wos journals list

Journals abbreviationsJournal Abbreviations List

# Journals title Journals title abbreviations
#Medical journals abbreviations list
1 Journal of Diabetes Research J Diabetes Res
2 The Lancet Lancet
3 Indian Journal of Medical Research Indian J Med Res
4 Indian Journal of Medical Sciences Indian J Med Sci
5 Indian Journal of Community Medicine Indian J Community Med
6 Journal of Food Science J Food Sci
7 Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences J Pediatr Neurosci
8 Journal of Public Health J Public Health
9 International Journal of Nanomedicine Int J Nanomed
10 Indian Journal of Psychiatry Indian J Psychiatry
11 Indian Journal of Microbiology Research Indian J Microbiol Res
12 Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics Surgery Indian J Orthop Surg
13 African Journal of Paediatric Surgery Afr J Paediatr Surg
14 Annals of Pediatric Cardiology Ann Pediatr Card
15 Dermatologica Sinica Dermatol Sin
16 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia Indian J Anaesth
17 Indian Journal of Nephrology Indian J Nephrol
18 Indian Journal of Ophthalmology Indian J Ophthalmol
19 Indian Journal of Orthopaedics Indian J Orthop
20 Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol
21 International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease Int J Nephrol Renovascular Dis
22 Indian Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Ophthalmology Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol
23 Indian Journal Of Clinical Anaesthesia Indian J Clin Anaesth
24 Indian Journal Of Pathology And Oncology Indian J Pathol Oncol
25 International journal of mycobacteriology Int J Mycobacteriol
26 IP International Journal of Medical Paediatrics and Oncology Int J Med Paediatr Oncol
27 Indian Journal of Pediatrics Indian J Pediatr
28 indian journal of public health Indian J Public Health
29 Anil Aggrawals Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Anil Aggrawals Internet J Forensic Med Toxicol
30 Academic Pediatrics Acad Pediatr
31 Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology Donald Sch J Ultrasound obstetrics gynecology
32 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Indian J Med Forensic Med Toxicol
33 Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology Immunology and Infectious Diseases Indian J Comp Microbiol Immunol Infect Dis
34 International Journal Of Research In Orthopaedics Int J Res Orthop
35 Orthopedic Research and Reviews Orthop Res Rev
36 IP International Journal of Orthopaedic Rheumatology Int J Orthop Rheumatol
37 Indian Pediatrics Indian Pediatr
38 International Journal of Pediatrics Int J Pediatr
39 Indian Journal of Pain Indian J Pain
40 Indian Journal of Public Health Research And Development Indian J Public Health Res Dev
41 Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology J Pure Appl Microbiol
42 International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research Int J Contemp Med Res
43 Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry Taiwan J Psychiatry
44 The International Journal of Indian Psychology Int J Indian Psychol
45 Indian Journal of Child Health Indian J Child Health
46 The lancet child and adolescent health Lancet Child Adolesc Health
47 The Journal of Pediatrics J Pediatr
48 Journal of Gynecologic Surgery J Gynecol Surg
49 Aesthetic Surgery Journal Aesthetic Surg J
50 Journal of Ophthalmology J Ophthalmol
51 Ophthalmology Retina Ophthalmol Retina
52 Turkish journal of ophthalmology Turk J Ophthalmol
53 Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology Indian J Pathol Microbiol
54 Journal of Clinical Gynecology and Obstetrics J Clin Gynaecol Obstet
55 Annals of Saudi Medicine Ann Saudi Med
56 Journal of bone and mineral research J Bone Miner Res
57 The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery J Bone Jt Surg
58 Indian Journal of Anatomy Indian J Anat
59 Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology Indian J Clin Anat Physiol
60 Annals of Anatomy Ann Anat
61 Journal of orthopedic education J Orthop Educ
62 Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine J Ayurveda Integr Med
63 AYU An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda AYU
64 American Journal of Pathology Am J Pathol
65 Analytical Cellular Pathology Anal Cell Pathol
66 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Int J Ayurveda Pharma Res
67 Ayushdhara Ayushdhara
68 International Journal of Pathology and Clinical Research Int J Pathol Clin Res
69 Case Reports in Orthopedics Case Rep Orthop
70 Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports J Orthop Case Rep
71 International Journal of Womens Health Int J Womens Health
72 Indonesian Journal of Social Obstetrics and Gynecology Indones J Soc Obstet Gynecol
