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United Kingdom Botany Journals ListUnited Kingdom Botany Journals List

Botany Journals List of United Kingdom

1) Botany letters

Publisher Taylor and Francis

Botany Letters is an international scientific journal, published by the French Botanical Society (Société botanique de France) in partnership with Taylor & Francis. Botany Letters replaces Acta Botanica Gallica, which was created in 1993, building on over a century of renowned publications by the Société botanique de France. Botany Letters welcomes all manuscripts dealing with plants and plant science in a broad sense, especially interdisciplinary studies. The scope covers Embryophyta, algae and fungi or any taxa described in their interactions with photosynthetic organisms. All organisation levels are considered. Botany Letters aims at allowing fast dissemination of quality research, for a lar...

2) Annals of Botany

Publisher Oxford University Press

Annals of Botany is an international plant science journal publishing novel and rigorous research in all areas of plant science. It is published monthly in both electronic and printed forms with at least two extra issues each year that focus on a particular theme in plant biology. The Journal is managed by the Annals of Botany Company, a not-for-profit educational charity established to promote plant science worldwide. The Journal publishes original research papers, invited and submitted review articles, ‘Research in Context’ expanding on original work, 'Botanical Briefings' as short overviews of important topics, and ‘Viewpoints’ giving opinions. All papers in each issue are summariz...

3) Plant Biotechnology Journal

Publisher Wiley

Plant Biotechnology Journal, an Open Access journal, publishes high-impact original research and incisive reviews with an emphasis on molecular plant sciences and their applications through plant biotechnology. Reasons to publish with Plant Biotechnology Journal High Impact Factor: 6.84 (in top 5 original research journals in plant sciences and number 1 Open Access journal in plant sciences). CiteScore: 6.88 (ranked number 1 among all Open Access journals in the plant sciences. Ranked number 1 among 320 agronomy and crop science journals)  High standard, rigorous peer review. Broad dissemination with articles attracting high Altmetric scores. ...

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