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PROFILE OF DR. K. SATHYAMURTHI, Ph. D K. SATHYAMURTHI Mobile: +91 9940406590 Email:, Controller of Examinations (COE), MSSW Address : 32,Casa Major Road, Madras School of Social Work, Egmore, Chennai-8 Residential Address: F3,19/8, I Street, Ganesh Nagar, Janaki Ram Colony, Villivakkam, Chennai-49. SPECIALISATION: Social Work & Human Resource Management, Mental Health, Adolescent Health, