wos journals list

United States Chemistry Journals ListUnited States Chemistry Journals List

Chemistry Journals List of United States

1) Chemical Reviews

Publisher American Chemical Society

Chemical Reviews is one of the most highly regarded and highest-ranked journals covering the general topic of chemistry. The mission of Chemical Reviews is to provide comprehensive, authoritative, critical, and readable reviews of important recent research in organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, theoretical, and biological chemistry. In addition to the general reviews, the journal has published since 1985 periodic thematic issues focusing on a single theme or direction of emerging research. Chemical Reviews is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published twice per month by the American Chemical Society. It publishes review articles on all aspects of chemistry. It was established in 1924 by William Albert...

2) ACS Omega

Publisher American Chemical Society

Journal Scope ACS Omega is an open-access global publication for scientific articles that describe new findings in chemistry and interfacing areas of science, without any perceived evaluation of immediate impact. Vision Statement ACS Omega is a global open-access journal for the publication of scientific articles that describe new findings in chemistry and interfacing areas of science, without any perceived evaluation of immediate impact. Articles in ACS Omega should advance the frontiers of science through original ideas, even if the full significance is not known. ACS Omega disseminates this knowledge globally and quickly by immediately making all accepted articles open access...

3) Journal of Organic Chemistry

Publisher ACS Publication

The Journal of Organic Chemistry welcomes original contributions of fundamental research in all branches of the theory and practice of organic chemistry. In selecting manuscripts for publication, the editors place emphasis on the quality and novelty of the work, as well as the breadth of interest to the organic chemistry community. Manuscripts with a focus on the following topics along with guidance are included below. The scope of organic chemistry is broader than these several areas of research and the Editorial Board is consistently welcoming and evaluating manuscripts addressing topics in addition to these. Guidelines for specific focus areas are as follows: Single or multistep synthetic...

4) Journal of Chemical Education

Publisher ACS Publication

Journal of Chemical Education Scope The Journal of Chemical Education (JCM) is the official journal of the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society, co-published with the American Chemical Society Publications Division. Launched in 1924, the Journal of Chemical Education is the world’s premier chemical education journal. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed articles and related information as a resource to those in the field of chemical education and to those institutions that serve them. JCE typically addresses chemical content, activities, laboratory experiments, instructional methods, and pedagogies. The Journal serves as a means of communication among people ac...

5) Analytical Chemistry Letters

Publisher Taylor and Francis

Analytical Chemistry Letters is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, international journal publishing original research articles, short communications, and review articles across all areas of analytical chemistry including: Modern Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (with multidisciplinary approaches) Mass Spectrometry, Separations and Spectroscopy Electrochemistry and Instrumentation Genomics and Proteomics Medicinal Chemistry Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmacology and Pharmacy Biological and Clinical Sciences Natural Product Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Food and Forensic Sciences Environmental Chemistry and Analysis...

6) Journal of Chemistry

Publisher Hindawi

Journal of Chemistry is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles on all aspects of fundamental and applied chemistry. Journal of Chemistry is archived in Portico, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals, as well as via the LOCKSS initiative. It operates a fully open access publishing model which allows open global access to its published content. This model is supported through Article Processing Charges.  Journal of Chemistry is included in many leading abstracting and indexing databases. For a complete list, click here. The most recent Impact Factor for Journal of Chemistry is 1.727 according to the 2018 Jo...

7) Antioxidants and Redox Signaling

Publisher Mary Ann Liebert Inc

Antioxidants & Redox Signaling (ARS) is the leading peer-reviewed journal dedicated to understanding the vital impact of oxygen and oxidation-reduction (redox) processes on human health and disease. The Journal explores key issues in genetic, pharmaceutical, and nutritional redox-based therapeutics. Cutting-edge research focuses on structural biology, stem cells, regenerative medicine, epigenetics, imaging, clinical outcomes, and preventive and therapeutic nutrition, among other areas. ARS has expanded to create two unique foci within one journal: ARS Discoveries and ARS Therapeutics. ...

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