scopus journals list

List of ugc approved journals List of ugc approved journals

UGC Journals List

Note : All UGC approved journals have not been mentioned here, so if you want a list of UGC approved journals, please click here.

201) ACM Computing Surveys

Publisher Association for Computing Machinery

ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) publishes comprehensive, readable tutorials and survey papers that give guided tours through the literature and explain topics to those who seek to learn the basics of areas outside their specialties. These carefully planned and presented introductions are also an excellent way for professionals to develop perspectives on, and identify trends in complex technologies. Recent issues have covered image understanding, software reusability, and object and relational database topics.  Computing Surveys does not publish "new" research. This is left to the Transactions and other specialized publications of the ACM. Instead, Computing Surveys focuses on surveys and t...

202) Best Practice and Research in Clinical Anaesthesiology

Publisher Bailliere Tindall

In practical paperback format, each 200 page topic-based issue of Best Practice & Research: Clinical Anaesthesiology will provide a comprehensive review of current clinical practice and thinking within the specialty anaesthesiology....

203) British Journal of Anaesthesia

Publisher Elsevier Publication

The British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA) publishes high-impact original work in all branches of anaesthesia, critical care medicine, pain medicine and perioperative medicine including fundamental, translational and clinical sciences, clinical practice, technology, education and training. In addition, the Journal publishes review articles, important case reports, correspondence and special articles of general interest. The journal is proudly affiliated with The Royal College of Anaesthetists, The College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland, and The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists. This affiliation allows college members access to the BJA and its sister title BJA Education. Both journals retain the...

204) New journal of chemistry

Publisher Royal Society of Chemistry

New Journal of Chemistry - NJC  is a broad-based primary journal encompassing all branches of chemistry and its sub-disciplines. It contains full research articles, letters and perspectives and focus articles. This well-established journal, owned by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France, has been co-published with the Royal Society of Chemistry since January 1998. NJC is the forum for the publication of high-quality, original and significant work that opens new directions in chemistry or in other scientific disciplines. In addition to having a significant chemical component, work published in NJC must demonstrate that it will have an impact on areas of r...

205) Journal of Clinical Anesthesia

Publisher Elsevier Publication

The Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (JCA) addresses all aspects of anesthesia practice, including anesthetic administration, pharmacokinetics, preoperative and postoperative considerations, coexisting disease and other complicating factors, cost issues, and similar concerns anesthesiologists contend with daily. Exceptionally high standards of presentation and accuracy are maintained. The core of the journal is original contributions on subjects relevant to clinical practice, and rigorously peer-reviewed. Highly respected international experts have joined together to form the Editorial Board, sharing their years of experience and clinical expertise. Specialized section editors cover the various subspecialties wit...

206) Oriental Journal of Chemistry

Publisher Oriental Scientific Publishing Company

Oriental Journal of Chemistry is an open access, peer reviewed, bimonthly research journal of pure and applied chemistry. It publishes standard research articles in almost all thrust areas of current chemistry of academic and commercial importance. It provides a platform for publication of quality research articles, reviews and brief communications. Oriental Journal of Chemistry is abstracted and indexed in almost all reputed National and International agencies.   Oriental Journal of Chemistry is covering almost all thrust areas of chemistry with special emphasis to the emerging fields of current innovative chemistry, viz; Inorganic Chemistry Physical Chemistry ...

207) Journal of Chemistry

Publisher Hindawi

Journal of Chemistry is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles on all aspects of fundamental and applied chemistry. Journal of Chemistry is archived in Portico, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals, as well as via the LOCKSS initiative. It operates a fully open access publishing model which allows open global access to its published content. This model is supported through Article Processing Charges.  Journal of Chemistry is included in many leading abstracting and indexing databases. For a complete list, click here. The most recent Impact Factor for Journal of Chemistry is 1.727 according...

208) Journal of Chemical Sciences

Publisher Springer

The Journal of Chemical Sciences publishes original articles and rapid communications by Indian and other researchers, spanning topics in the chemical sciences. It was originally part of the Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences – Part A, founded by the Nobel Laureate Professor C.V. Raman in 1934. It was renamed Journal of Chemical Sciences, matching its present-day focus, in 2004. The journal presents original research articles and rapid communications, covering all areas of chemical sciences. A significant feature is its special issues, brought out from time to time, devoted to conference symposia/proceedings in frontier areas of the subject, held not only in India but also in other countries. It is publi...

