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List of Pharmacognosy JournalsList of Pharmacognosy Journals

1) Pharmacognosy Reviews

Publisher Medknow publication

Pharmacognosy Reviews Print ISSN: 0973-7847, Online ISSN: 0976-278, a publication of Phcog.Net, Bangalore, india and published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, india. It is published Semiannual, serves the need of different scientists and others involved in medicinal plant research and development. Each issue covers different reviews on related topics of natural product drug discovery, Biotechnology, Marine Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants. Review articles that are of broad readership interest to users in industry, academia, and government. Phcog Rev. is an important and most cited review journal for medicinal Plant researchers —and it's an Open Acc...

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