scopus journals list

Slovenia Pharmacy Journals ListSlovenia Pharmacy Journals List

Pharmacy Journals List of Slovenia

1) Journal of Oncology Practice

Publisher American Society of Clinical Oncology

Mission JCO Oncology Practice (JCO OP) provides necessary information and insights to keep oncology practice current on changes and challenges inherent in delivering quality oncology care. All content dealing with understanding the provision of care—the mechanics of practice—is the purview of JCO OP. JCO OP also addresses an expressed need of practicing physicians to have compressed, an expert opinion addressing common clinical problems. Scope JCO OP content focuses on care delivery from various perspectives, including: quality and value of care; improvement science; health services research; business and socio...

2) Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences

Publisher Omics publishing group

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (0250-474X), is the official scientific publication of the Indian Pharmaceutical Association. It started in 1939 as the Indian Journal of Pharmacy. the journal is published Bimonthly. Abstracting and Indexing Information The journal is included in the following Abstracting / Indexing services: Biosis Preview, Chemical Abstract Service (CAS), CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI), Cite Factor, EBSCO A-Z, Ex-Libris, Hamdard University, Journal TOCs, JournalSeek, Jour...

3) Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy

Publisher Self publishing

Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy (Sys Rev Pharm.), (SRP) (Print ISSN: 0975-8453, E-ISSN: 0976-2779) a half-yearly publication, serves the need of different scientists and others involved in Pharmaceutical research and development. Each issue covers review articles on Drug discovery topics, and also publishes full-length reviews related to different subjects in pharmacy and that are of broad readership interest to users in industry, academia, and government. The first issue was published online in December 2009. All contributions to Sys. Rev Pharm are reviewed by the peer review process and copyediting process with the understanding that they have not been published previously and are not under consideration for...

4) Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal

Publisher Oriental Scientific Publishing Company

Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal (BPJ) is an International Peer-Reviewed Research Journal in the English language whose frequency is quarterly. The journal seeks to promote research, exchange of scientific information, consideration of regulatory mechanisms that affect drug development and utilization, and medical education. BPJ take much care in making your article published without much delay with your kind cooperation and support. Research papers, review articles, short communications, news are welcomed provided they demonstrate new findings of relevance to the field as a whole. All articles will be peer-reviewed and will find a place in the Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal based on the merit and innovativeness of th...

5) Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biological Sciences

Publisher IP Innovative Publication

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences - the mission of Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences (An international peer-reviewed biannually journal) is to provide its readers with up-to-date information relevant to pharmaceutical and biological sciences. The journal policy is to publish work deemed by peer reviewers to be a coherent and sound addition to scientific knowledge and to put less emphasis on interest levels, provided that the research constitutes a useful contribution to the field. Article Type: The journal publishes original research papers, review articles,  case studies/report/series and short communications in all aspects of pharmaceutical an...

6) Journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences

Publisher Self publishing

Journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences is a publisher of scientific domain on medical and pharmaceutical research globally since 2012. Journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences publishes online databases and services across the life science, chemical and applied sciences and clinical medicine. Focusing on the needs of scientists, researchers, Journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences is the leading international scientific journal and it is dedicated to serving the scientific and medical communities and the wider scientifically interested general public. Journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences is committed to making genuine contributions to the science and health communities by ...

7) International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine

Publisher Negah Institute for Scientific Communication

International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine (IJMTFM) is aimed to promote scientific communication among medical investigators worldwide.  IJMTFM, which benefits from an international editorial board, is published Quarterly by Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology  in collaboration with Toxicological Research Center (TRC), Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Contents include peer-reviewed research papers covering different aspects of clinical toxicology and forensic medicine. This Journal accepts Original Papers, Review Articles, Systematic Review Articles, Case Reports, Short Communications, Continous Medical Education and Letters to the Editor.

8) American journal of forensic medicine and pathology

Publisher Wolters Kluwer

The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (formerly Raven Press) covering research on forensic medicine and forensic pathology. The current editor-in-chief is D. Kimberley Molina....

9) IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences

Publisher IP Innovative Publication

IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences provide a forum for the rapid publication of topical articles on medicine and all basic & clinical aspects of forensic medicine, forensic pathology, forensic science, toxicological sciences (Forensic Toxicology, Analytical Toxicology, Emergency Toxicology, and Critical Care Toxicology), DNA fingerprinting, sexual jurisprudence and environmental medicine. The Journal carries definitive reviews, original communications, hypotheses, learning points of important issues, offering critical analysis and scientific appraisal. IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences (IJFMTS) explore all aspects of modern-day forensics, applyin...

10) Journal of Forensic Medicine

Publisher Omics publishing group

Journal of Forensic Medicine is a multidisciplinary subject and it is defined as the application of medical knowledge to the investigation of crime, particularly in establishing the causes of injury or death. It is used to for the scientific assessment of DNA, blood samples, and so on. Forensic plays an important role in criminal investigations and it is equally used in archeology, Anthropology, Astronomy, Biology, Geology and Victimology. Journal of Forensic Medicine is a peer reviewed journal, serving the International Scientific Community. This forensic medicine journal with impact factor offers an Open Access platform to the authors to publish their research outcome. Journal of Forensic Medicine is a scholarly O...

11) Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine

Publisher Elsevier Publication

The Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine publishes topical articles on aspects of forensic and legal medicine. Specifically the Journal supports research that explores the medical principles of care and forensic assessment of individuals, whether adult or child, in contact with the judicial system. It is a fully peer-review hybrid journal with a broad international perspective. The Journal accepts submissions of original research, review articles, and pertinent case studies, editorials, and commentaries in relevant areas of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Context of Practice, and Education and Training. The Journal adheres to strict publication ethical guidelines, and actively supports a culture of inclusive and repr...

12) The Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research

Publisher Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd

The Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research (AJPCR) welcomes high-quality science that seeks to elucidate the Pharmaceutical and clinical research. The mission of the AJPCR is to bring significant, enduring research to the scientific community in the field of Pharmaceutical sciences and clinical research. AJPCR believe in its responsibility to safeguard the research and publish by providing high-quality review process and maintaining firm standards on data presentation and deposition. AJPCR goal is to help scientists to disclose their findings in the most efficient and effective way possible by keeping review times short, The heart of AJPCR mission is the publication of original research in the form of Articles, which rep...

13) International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Publisher Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Int J Pharm Pharm Sci) is peer-reviewed, monthly (Onward April 2014) open access Journal. IJPPS publishes original research work that contributes significantly to advance the scientific knowledge in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences including Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutics, Novel Drug Delivery, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics Pharmacognosy and Natural Product Research Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry and Molecular Drug Design, Pharmaceutical Analysis Pharmacology, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy Cell Biology, Genomics and Proteomics, Pharmacogenomics, B...

14) Journal of Young Pharmacists

Publisher Medknow publication

Journal of Young Pharmacists - An official journal of InPharm Association and supported by Phcog.Net.. J Young Pharm is a peer-reviewed open-access Quarterly journal featuring research articles of exceptional significance in all areas of Pharmaceutical Sciences. J Young Pharm provides comprehensive coverage of issues affecting Pharmaceutical education and Career.   Abstracting and Indexing information - The journal is indexed with Caspur, Chemical Abstracts, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), ESCI, EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Expanded Academic ASAP, Genamics JournalSeek, Global Health, Google Scholar, Health & Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center A...

15) Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis

Publisher Elsevier Publication

Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis is an international medium directed towards the needs of academic, clinical, government and industrial analysis by publishing original research reports and critical reviews on pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. It covers the interdisciplinary aspects of analysis in the pharmaceutical, biomedical and clinical sciences, including developments in analytical methodology, instrumentation, computation and interpretation. Submissions on novel applications focussing on drug purity and stability studies, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic monitoring, metabolic profiling; drug-related aspects of analytical biochemistry and forensic toxicology; quality assurance in the pharmaceutical industry are also welcome....

