ Inc

PeerJ Computer Science is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal. It considers articles across the whole of Computer Science. PeerJ Computer Science only considers Research Articles and Literature Review Articles. It does not accept Hypothesis Papers, Commentaries, Opinion Pieces, Case Studies, Case Reports etc. PeerJ Computer Science evaluates articles based only on an objective determination of scientific and methodological soundness, not on subjective determinations of 'impact' or 'readership' for example. PeerJ Computer Science applies the highest standards to everything it does - specifically, the publication places an emphasis on research integrity; high ethical...

21) Journal of machine learning research

Publisher MIT Press

The Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) provides an international forum for the electronic and paper publication of high-quality scholarly articles in all areas of machine learning. All published papers are freely available online. JMLR has a commitment to rigorous yet rapid reviewing. Final versions are published electronically (ISSN 1533-7928) immediately upon receipt. Until the end of 2004, paper volumes (ISSN 1532-4435) were published 8 times annually and sold to libraries and individuals by the MIT Press. Paper volumes (ISSN 1532-4435) are now published and sold by Microtome Publishing.   JMLR seeks previously unpublished papers on machine learning that contain: new prin...

22) Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal

Publisher Elsevier Publication

Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (CSBJ) is an online gold open access journal publishing research articles and reviews after full peer review. All articles are published, without barriers to access, immediately upon acceptance. The journal places a strong emphasis on functional and mechanistic understanding of how molecular components in a biological process work together through the application of computational methods. Structural data may provide such insights, but they are not a pre-requisite for publication in the journal. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids and other macromolecules Structure and function of mult...

23) Journal of Big Data

Publisher Springer

The Journal of Big Data publishes high-quality, scholarly research papers, methodologies and case studies covering a broad range of topics, from big data analytics to data-intensive computing and all applications of big data research. The journal examines the challenges facing big data today and going forward including, but not limited to: data capture and storage; search, sharing, and analytics; big data technologies; data visualization; architectures for massively parallel processing; data mining tools and techniques; machine learning algorithms for big data; cloud computing platforms; distributed file systems and databases; and scalable storage systems. Academic researchers and practitioners will find the Journal of Big Data to be a...

24) SoftwareX

Publisher Elsevier Publication

SoftwareX aims to acknowledge the impact of software on today's research practice, and on new scientific discoveries in almost all research domains. SoftwareX also aims to stress the importance of the software developers who are, in part, responsible for this impact. To this end, SoftwareX aims to support publication of research software in such a way that: The software is given a stamp of scientific relevance, and provided with a peer-reviewed recognition of scientific impact; The software developers are given the credits they deserve; The software is citable, allowing traditional metrics of scientific excellence to apply; The academic career paths of software developers ...

Note : This all computer science journals are not from eritrea

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