209) Journal of Environmental Sciences

Publisher Elsevier Publication

Journal of Environmental Sciences is an international peer-reviewed journal established in 1989. It is sponsored by the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and it is jointly published by Elsevier and Science Press. It aims to foster interdisciplinary communication and promote understanding of significant environmental issues. The journal seeks to publish significant and novel research on the fate and behaviour of emerging contaminants, human impact on the environment, human exposure to environmental contaminants and their health effects, and environmental remediation and management. Original research articles, critical reviews, highlights, and perspectives of high quality are publ...

210) Australian Systematic Botany

Publisher CSIRO Publishing

Australian Systematic Botany is an international journal devoted to the systematics, taxonomy, and related aspects of biogeography and evolution of all algae, fungi and plants, including fossils. Descriptive taxonomic papers should normally constitute a comprehensive treatment of a group. Short papers on individual species and nomenclatural papers must contain significant new information of broader interest to be considered. The prestigious L.A.S. Johnson Review Series is published. Other review articles will also be considered. All papers are peer reviewed.   Indexed & Abstracted details: BIOSIS CAB Abstracts Current Contents/Agricultu...

211) Australian Journal of Botany

Publisher CSIRO Publishing

The Australian Journal of Botany is an international journal for publication of original research in plant science. The journal publishes in the areas of ecology and ecophysiology; invasive biology; conservation biology and biodiversity; forest biology and management; cell and molecular biology; palaeobotany; reproductive biology and genetics; mycology and pathology; structure and development; and aquatic botany. Review articles will also be considered. Indexed & Abstracted details: ABOA/Streamline Agricola BIOSIS CAB Abstracts Chemical Abstracts Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences ...

212) Aquatic Botany

Publisher Elsevier Publication

Aquatic Botany offers a platform for papers relevant to a broad international readership on fundamental and applied aspects of marine and freshwater macroscopic plants in a context of ecology or environmental biology. This includes molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects of macroscopic aquatic plants as well as the classification, structure, function, dynamics and ecological interactions in plant-dominated aquatic communities and ecosystems. It is an outlet for papers dealing with research on the consequences of disturbance and stressors (e.g. environmental fluctuations and climate change, pollution, grazing and pathogens), use and management of aquatic plants (plant production and decomposition, comme...

213) Annals of Botany

Publisher Oxford University Press

Annals of Botany is an international plant science journal publishing novel and rigorous research in all areas of plant science. It is published monthly in both electronic and printed forms with at least two extra issues each year that focus on a particular theme in plant biology. The Journal is managed by the Annals of Botany Company, a not-for-profit educational charity established to promote plant science worldwide. The Journal publishes original research papers, invited and submitted review articles, ‘Research in Context’ expanding on original work, 'Botanical Briefings' as short overviews of important topics, and ‘Viewpoints’ giving opinions. All papers in each iss...

214) Annual Review of Materials Research

Publisher Annual Reviews Inc

The Annual Review of Materials Research, in publication since 1971, covers the significant developments in the field of materials research, including original methodologies, materials phenomena, material systems, and special keynote topics....

215) Materials Today

Publisher Elsevier Publication

Materials Today is the flagship journal of the Materials Today family and is dedicated to covering the most innovative, cutting edge and influential work of broad interest to the materials science community. Having established the journal as one of the most highly respected sources of news and reviews in materials science over the last two decades, Materials Today has expanded its scope to cover ground breaking original research in materials science, and aims to become a leading forum in the field. The editors welcome comprehensive articles and short communications reporting breakthrough discoveries and major technical achievements as well as review articles from established leaders in engaging and ra...

216) Advanced Materials

Publisher Wiley

Advanced Materials has been bringing you the latest progress in materials science every week for over 30 years. Read carefully selected, top-quality Reviews, Progress Reports, Communications, and Research News at the cutting edge of the chemistry and physics of functional materials. Advanced Materials has an Impact Factor of 25.809 (2018 Journal Impact Factor, Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2019)). One key to the success of Advanced Materials is its pronounced interdisciplinarity.   Keywords materials science, nanotechnology, liquid crystals, semiconductors, superconductors, optics,

217) Nature Materials

Publisher Nature Publishing Group

Nature Materials is a monthly multi-disciplinary journal aimed at bringing together cutting-edge research across the entire spectrum of materials science and engineering. Materials research is a diverse and fast-growing discipline, which has moved from a largely applied, engineering focus to a position where it has an increasing impact on other classical disciplines such as physics, chemistry and biology. Nature Materials covers all applied and fundamental aspects of the synthesis/processing, structure/composition, properties and performance of materials, where "materials" are identified as substances in the condensed states (liquid, solid, colloidal) designed or manipulated for technologica...