16) Archives of pharmacy practice

Publisher Wolters Kluwer

Archives of Pharmacy Practice (APP) is an Peer reviewed online open access journal. Archives of Pharmacy Practice (APP) will provide a forum for the researchers for dissemination and exchange of scientific knowledge in the health sciences. APP will publish two issues in a year. However, frequent supplements can be published keeping in view the number of accepted articles. Wolters Kluwer and Journal/Association are committed to meeting and upholding standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process. We follow closely the industry associations, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and World Association of Medical Editors (WA...

17) National journal of physiology pharmacy and pharmacology

Publisher Self publishing

National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology is a monthly peer reviewed journal.  The journal is having open access policy. NJPPP is an "open access" journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. National journal of physiology, pharmacy and pharmacology journal will welcome the original articles, review articles , short communications, letters, education forum, guest editorials, books reviews from the field of clinical p...

18) International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences

Publisher Self publishing

The international journal of Pharma and Biosciences (IJPBS) is an online peer reviewed journal in English published quarterly. The journal aims to publish novel research and review articles in the field of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences to reinforce the advancement of these areas which is not limited to: drug discovery, development, preformulation studies, drug delivery and targeting. The research also involved for applying scientific knowledge to enhance healthiness of human progress including biotechnology products like genes, proteins vaccines which comprises all fundamental aspects of basic biological sciences. The concept of research in this field grasps recognition at recent time and inquires attention towards the researc...

19) International journal of clinical pharmacy

Publisher Springer

The aim of International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy is to provide a medium for the publication of articles on clinical pharmacy and related practice-oriented subjects in the pharmaceutical sciences. The scope of the journal is clinical pharmacy, its research and its application in e.g. pharmaceutical care. The editors therefore welcome contributions on the above-mentioned topics and especially on the following: Pharmacotherapy and outcome research Clinical pharmacy Pharmacoepidemiology Pharmacoeconomics Pharmaceutical care Medicines and medical devices utilisation Medicines and medical devices information Pharmacy services research

20) Acta medica marisiensis

Publisher University of Medicine Pharmacy Science and Technology of Targu MureΓˆβ„’

Acta Medica Marisiensis is the official publication of the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu MureΓ…ΕΈ, being published by University Press. The journal publishes high-quality articles on various subjects related to research and medical practice from the all the medical and pharmaceutical fields, ranging from basic to clinical research and corresponding to different article types such as: reviews, original articles, case reports, case series, letter to editor or brief reports. The journal also publishes short information or editorial notes in relation to different aspects of the medical and academic life. The journal addresses the entire academic community of specialists and res...

21) Pharmaceutical patent analyst

Publisher Future Science Ltd

Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst is dedicated to making the essential content of key patents available in a concise and enriched format to researchers and other specialists, while also providing timely commentary on important issues related to patent and IP law. As one of the main drivers of innovation, in both academia and industry, patents are a rich source of technical information about the latest advances in the discovery and design of novel therapeutics and healthcare products. The journal’s core content therefore comprises high-impact patent reviews that provide an objective and concise appraisal of selected patents in a chosen area, set within the context of the wider relevant R&D landscape. Articles e...

22) Journal of research in pharmacy practice

Publisher Medknow publication

Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice (JRPP) is an international (open access) peer-reviewed quarterly research journal published by Wolters Kluwer Health | Medknow. The Journal considers for publication original research papers, systematic qualitative and quantitative reviews, rare case reports, research letters, news notes and invited editorials covering issues of modern clinical pharmacy research and practice. Abstracting and Indexing Information Baidu Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Ex Libris – Primo Central, Google Scholar, Hinari, Infotrieve, ...

23) World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Publisher Self publishing

World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences - WJPPS is a worldwide multidisciplinary, monthly published, open access, peer-reviewed, online pharmacy journal. The aim of WJPPS is to serve as a means for updating the scientific knowledge of the international audience in the pharmaceutical forum. The Journal welcomes the original research articles, review, short communications and case studies relevant to the various fields of Pharmaceutical Sciences such as; Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Nanotechnology, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Industrial Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance, Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Pharmacology and ...

24) Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice

Publisher BioMed Central

Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (formerly known as Southern Med Review) provides a platform for researchers to disseminate empirical research findings, with the aim that people everywhere have access to the medicines they need and use them rationally. The Journal encompasses all aspects of pharmacy including clinical, social, administrative or economic, and provides a platform to researchers, academics and practitioners from around the world to share new evidence, concerns and perspectives. All articles published by Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration b...

25) Journal of pharmacy and pharmacognosy research

Publisher Asociacion Academica de Ciencias Farmaceuticas de Antofagasta

Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research (JPPRes) (ISSN 0719-4250), an international, bimonthly specialized and peer-reviewed open access journal devoted to the publication of original contributions in relevant areas, which publishes original research articles, reviews, letters and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy in English or Spanish. Papers of JPPRes are opening accessible at the journal’s homepage, The Audience of JPPRes could be: Biochemists, Biotechnologists, Botanists, Chemical Engineers, Clinical Pharmacologists, Medical Scientists, Medicinal Chemists, Natural Product Chemists, Pharmaceutical Scientists, Pharmacologists, Pathologists, Plant Scie...

26) SOJ pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Publisher Symbiosis Online Publishing

SOJ Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences (SOJPPS) is an Open Access Publication that aims to publish Scholarly Articles pertaining to research of drugs (active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)) and drug products. SOJPPS is a Peer-Reviewed Journal that encompasses drug discovery, drug design, preformulation, formulation of dosage forms, animal toxicity studies, bioavailability & bioequivalence studies, clinical trials for testing safety & efficacy of drug products, drug products specifications, quality control & quality assurance, quality by design, regulatory approval and quality risk management etc. in the field of pharmaceuticals. The manuscripts submitted to SOJPPS that involve any extent ...

27) Journal of managed care and specialty pharmacy

Publisher Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy

Journal of managed care and specialty pharmacy - JMCP publishes peer-reviewed original research manuscripts, subject reviews, and other content intended to advance the use of the scientific method, including the interpretation of research findings in managed care pharmacy. JMCP is dedicated to improving the quality of care delivered to patients served by managed care pharmacy by providing its readers with the results of scientific investigation and evaluation of clinical, health, service, and economic outcomes of pharmacy services and pharmaceutical interventions, including formulary management. JMCP strives to engage and serve professionals in pharmacy, medicine, nursing, and related fields to optimize the value of pharmaceutical prod...

28) Pharmacy and pharmacology international journal

Publisher MedCrave Group

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal (PPIJ) is an internationally acclaimed open access peer reviewed journal covering all aspects of pharmacy and pharmacology with focus on the mechanism of action of chemicals in biological systems. New research on how drug action may be optimized by new technologies and attention is given to understanding and improving drug interactions in the body. At the same time, the journal maintains its established and well-respected core strengths in areas such as pharmaceutics and drug delivery, experimental and clinical pharmacology, biopharmaceutics and drug disposition, and drugs from natural sources. PPIJ is delighted to accept research papers, review articles, short communic...

29) Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Publisher Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (JPPS) is the official journal of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences. JPPS is a broad-spectrum, peer-reviewed, international pharmaceutical journal circulated electronically via the World Wide Web. Subscription to JPPS is free of charge. Articles will appear individually as soon as they are accepted and are ready for circulation. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Common license (Attribution-ShareAlike), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited....

30) Journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutics

Publisher Ommega Online Publishers

Journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutics - Pharmaceutical Sciences are one of the fastest growing fields of knowledge known for everlasting innovation. This field finds therapeutic solutions to innumerable healthcare challenges that the humanity encounters from time to time. Effective handling of public health issues largely depend on the way the pharmaceutical sciences reacts with fitting solutions, that include diagnosis, surgical, medicinal and rehabilitation practices. The Pharmaceutical Journals of Research and Review International deal with Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy, Pharma Research & Review, Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Pharmaceutics and Nanotechnology, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry and Toxicology.  ...