73 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Am J Obstet Gynecol
74 Academic forensic pathology Acad Forensic Pathol
75 Acta Orthopaedica Acta Orthop
76 AIMS microbiology AIMS Microbiol
77 Anatolian Journal of Cardiology Anatol J Cardiol
78 Canadian journal of cardiology Can J Cardiol
79 Cardiology Research Cardiol Res
80 The american journal of surgical pathology Am j surg pathol
81 The Journal of pathology J Pathol
82 Development and Psychopathology Dev Psychopathol
83 Modern pathology Mod Pathol
84 Brain pathology Brain Pathol
85 American Journal of Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol
86 Journal of clinical pathology J Clin Pathol
87 Journal of public health research J Public Health Res
88 American Journal of Public Health Am J Public Health
89 BMC public health BMC Public Health
90 Public Health Reports Public Health Rep
91 European Journal of Public Health Eur J Public Health
92 Nature microbiology Nat Microbiol
93 JAMA Ophthalmology JAMA Ophthalmol
94 American Journal of Ophthalmology Am J Ophthalmol
95 British Journal of Ophthalmology Br J Ophthalmol
96 Survey of Ophthalmology Surv Ophthalmol
97 The American Journal of Psychiatry Am J Psychiatry
98 General psychiatry Gen Psychiatr
99 Telangana Journal of Psychiatry Telangana J Psychiatry
100 Iranian journal of neurology Iran J Neurol
101 World Journal of Surgery World J Surg
102 JMIR pediatrics and parenting JMIR Pediatr Parent
103 Journal of pediatrics and pediatric medicine J Pediatr Pediatr Med
104 Pediatric quality and safety Pediatr Qual Saf
105 Comprehensive child and adolescent nursing Compr Child Adolesc Nurs
106 Current treatment options in pediatrics Curr Treat Options Pediatr
107 Journal of pediatrics and neonatal care J Pediatr Neonatal Care
108 International journal of contemporary pediatrics Int J Contemp Pediatr
109 Child neurology open Child Neurol Open
110 Molecular and cellular pediatrics Mol Cell Pediatr
111 Emerging Infectious Diseases Emerg Infect Dis
112 Infectious diseases of poverty Infect Dis Poverty
113 Emerging microbes and infections Emerg Microbes Infect
114 Frontiers in microbiology Front Microbiol
115 Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology Front Cell Infect Microbiol
116 Clinical Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol
117 Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol
118 BMC dermatology BMC Dermatol
119 Journal of Investigative Dermatology J Invest Dermatol
120 Experimental Dermatology Exp Dermatol
121 British Journal of Dermatology Br J Dermatol
122 Archives of Dermatological Research Arch Dermatol Res
123 Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology J Am Acad Dermatol
124 Clinics in Dermatology Clin Dermatol
125 American Journal of Clinical Dermatology Am J Clin Dermatol
126 Journal of Dermatological Science J Dermatol Sci
127 Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Indian J Clin Exp Dermatol
128 Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Clin Exp Dermatol
129 Clinical Dermatology Review Clin Dermatol Rev
130 Indian Dermatology Online Journal Indian Dermatol Online J
131 Indian Journal of Dermatology Indian J Dermatol
132 Indian Journal of Dermatopathology and Diagnostic Dermatology Indian J Dermatopathol Diagn Dermatol
133 Cardiovascular Diabetology Cardiovasc Diabetol
134 Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology Clin Diabetes Endocrinol
135 Journal of diabetes investigation J Diabetes Investig
136 World journal of diabetes World J Diabetes
137 Nutrition and Diabetes Nutr Diabetes
138 Molecular Cancer Mol Cancer
139 The American Journal of Surgery Am J Surg
140 Journal of the American College of Surgeons J Am Coll Surg
141 General Surgery Journals Gen Surg J
142 International Journal of Surgery Int J Surg
143 Surgery Research and Practice Surg Res Pract
144 Clinics in Surgery Clin Surg
145 South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology S Afr J Obstet Gynaecol
146 Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nepal J Obstet Gynecol
147 Indian Journal of Community Health Indian J Comm Health
148 Journal Of Pediatric Critical Care J Pediatr Crit Care
149 International Journal of Research in Dermatology Int J Res Dermatol
150 International Journal of tropical disease and Health Int j trop dis health
151 Journal of Spinal Surgery J Spine Surg
152 International Journal of Anatomy Radiology and Surgery Int j anat radiol surg
153 International Journal of Dermatopathology and Surgery Int J Dermatopathol Surg
154 Journal of Cancer and Tumor International J Cancer Tumor Int
155 International Journal of Anesthetics and Anesthesiology Int J Anesth Anesth
156 Journal of Clinical Anesthesia J Clin Anesth
157 Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia Saudi J Anaesth
