wos journals list

United States Dental Journals ListUnited States Dental Journals List

Dental Journals List of United States

1) Journal of dentistry and oral biology

Publisher Redfame Publishing

Journal of Dentistry and Oral biology (ISSN 2475-5680) is an international, open access, peer reviewed journal committed to publish novel and high quality papers on all aspects of dental and oral biology. This is a multidisciplinary journal which aims to provide the updates in scientific knowledge from the fields of dentistry and oral biologyand also their advances in research, clinical aspects and preventive studies. The journal wants to set a platform where open exchange of information and knowledge integrating academic and clinical perspectives among the researchers, dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental technicians, and dental therapists, practitioners, academicians and other health care professional...

2) Annals of Dental Science and Oral Biology

Publisher Somato Publications

Annals of Dental Science and Oral Biology is an scholarly, peer reviewed journal that aims to publish most comprehensive and reliable information in all the disciplines of clinical and translational research in dental science and oral biology. It creates a gateway to authors to make their contribution towards this journal. This journal covers wide range of topics related to Dental Science, periodontology, orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, Forensic odontology, Oral Biology, oral medicine, Dental implants, etc. This Journal uses double blinded peer review process and publish high quality articles under different categories including original research articles, review articles, case reports, short communica...

3) Clinical Oral Implants Research

Publisher Wiley

Clinical Oral Implants Research conveys scientific progress in the field of implant dentistry and its related areas to clinicians, teachers and researchers concerned with the application of this information for the benefit of patients in need of oral implants. The journal addresses itself to clinicians, general practitioners, periodontists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons and prosthodontists, as well as to teachers, academicians and scholars involved in the education of professionals and in the scientific promotion of the field of implant dentistry. Keywords Clinical oral implants research, Implantology, Implant dentistry, Oral implants, Os...

4) Journal of Oral Microbiology

Publisher Taylor and Francis

As the first Open Access journal in its field, the Journal of Oral Microbiology aims to be an influential source of knowledge on the aetiological agents behind oral infectious diseases. The journal is an international forum for original research on all aspects of 'oral health'. Articles which seek to understand 'oral health' through exploration of the pathogenesis, virulence, host-parasite interactions, and immunology of oral infections are of particular interest. However, the journal also welcomes work that addresses the global agenda of oral infectious diseases and articles that present new strategies for treatment and prevention or improvements to existing strategies.   Topics: ...

5) Oral health and dental management

Publisher Omics publishing group

The aim of Oral health and dental management journal is to disseminate knowledge and promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality, scientific papers and other material on all topics relating to Oral Health and Dental Management. Oral Health and Dental Management is a peer-reviewed Medical and Dental Health journal that includes a wide range of topics in this field and creates a platform for young and quality researchers to showcase their findings next to the global audience. Scholars belonging to Dentistry and Oral Health discipline are encouraged to publish innovative ideas in oral health open access journals. The focus of this journal broadly covers pediatric dentistry, community ...

6) Journal of Clinical Periodontology

Publisher Wiley

Journal of Clinical Periodontology was founded by the British, Dutch, French, German, Scandinavian, and Swiss Societies of Periodontology. The aim of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology is to provide the platform for exchange of scientific and clinical progress in the field of Periodontology and allied disciplines, and to do so at the highest possible level. The Journal also aims to facilitate the application of new scientific knowledge to the daily practice of the concerned disciplines and addresses both practicing clinicians and academics. The Journal is the official publication of the European Federation of Periodontology but wishes to retain its international scope. The Journal publ...

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