218) American journal of forensic medicine and pathology

Publisher Wolters Kluwer

The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (formerly Raven Press) covering research on forensic medicine and forensic pathology. The current editor-in-chief is D. Kimberley Molina....

219) Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine

Publisher Elsevier Publication

The Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine publishes topical articles on aspects of forensic and legal medicine. Specifically the Journal supports research that explores the medical principles of care and forensic assessment of individuals, whether adult or child, in contact with the judicial system. It is a fully peer-review hybrid journal with a broad international perspective. The Journal accepts submissions of original research, review articles, and pertinent case studies, editorials, and commentaries in relevant areas of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Context of Practice, and Education and Training. The Journal adheres to strict publication ethical guidelines, and actively supports a culture of inc...

220) Indian Journal of Community Health

Publisher Self publishing

The Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, founded in 1974, is a nonprofit professional organization of specialists in Epidemiology, Health Management, Health Promotion, and Family Medicine, which is dedicated to the promotion of public health by bringing its members' expertise to the development of public health policies, an advocate for education, research, and programs of Community Medicine and providing a forum for the regular exchange of views & information. Indian Journal of Community Health (IJCH) is an official national publication of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM). It is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal with both online and print version. The IJCH ...

221) The Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research

Publisher Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd

The Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research (AJPCR) welcomes high-quality science that seeks to elucidate the Pharmaceutical and clinical research. The mission of the AJPCR is to bring significant, enduring research to the scientific community in the field of Pharmaceutical sciences and clinical research. AJPCR believe in its responsibility to safeguard the research and publish by providing high-quality review process and maintaining firm standards on data presentation and deposition. AJPCR goal is to help scientists to disclose their findings in the most efficient and effective way possible by keeping review times short, The heart of AJPCR mission is the publication of original research in the form of Arti...

222) Journal of Young Pharmacists

Publisher Medknow publication

Journal of Young Pharmacists - An official journal of InPharm Association and supported by Phcog.Net.. J Young Pharm is a peer-reviewed open-access Quarterly journal featuring research articles of exceptional significance in all areas of Pharmaceutical Sciences. J Young Pharm provides comprehensive coverage of issues affecting Pharmaceutical education and Career.   Abstracting and Indexing information - The journal is indexed with Caspur, Chemical Abstracts, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), ESCI, EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Expanded Academic ASAP, Genamics JournalSeek, Global Health, Google Scholar, Health & Wellness Research Center, Health Ref...

223) Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis

Publisher Elsevier Publication

Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis is an international medium directed towards the needs of academic, clinical, government and industrial analysis by publishing original research reports and critical reviews on pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. It covers the interdisciplinary aspects of analysis in the pharmaceutical, biomedical and clinical sciences, including developments in analytical methodology, instrumentation, computation and interpretation. Submissions on novel applications focussing on drug purity and stability studies, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic monitoring, metabolic profiling; drug-related aspects of analytical biochemistry and forensic toxicology; quality assurance in the pharmaceutical industry are al...

224) South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publisher Health Medical Publishing Group

The South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - SAJOG is a tri-annual, general specialist obstetrics and gynaecology journal that publishes original, peer-reviewed work in all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology, including contraception, urogynaecology, fertility, oncology and clinical practice. The journal carries original research articles, editorials, clinical practice, personal opinion, South Africa health-related news, obituaries and general correspondence....

225) Journal of patient safety and risk management

Publisher SAGE Publications Inc

Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management considers patient safety and risk at all levels of the health care system, starting with the patient and including practitioners, managers, organizations, and policy makers. It publishes peer-reviewed research papers and reviews, on topics including innovative ideas and interventions, strategies, and policies for improving safety in health care, as well as new measures, methods, and tools. It also publishes commentaries on patient safety issues from patients, practitioners, health care leaders, educators, researchers, and policy makers. It includes papers commissioned by Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) on patient safety and medico-legal issues, inc...

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