158 Journal of anaesthesiology clinical pharmacology J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol
159 British Journal of Anaesthesia Br J Anaesth
160 Journal of Anesthesia and Clinical Research J Anesth Clin Res
161 Best Practice and Research in Clinical Anaesthesiology Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol
162 Annals of Gastroenterology and Digestive Disorders Ann Gastroenterol Dig Disord
163 Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology J Can Assoc Gastroenterol
164 Journal of advanced research J Adv Res
165 Current Opinion in Gynecology and Obstetrics Curr Opin Gynecol Obstet
166 Integrative gynecology and obstetrics journal Integr Gynecol Obstet J
167 The New England Journal of Medicine N Engl J Med
168 Annals of Medical Physiology Ann med Physiol
169 indian journal of pathology research and practice Indian J Pathol Res Pract
170 IP Journal of Paediatrics and Nursing Science J Paediatr Nurs Sci
171 IP Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology J Diagn Pathol Oncol
172 Journal of Orthopaedics J Orthop
173 Case Reports in Rheumatology Case Rep Rheumatol
174 Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure J Microsc Ultrastruct
175 International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical invention Int J Med Sci Clin Invent
176 Pan Asian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Pan Asian J Obstet Gynecol
177 IP Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Allied Science J Otorhinolaryngol Allied Sci
178 Annals of National Academy of Medical Sciences Ann Natl Acad Med Sci
179 Blde University Journal of Health Sciences Blde Univ J Health Sciences
180 Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences Arch Med Health Sci
181 Tuberculosis Research and Treatment Tuberc Res Treat
182 Journal of Diabetology J Diabetol
183 International Journal of Ophthalmology Int J Ophthalmol
184 Annals of microbiology Ann Microbiol
185 Annual Review of Microbiology Annu Rev Microbiol
186 Emerging Microbes and Infections Emerg Microbes Infect
187 Advances in Medical Sciences Adv Med Sci
188 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine Asian Pac J Trop Med
189 Indian Journal of Cancer Indian J Cancer
190 Medical Journal Armed Forces India Med J Armed Forces India
191 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Indian J Forensic Med Pathol
192 Asian Journal of Medicine and Health Asian J Med Health
193 Indian Journal of Medical Specialities India J Med specialities
194 Endoscopic Ultrasound Endosc Ultrasound
195 Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences J Mind Med Sci
196 Clinical Cardiology Clin Cardiol
197 Nature reviews rheumatology Nat Rev Rheumatol
198 Chinese journal of academic radiology Chin J Acad Radiol
199 Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Indian J Obstet Gynecol Res
200 Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences Panacea J Med Sci
#Dental journals abbreviations list
201 Journal of Dentistry J Dent
202 Indian Journal of Dental Research Indian J Dent Res
203 Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery Ann Maxillofac Surg
204 Isfahan University of Medical Sciences Dent Res J
205 International Dental Journal of Student Research Int Dent J Stud Res
206 The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice J Contemp Dent Pract
207 Journal of Endodontics J Endod
208 World Journal of Dentistry World J dentistry
209 Journal of Clinical Periodontology J Clin Periodontol
210 Journal of conservative dentistry J Conserv Dent
211 Case Reports in Dentistry Case Rep Dent
212 Oral health and dental management Oral Health Dent Manag
213 International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences Int j appl dent sci
214 Journal of Oral Microbiology J Oral Microbiol
215 Iranian Endodontic Journal Iran Endod J
216 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics Dental Press J Orthod
217 Journal of Orofacial Sciences J Orofac Sci
218 Contemporary Clinical Dentistry Contemp Clin Dent
219 Clinical Oral Implants Research Clin Oral Implants Res
220 Journal of Restorative Dentistry J restor dent
221 Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry J Esthet Restor Dent
222 Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics Restor Dent Endod
223 International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry Int J Prosthodont Endod
224 Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry Ann Prosthodont Restor Dent
225 Japanese Dental Science Review Jpn Dent Sci Rev
226 Indian Journal of Dentistry Indian J Dent
227 Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry Indian J Multidiscip Dent
228 British Dental Journal Br Dent J
229 Journal of the american dental association J Am Dent Assoc
230 APOS Trends in Orthodontics APOS Trends Orthod
