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European journal of plant pathology

European journal of plant pathology abbreviation - Eur J Plant Pathol

Journal Name European journal of plant pathology
Abbreviation Eur J Plant Pathol
Journal Start Year 1895
Print ISSN 0929-1873
Online ISSN 1573-8469
Subject Medical
Sub Subject Pathology
Country Netherlands (NL)
Publisher Springer
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About Journal :

The European Journal of Plant Pathology is an international journal publishing original articles in English dealing with fundamental and applied aspects of plant pathology; considering disease in agricultural and horticultural crops, forestry, and in natural plant populations.

The types of articles published are : Original Research at the molecular, physiological, whole-plant and population levels; Mini-reviews on topics which are timely and of global rather than national or regional significance; Short Communications for important research findings that can be presented in an abbreviated format; and Letters-to-the-Editor, where these raise issues related to articles previously published in the journal. Submissions relating to disease vector biology and integrated crop protection are welcome. However, routine screenings of plant protection products, varietal trials for disease resistance, and biological control agents are not published in the journal unless framed in the context of strategic approaches to disease management.

Peer review is conducted using Editorial Manager®, supported by a database of international experts. This database is shared with the Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection.

  • Journal owned by the KNPV (The Royal Netherlands Society of Plant Pathology)
  • Associated with the European Foundation for Plant Pathology but with a global remit
  • Editor-in-Chief: Professor Mike Jeger, Imperial College London, Silwood Park campus
  • An Editorial Board with representation from 16 European and non-European countries
  • Presents all aspects of plant pathology research from molecular aspects of host-pathogen interaction to epidemiology and disease management, with particular emphasis on experimental approaches; and also following prior discussion with the Editor-in-Chief, mini-reviews on topical issues
  • Offers "Special Issues" on coherent themes often arising from International Conferences
  • Covers all plant pathogenic organisms: viruses and virus like organisms (and their vectors); procaryotes; oomycetes, fungi, nematodes and parasitic plants
  • 94% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again


Abstracted and indexed in

  • BFI List
  • Biological Abstracts
  • CAB Abstracts
  • CNKI
  • Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
  • Current Contents/ Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences
  • Dimensions
  • EBSCO Agriculture Plus
  • EBSCO Biomedical Reference Collection
  • EBSCO Discovery Service
  • EBSCO Environment
  • EBSCO Sustainability Reference Center
  • EMBiology
  • Geobase
  • Google Scholar
  • Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  • Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
  • Meta
  • Naver
  • OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  • Pathway Studio
  • ProQuest Agricultural & Environmental Science Database
  • ProQuest Algology, Mycology and Protozoology Abstracts (Microbiology C)
  • ProQuest Bacteriology Abstracts (Microbiology B)
  • ProQuest Biological Science Database
  • ProQuest Central
  • ProQuest Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database
  • ProQuest Environmental Science
  • ProQuest Industrial and Applied Microbiology Abstracts (Microbiology A)
  • ProQuest Natural Science Collection
  • ProQuest Pharma Collection
  • ProQuest SciTech Premium Collection
  • ProQuest Virology and AIDS Abstracts
  • ProQuest-ExLibris Primo
  • ProQuest-ExLibris Summon
  • SCImago
  • Science Citation Index
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch)
  • TD Net Discovery Service
  • UGC-CARE List (India)

European journal of plant pathology FAQs

Journal Short description?

European journal of plant pathology is a Medical and Pathology Journal and published by Springer. See also a list of Medical and Pathology Journals.

What is the abbreviation of European journal of plant pathology?

An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase, by any method. It may consist of a group of letters or words taken from the full version of the word or phrase.

The ISO4 Abbreviation of European journal of plant pathology is Eur J Plant Pathol.

European journal of plant pathology Abbreviation

Who is the publisher of European journal of plant pathology?

Springer is the publisher of the European journal of plant pathology. Visit for all Springer journals, click here : Springer List of Journals.

What is the ISSN Details?

An International Standard Serial Number is an eight-digit serial number used to uniquely identify a serial publication, such as a magazine. The ISSN is especially helpful in distinguishing between serials with the same title

"European journal of plant pathology" Journal Print ISSN : 0929-1873, and Online ISSN (eISSN) : 1573-8469

European journal of plant pathology Print ISSN : 0929-1873
European journal of plant pathology eISSN : 1573-8469

Is European journal of plant pathology UGC Approved Journal (UGC Indexed)?

The University Grants Commission of India (UGC India) is the primary regulatory body created by the Indian Government in accordance with the UGC Act of 1956 under the Ministry of Human Resource Development.

It has been made responsible for the coordination of Indian Universities, determination of the standards for Indian universities and maintenance of standards of higher education in India.

Yes European journal of plant pathology is Indexed By UGC Care. UGC Approved Journals.

Is European journal of plant pathology Peer Reviewed?

Peer review means that a board of scholarly reviewers in the domain of the journal, review materials they publish for quality of research and adherence to editorial standards of the journal, before articles are accepted for publication.

It’s the ultimate litmus test for scientists and researchers to verify their findings.

When an article on an experiment and its hypothesis is submitted to a scholarly journal for publishing then it is meticulously tested.

If a journal makes an article goes through the process of ‘peer-review’ before being published then it is a peer-review journal.

Yes European journal of plant pathology is Peer-Reviewed Journal and Published by Springer.

European journal of plant pathology Indexing details?

The European journal of plant pathology Journal is Indexed with Scopus, UGC (University Grants Commission).

European journal of plant pathology is Web of Science Indexed Journal : European journal of plant pathology Web of Science Indexed Journal
European journal of plant pathology is UGC Approved Journal : European journal of plant pathology UGC Approved Journal

What is the Impact factor of European journal of plant pathology?

The Impact Factor is also known by the name of Journal Impact Factor of an Academic Journal.

It is based on the scientometric index that shows the annual average number of citations. Moreover, impact factor is having all the information which is published in the last two years in the given journal received.

The Impact Factor of European journal of plant pathology is 2.022 (2025) Impact factor .

European journal of plant pathology Impact Factor : 2.022 (2025)
Note : This information is taken from the Journal Citation Reports™ (Clarivate).

Visit for all Journals Impact factor List

See also for Medical and Pathology Journals

List of Medical Journals
Top 20 Medical Journals
Indian Medical Journals List
United States - US Medical Journals List
United Kingdom Medical Journals List
List of Pathology Journals
Top 20 Pathology Journals

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