wos journals list

Korea Dental Journals ListKorea Dental Journals List

Dental Journals List of Korea

1) Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics

Publisher Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry

The Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics - RDE (ISSN - 2234-7658) is a peer-reviewed and openaccess journal providing up-to-date information regarding the research and developments on new knowledge and innovations pertinent to the field of contemporary clinical operative dentistry, restorative dentistry, and endodontics. In the field of operative and restorative dentistry, the journal deals with diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment concepts and techniques, adhesive dentistry, esthetic dentistry, tooth whitening, dental materials and implant restoration. In the field of endodontics, the journal deals with a variety of topics such as etiology of periapical lesions, outcome of endodontic treatment, surgical endodontics including...

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