231 IP Indian Journal of Conservative and Endodontics Indian J Conserv Endod
232 IP International Journal of Maxillofacial Imaging Int J Maxillofac Imaging
233 International Journal of Oral Health Dentistry Int J Oral Health Dent
234 Journal of Islamabad Medical and Dental College J Islamabad Med Dent College
235 Annals of Dental Science and Oral Biology Ann Dent Sci Oral Biol
236 Journal of dentistry and oral biology J Dent Oral Biol
237 Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research J Oral Biol Craniofac Res
238 Journal of oral biosciences J Oral Biosci
239 Indian Journal of Dental Sciences Indian J Dent Sci
240 Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology J Indian Soc Periodontol
241 Indian Journal of Dental Education Indian J Dent Educ
242 Journal of Dental Specialities J Dent Spec
#Pharmacy journals abbreviations list
243 Indian Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmacology Indian J Pharm Pharmacol
244 International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Chemistry And Analysis Int J Pharm Chem Anal
245 Annals of African Medicine Ann Afr Med
246 Indian Journal of Pharmacology Indian J Pharmacol
247 Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine Indian J Psychol Med
248 Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology Bangladesh J Pharmacol
249 Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics J Pharmacol Pharmacother
250 Pharmacognosy Reviews Phcog Rev
251 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal Pharm chem j
252 International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research Int J Pharm Pharm Res
253 The american journal of medicine Am J Med
254 Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy J Am Coll Clin Pharm
255 Pharmaceutical technology in hospital pharmacy Pharm Technol Hosp Pharm
256 Sustainable chemistry and pharmacy Sustain Chem Pharm
257 Asian journal of pharmacy and pharmacology Asian J Pharm Pharmacol
258 Journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutics J Pharm Pharm
259 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences J Pharm Pharm Sci
260 Pharmacy and pharmacology international journal Pharm Pharmacol Int J
261 Journal of managed care and specialty pharmacy J Manag Care Spec Pharm
262 SOJ pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences SOJ Pharm Pharm Sci
263 Journal of pharmacy and pharmacognosy research J Pharm Pharmacogn Res
264 Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice J Pharm Policy Pract
265 World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences World J Pharm Pharm Sci
266 Journal of research in pharmacy practice J Res Pharm Pract
267 Pharmaceutical patent analyst Pharm Pat Anal
268 Acta medica marisiensis Acta Med Marisiensis
269 International journal of clinical pharmacy Int J Clin Pharm
270 International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences Int J Pharma Bio Sci
271 National journal of physiology pharmacy and pharmacology Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol
272 Archives of pharmacy practice Arch Pharm Pract
273 Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis J Pharm Biomed Anal
274 Journal of Young Pharmacists J Young Pharm
275 International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Int J Pharm Pharm Sci
276 The Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research Asian J Pharm Clin Res
277 Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine J Forensic Leg Med
278 Journal of Forensic Medicine J Forensic Med
279 IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences Int J Forensic Med Toxicol Sci
280 American journal of forensic medicine and pathology Am J Forensic Med Pathol
281 International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine Int J Med Toxicol Forensic Med
282 Journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences J med Pharm Allied Sci
283 Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biological Sciences J Pharm Biol Sci
284 Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal Biomed Pharmacol J
285 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Sys Rev Pharm
286 Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences Indian J Pharm Sci
287 Journal of Oncology Practice J Oncol Pract
#Computer science journals abbreviations list
288 SoftwareX SoftwareX
289 Journal of Big Data J Big Data
290 Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal Comput Struct Biotechnol J
291 Journal of machine learning research J Mach Learn Res
292 PeerJ Computer Science PeerJ Comput Sci
293 Journal of Computational Design and Engineering J Comput Des Eng
294 Journal of theoretical and applied computer science J Theor Appl Comput Sci
295 ACM Computing Surveys ACM Comput Surv