31) Asian journal of pharmacy and pharmacology

Publisher Self publishing

Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (AJPP) is a bimonthly peer reviewed Journal publishing authentic quality research work and reviews that provides scientific knowledge to the all communities. AJPP (ISSN: 2455-2674) is an official publication of N.S. Memorial Scientific Research and Education Society. Society is registered under M. P. Society Registrikaran Adhiniyam, 1973 (No.44 of 1973).  AJPP serves as a messenger for exchange of scientific information between human being and researchers. It provides a podium to the researchers and scientists in all over the world, for the spreading of knowledge in the field of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Articles having newer findings and research concepts will...

32) Sustainable chemistry and pharmacy

Publisher Elsevier Publication

Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy publishes research that is related to sustainable chemistry or sustainable pharmacy. Papers contributing to a better understanding of concepts related to sustainable chemistry or sustainable pharmacy including circular economy are also highly welcome. Contributions from other disciplines e.g. humanities, social science, political science, jurisprudence, economics, ethics, and others are welcome if they address issues related to sustainable chemistry or sustainable pharmacy. As such the journal will publish in the following areas: Chemistry Chemical technology Materials Pharmaceutical ...

33) Pharmaceutical technology in hospital pharmacy

Publisher De Gruyter

Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy (PTHP) is an international journal dedicated to all aspects of pharmaceutical technology in hospitals. This includes pharmaceutical compounding procedure with sterile or non-sterile drug products (chemotherapies, CIVAS, capsules, gels, topical formulations, colloidal carriers, emulsions, eye drops and else), radiopharmaceuticals, sterilization techniques, analytical and biological procedures (stability studies, quality control), monitoring and validation of materials, techniques and environment. It also includes the determination of medical-device performances using technical experiments or modelization. The journal will particularly welcome new pharmaceutical formulations...

34) Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy

Publisher Wiley

Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy - JACCP is an official journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Aims and Scope JACCP is devoted to publication of papers across the spectrum of clinical pharmacy practice, including: • Clinical pharmacy services delivery models • Clinical pharmacy education and training • Credentialing and privileging of clinical pharmacists • Economic outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice • Health care policy influencing clinical pharmacy • Innovations in clinical pharmacist practice • International clinical pharmacy practice • Medication op...

35) The american journal of medicine

Publisher Elsevier Publication

The American Journal of Medicine - "The Green Journal" - publishes original clinical research of interest to physicians in internal medicine, both in academia and community-based practice. AJM is the official journal of the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, a prestigious group comprising internal medicine department chairs at more than 125 medical schools across the U.S. Each issue carries useful reviews as well as seminal articles of immediate interest to the practicing physician, including peer-reviewed, original scientific studies that have direct clinical significance and position papers on health care issues, medical education, and public policy.   Abstracting and Indexing...

36) International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research

Publisher Human Journals

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN -  2349-7203) is an open access, peer reviewed international monthly journal dedicated to the latest advancement in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research. The Journal and Editorial Board endeavor to attract and publish articles from a variety of disciplines and educational settings to promote excellence in pharmaceutical research. The Journal is excited to revive the pharmacy professionals by providing services whose sole purpose is to unify and empower the pharmacy community. Healthcare researchers are invited to submit special themed issues on scientific subjects of current interest. Submission of expert reviews and research articles...

37) Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal

Publisher Springer

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal is a monthly publication devoted to scientific and technical research on the creation of new drugs and the improvement of manufacturing technology of drugs and intermediates. International contributors cover the entire spectrum of new drug research, including: methods of synthesis; results of pharmacological, toxicological, and biochemical studies; investigation of structure - activity relationships in prediction of new compounds; methods and technical facilities used; and problems associated with the development of ecologically safe and economically feasible methods of industrial production. In addition, analytical reviews of the international literature in ...

38) Pharmacognosy Reviews

Publisher Medknow publication

Pharmacognosy Reviews Print ISSN: 0973-7847, Online ISSN: 0976-278, a publication of Phcog.Net, Bangalore, india and published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, india. It is published Semiannual, serves the need of different scientists and others involved in medicinal plant research and development. Each issue covers different reviews on related topics of natural product drug discovery, Biotechnology, Marine Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants. Review articles that are of broad readership interest to users in industry, academia, and government. Phcog Rev. is an important and most cited review journal for medicinal Plant researchers —and it's an Open Access Publication...

39) Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics

Publisher Medknow publication

The Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics (JPP), a publication of Phcog.Net, is published by Medknow Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd. It is a peer reviewed journal aiming to communicate high quality research articles, reviews and general articles in the field of pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. JPP is an open access, peer-reviewed and online & print journal that will encompass all aspects of basic research/clinical studies related to the field of pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. With the advancement of new technologies and the increasing expectation and demand from researchers, we are witnessing an enormous growth in pharmacology research. JPP provides a platform for exchange of new scientific information i...

40) Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology

Publisher Self publishing

Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology (Bangladesh J Pharmacol) is an open access, video component, peer-reviewed (single-blinded) journal of the Bangladesh Pharmacological Society (BDPS). We publish Research article, Mini-review, Meta-analysis, Clinical Trial, Visual Experiment and Letter to the Editor. Manuscripts are published on the rolling basis. The journal publishes four online issues (January, April, July and October) per year. The journal started its publication in 2006 in both print and online issues twice in a year. Subsequently, in 2012, the print version stopped and we started to publish four issues per year. The Video Clip of Methodology is available from 2015. The journal follows the Inte...

41) Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine

Publisher Medknow publication

The Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine (ISSN 0253-7176) was started in 1978 as the official publication of the Indian Psychiatric Society South Zonal Branch and Dr Abraham Verghese,then Professor of Psychiatry at Christian Medical college, Vellore, was the first editor. The journal allows free access (Open Access) and published Bimonthly. The Journal includes but is not limited to scientific articles, original research, case reports, opinions and letters, latest product information, brief technical communication, book and article reviews & abstracts. The Editor and publisher accept no legal responsibility for any opinions, omissions or errors by the authors, nor do they approve of any p...

42) Indian Journal of Pharmacology

Publisher Medknow publication

The Indian Journal of Pharmacology (ISSN 0253-7613) is an official organ of the Indian Pharmacological Society. The first issue of the journal came out in 1969 and it was published Bimonthly. The first issue of the journal came out in 1969 and in 1997 it was published Bimonthly.  IJP publishes original research articles, reviews, research letters and correspondences.    Abstracting and Indexing Information The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners: Baidu Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Ex Libris – Primo Central, Google Scholar, Hinari, Infotrieve, Natio...

43) Annals of African Medicine

Publisher Medknow publication

The Annals of African Medicine is published by the Annals of African Medicine Society. The journal is intended to serve as a medium for the publication of research findings in the broad field of Medicine in Africa, and other developing countries, and elsewhere, which have relevance to Africa. It will serve as a source of information on the state of the art of Medicine in Africa, for continuing education for doctors in Africa and other developing countries, and also for the publication of meetings and conferences. The journal will publish articles in any field of Medicine and other fields which have relevance or implications for Medicine. The journal will be published Quarterly.  Permission is granted for the ...

44) International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Chemistry And Analysis

Publisher IP Innovative Publication

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Analysis is the official Journal of IP Innovative Publication Pvt. Ltd. and is being published since 2014. IJPCA is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed quarterly journal which is devoted to publishing research and reviews articles related disciplines of analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry. It describes the field of pharmaceutics is a science of preparing and dispensing drugs. It describes the process involved in turning a new chemical entity into the pharmaceutical. It also describes the sequence such as identification and quantification. Aims & Scope: Int J Pharm Chem Anal aims to publish ...

45) Indian Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmacology

Publisher IP Innovative Publication

Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology(IJPP) is an open-access, peer reviewed, online and print Journal published quarterly by IP Innovative Publication Private Limited.  The first issue of the journal was published in 2014. The journal publishes articles based on all aspects of basic research/clinical studies related to the field of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Scientists and researchers can get information about the latest and up to date research carried out in these fields. Aim & Scope: Aim of this journal is to serve as a platform for the dissemination of innovative research in all areas of pharmacy and pharmacology.  The target audie...

Note : This all pharmacy journals are not from slovenia

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