1) eLife
eLife Sciences Publications Ltd
eLife welcomes the submission of Research Articles, Short Reports, Tools and Resources articles, Research Advances, Scientific Correspondence and Review Articles in the subject areas below. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology; Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chromosomes and Gene Expression; Computational and Systems Biology; Developmental Biology; Ecology; Epidemiology and Global Health; Evolutionary Biology; Genetics and Genomics; Human Biology and Medicine; Immunology and Inflammation; Microbiology and Infectious Disease; Neuroscience; Physics of Living Systems; Plant Biology; Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine; Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
eLife is a selective, not...
2) Journal of neuroscience
Self publishing
Journal of neuroscience - JNeurosci is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes papers on a broad range of topics of general interest to those working on the nervous system.
JNeurosci and eNeuro are SfN journals with complementary scopes. Papers that describe a novel method that has not yet been used to make neurobiological insights, new observations that do not yet have mechanistic underpinnings, non-replications and replications of published studies, and brief reports are all within the scope of eNeuro. Thus good manuscripts of this type are likely to be suggested for transfer without review, if they are submitted to JNeurosci.
The Journal of Neuroscience was first published on January 1, 1981, un...