296 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications Int J Adv Comput Sci Appl
297 International journal of machine learning and computing Int J Mach Learn Comput
298 Procedia computer science Procedia Comput Sci
299 NPJ Quantum Information NPJ Quantum Inf
300 International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems Int J Comput Intell Syst
301 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell
302 IEEE Transactions on Computers IEEE Trans Comput
303 Journal of the ACM J ACM
304 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials IEEE Commun Surv Tutor
305 International Journal of Data Science and Analytics Int J Data Sci Anal
306 International journal of computers and technology Int J Comput Technol
307 Big Data and Society Big Data Soc
308 Advances in Human Computer Interaction Adv Hum Comput Interact
309 International Review on Computers and Software Int Rev Comput Softw
310 Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing J Ambient Intell Humaniz Comput
311 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Int J Artif Intell
#Education journals abbreviations list
312 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology Australas J Educ Technol
313 Indian Journal of Law and Human Behaviour Indian J Law Hum Behav
314 International Journal Of Social Welfare And Management Int J Soc Welf Manage
315 Vietnam journal of science and technology Vietnam J Sci Technol
316 Journal of nanotechnology J Nanotechnol
#Materials Science journals abbreviations list
317 Journal of Materials Science J Mater Sci
318 Nature Materials Nat Mater
319 Advanced Materials Adv Mater
320 Materials Today Mater Today
321 Annual Review of Materials Research Annu Rev Mater Res
322 ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces ACS Appl Mater Interfaces
323 Advanced Materials Research Adv Mat Res
324 Advanced materials interfaces Adv Mater Interfaces
325 Materials research express Mater Res Express
326 Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics J Mater Sci Mater Electron
327 Nature Reviews Materials Nat Rev Mater
#Engineering journals abbreviations list
328 Engineering Journal Eng J
329 Journal of Engineering Research J Eng Res
330 The Journal of Engineering Research J Eng Res
331 International Journal of Engineering Research Int J Eng Res
332 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering Int J Recent Technol Eng
333 Engineering science and technology an international journal Eng Sci Technol Int J
334 International journal of engineering research and applications Int J Eng Res Appl
335 ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology ADBU J Eng Technol
336 Advanced Engineering Forum Adv Electron Forum
337 Current Biochemical Engineering Curr Eng J
338 International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics Int J Adv Eng Sci Appl Math
339 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Int Res J Eng Technol
340 Journal of Construction Management J Constr Manag
341 Polymer engineering and science Polym Eng Sci
342 IETE journal of research IETE J Res
343 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering J Environ Chem Eng
344 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology Int J Eng Adv Technol
345 Arabian journal for science and engineering Arab J Sci Eng
346 International Journal of Building Performance Simulation J Build Perform Simul
347 Ceramics International Ceram Int
348 ACS Nano ACS Nano
#Physics journals abbreviations list
349 Advances in Physics Adv Phys
350 International Journal of Electrochemistry Int J Electrochem
351 Bulgarian Journal of Physics Bulg J Phys
352 Advances in Condensed Matter Physics Adv condens Matter Phys
353 Reviews of Modern Physics Rev Mod Phys
#Medicinal journals abbreviations list
354 Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Open Access J Med Aromat Plants
355 Hepatology International Hepatol Int
356 Indian Journal of Forensic and Community Medicine Indian J Forensic Community Med
357 Annual Review of Immunology Annu Rev Immunol
#Phytomedicine journals abbreviations list
358 Phytomedicine International Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology Phytomedicine
#Gastroenterology journals abbreviations list
359 Indian Journal of Gastroenterology Indian J Gastroenterol
#Chemistry journals abbreviations list
360 Antioxidants and Redox Signaling Antioxid Redox Signal
361 BMC chemistry BMC Chem
362 Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science Indian J Adv Chem Sci
363 Asian Journal of Chemistry Asian J Chem
364 Journal of Chemical Sciences J Chem Sci
365 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Res J Chem Sci
366 Journal of Chemistry J Chem
367 Oriental Journal of Chemistry Orient J Chem
368 New journal of chemistry New J Chem
369 Analytical Chemistry Letters Anal Chem Lett
370 Journal of Chemical Education J Chem Educ
371 Journal of Organic Chemistry J Org Chem
372 Journal of biological chemistry J Biol Chem
373 ACS Omega ACS Omega
374 RSC Advances RSC Adv
375 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol
376 Chemical Reviews Chem Rev
377 Journal of molecular structure J Mol Struct
378 Chemical Society Reviews Chem Soc Rev
#Surgery journals abbreviations list
379 American Journal of Transplantation Am J Transplant
380 JAMA Surgery JAMA Surg
381 Indian journal of surgery Indian J Surg
382 IP Journal of Surgery and Allied Sciences IP J Surg Allied Sci
#Agriculture journals abbreviations list
383 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A Animal Science Acta Agric Scand A Anim Sci
384 Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry ind j Agric Biochem
385 Indian Journal of Agricultural Research Indian J Agric Res
386 Indian Journal of Agronomy indian j Agron
387 Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding Indian J Genet Plant Breed
388 indian journal of agricultural sciences Indian j agr sci
389 journal of agricultural economics J Agric Econ
390 The Open Agriculture Journal Open Agric j
391 Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica Acta fytotech zootech
392 Asian journal of agriculture and food science Asian J Agric Food Sci
393 International journal of agriculture innovations and research Int J Agric Innov Res
394 Journal of integrative agriculture J Integr Agric
395 Frontiers of Agriculture in China Front Agric China
396 Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia J Agron Indones
397 International Journal of Agricultural Sciences Int J Agric Sci
398 Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources J Agric Nat Resour
399 Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council J Nepal Agric Res Counc
400 Advanced Science Letters Adv Sci Lett
401 Advances in Agriculture Adv Agric
402 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development Asian J Agric Dev
403 Agriculture and human values Agric Human Values
404 Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences J Exp Biol Agric Sci
405 Indian Journal of Agriculture Business ind j Agric Bus
406 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology Physiol Mol Plant Pathol
#Management journals abbreviations list
407 Journal Of Management Research And Analysis J Manag Res Anal
408 Academy of Management Learning and Education Acad Manag Learn Educ
409 Journal of management J Manage
410 AIMS International Journal of Management AIMS Int J Manag
411 International Journal of Business and Management Int J Bus Manag
412 European Management Journal Eur Manag J
413 European Journal of Management Eur J Manag
414 European Journal of International Management Eur J Int Manag
415 Journal of patient safety and risk management J Patient Saf Risk Manag
416 Perspectives on public management and governance Perspect Public Manag Gov
417 Journal of Business Research J Bus Res
418 Academy of Management Journal Acad Manage J
419 Academy of Management Review Acad Manage Rev
420 Accounting Organizations and Society Account Organ Soc
421 The American Economic Review Am Econ Rev
422 Journal of International Business Studies J Int Bus Stud
423 Journal of International Economics J Int Econ
424 The Journal of Community Health Management J Community Health Manag
425 Academy of Management Annals Acad Manag Ann
#Weather journals abbreviations list
426 Advances in Statistical Climatology Meteorology and Oceanography
#knowledge journals abbreviations list
427 International interdisciplinary research journal int interdiscip res j
#Animal journals abbreviations list
428 Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology Anim Nutr Technology
429 Journal of Animal Research J Anim Res
430 Animal Production Science Anim Prod Sci
431 Asian Australasian journal of animal sciences Asian Australas J Anim Sci
432 Journal of Animal Science J Anim Sci
#Statistics journals abbreviations list
433 The American Statistician Am Stat
434 Australian and New Zealand journal of statistics Aust N Z J Stat
435 Journal of statistical software J Stat Softw
436 Annual review of statistics and its application Annu Rev Stat Appl
437 Annals of mathematics Ann Math
#Science and Technology journals abbreviations list
438 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology Int J Mod Trends Sci Technol
439 International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development Int J Sci Res Eng Dev
440 Indian Journal of Science and Technology Indian J Sci Technol
441 Indian journal of biotechnology Indian J Biotechnol
442 East Asian science technology and society East Asian Sci Technol Soc
443 East Asian science technology and medicine East Asian Sci Technol Med
444 Science and technology of advanced materials Sci Technol Adv Mate
445 Journal of Marine Science and Technology J Mar Sci Technol
446 Open Access Journal of Science and Technology Open Access J Sci Technol
447 Science and Technology Studies Sci Technol Stud
448 International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research Int J Sci Technol Res
#Social sciences journals abbreviations list
449 Pakistan social sciences review Pak soc sci rev
450 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies Int J Soc Sci Humanity Stud
451 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Int J Humanit Soc Sci
452 International Journal of Social Science Studies Int J Soc Sci Stud
453 The Social Science Journal Soc Sci J
454 American Journal of Sociology Am J Sociol
455 Chinese journal of sociology Chin J Sociol
456 American Journal of Cultural Sociology Am J Cult Sociol
457 Advances in applied sociology Adv Appl Sociol
458 Journal of applied social science J Appl Soc Sci
459 Journal of Social Sciences J Soc Sci
460 Mediterranean journal of social sciences Mediterr J Soc Sci
461 Journal of progressive research in social sciences J Progress Res Soc Sci
462 The Russell Sage Foundation journal of the social sciences RSF
463 Journal of studies in social sciences J Stud Soc Sci
464 Journal of methods and measurement in the social sciences J Methods Meas Soc Sci
465 Journal of rural social sciences J Rural Soc Sci
466 European journal of research methods for the behavioral and social sciences Methodology
467 Pakistan journal of life and social sciences Pak J Life Soc Sci
468 The American journal of Islamic social sciences Am J Islam Soc Sci
469 Social sciences in China Soc Sci China
470 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Economics and Business Acta Univ Sapientiae Econ Bus
471 Advances in Social Work Adv Soc Work
472 American Journal of Business Am J Bus
473 Annals of Financial Economics Ann Econ Financ
474 Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration Asia Pac J Public Adm
475 Asia Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance Asia Pac J Risk Insur
476 Australian Intellectual Property Journal Aust Intellect Prop J
477 Anthropology of Food Anthropol J Food
478 Asian Association of Open Universities Journal Asian Assoc Open Univ J
479 Asian Journal of Business Ethics Asian J Bus Ethics
480 Advanced Journal of Social Science Adv J Soc Sci
481 International Journal on Social and Education Sciences Int J Soc Educ Sci
482 Journal of intellectual property rights J Intellect Prop Rights
#Yoga journals abbreviations list
483 International Journal of Yoga Int J Yoga
484 Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga Indian J Anc Med Yoga
485 Journal of yoga and physical therapy J Yoga Phys Ther
486 International journal of yoga therapy Int J Yoga Therap
#Biology journals abbreviations list
487 Nature Biotechnology Nat Biotechnol
488 Trends in biotechnology Trends Biotechnol
489 Biotechnology Advances Biotechnol adv
490 Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology J Appl Biol Biotechnol
491 International journal of biotechnology Int J Biotechnol
492 PLOS Biology PLOS Biol
493 Nature Reviews Genetics Nat Rev Genet
#Botany journals abbreviations list
494 Plant Biotechnology Journal Plant biotechnol j
495 Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy Curr trends biotechnol pharm
496 Annals of Botany Ann Bot
497 Aquatic Botany Aquat Bot
498 Australian Journal of Botany Aust J Bot
499 Australian Systematic Botany Aust Syst Bot
500 Botany letters Bot Lett
501 Current protocols in plant biology Curr Protoc Plant Biol
502 Journal of Plant Science and Research J Plant Sci Res
503 Pakistan Journal of Botany Pak J Bot
#Environmental journals abbreviations list
504 Journal of Environmental Sciences J Environ Sci
505 Environmental analysis health and toxicology Environ Anal Health Toxicol
506 Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health Curr Opin Environ Sci Health
507 Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences Appl Ecol Environ Sci
508 Advances in Environment Research Adv Environ Res
509 Nature Environment and Pollution Technology Nat Environ Pollut Technol
510 Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists J Assoc Environ Resour Econ
511 International Journal of Global Science Research Int J Glob Sci Res
512 Journal of cleaner production J Clean Prod
513 Nature Communications Nat Commun
514 Journal of environmental biology J Environ Biol
#Science journals abbreviations list
515 Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences Adv Appl Math Sci
516 AIMS Molecular Science AIMS Mol Sci
517 Scientific Reports Sci Rep
518 International journal of scientific research Int J Sci Res
519 Science Advances Sci Adv
#Arts and Humanities journals abbreviations list
520 Acta Germanica Acta Ger
521 Amphora Amphora
522 Antennae The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture Antennae J Nat Vis Culture
523 Arts and the Market Art Market
524 Archaeology International Archaeol Int
525 IAFOR Journal of Arts and Humanities IAFOR J Arts Humanit
526 IIS University Journal of Arts IIS Univ J Arts
527 Journal of Language and Discrimination J Lang Discrimination
528 International Critical Thought Int Crit Theor
529 International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies Int J Comp Lit Translat Stud
530 IAFOR Journal of Ethics Religion and Philosophy IAFOR J Ethics Religion Philos
531 Between the Species Between Species
532 Comparative Philosophy Comp Philos
533 Journal of Popular Television J Pop Telev
534 Art and the Public Sphere Art Public Sphere
535 Environmental Philosophy Environ Philos
536 Focus on German Studies Focus Ger Stud
537 German as a Foreign Language Ger Foreign Lang
538 Black Camera Black Camera
539 Life Sciences Society and Policy Life Sci Soc Policy
#Ancient journals abbreviations list
540 Ancient Science of Life Anc Sci Life
#Ayurvedic journals abbreviations list
541 Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine Annals Ayurvedic Med
#Mathematical Sciences journals abbreviations list
542 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences Arab J Math Sci
543 Arabian Journal of Mathematics Arab J Math
544 Albanian Journal of Mathematics Albanian J Math
#Drugs journals abbreviations list
545 Indian Drugs Indian Drugs
#Biochemistry journals abbreviations list
546 Biochemistry Biochem
547 International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research Int J Clin Biochem Res
548 Nature Reviews Cancer Nat Rev Cancer
549 Nature Methods Nat Methods
550 Nature Genetics Nat Genet
551 Cell Reports Cell Rep
552 Annual Review of Biochemistry Annu Rev Biochem
#Accounting journals abbreviations list
553 Contemporary accounting research Contemp Account Res
554 Journal of Accounting Research J Account Res
555 Journal of Accounting and Economics J Account Econ
#Biotechnology journals abbreviations list
556 Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia
#Banking journals abbreviations list
557 Journal of Banking and Finance J Bank Financ
558 International Journal of Banking Accounting and Finance Int J Bank Account Finance
559 Indian Journal of Finance and Banking Indian J Bank Financ
560 International journal of central banking Int J Cent Bank
561 Cell and Tissue Banking Cell Tissue Bank
#Finance journals abbreviations list
562 Applied finance and accounting Appl Finance Account
563 Journal of Finance J Finance
#Orthopaedics journals abbreviations list
564 International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences Int J Orthop Sci
#neuroscience journals abbreviations list
#Food Science journals abbreviations list
565 Food and Energy Security Food Energy Secur
566 Journal of food and drug analysis J Food Drug Anal
567 Journal of nutritional science J Nutr Sci
#Wildlife journals abbreviations list
568 Journal of Wildlife Management J Wildl Manage
#Business journals abbreviations list
569 Journal of Business Ethics J Bus Ethics
570 Journal of business analytics J Bus Anal
#Nursing journals abbreviations list
571 International journal of nursing studies Int J Nurs Stud
572 Journal of nursing education and practice J Nurs Educ Pract
573 Advanced emergency nursing journal Adv Emerg Nurs J
574 Advances in Nursing Science ANS Adv Nurs Sci
#Oncology journals abbreviations list
575 Journal of Carcinogenesis J Carcinog
576 Frontiers in Oncology Front Oncol
#Psychology journals abbreviations list
577 Journal of personality and social psychology J Pers Soc Psychol
#Molecular journals abbreviations list
578 Journal of Molecular Liquids J Mol Liq
#Malaria journals abbreviations list
579 Malaria control and elimination Malar Control Elimin
580 Malaria Journal Malar J
#Ecology journals abbreviations list
581 Conservation and Society Conserv Soc
#Community Medicine journals abbreviations list
#Multidisciplinary journals abbreviations list
583 iScience iScience
584 Nature Immunology Nat Immunol
585 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
586 Frontiers in Immunology Front Immunol
#Genetics journals abbreviations list
587 PLOS Genetics PLoS Genet
#Economics journals abbreviations list
588 Quarterly Journal of Economics Q J Econ
589 Journal of Political Economy J Political Econ
590 Review of Economic Studies Rev Econ Stud
#Energy journals abbreviations list
591 Nature Energy Nat Energy
592 Nano Energy Nano Energy
#Nanoscience journals abbreviations list
#Biomedicine journals abbreviations list
593 eLife eLife

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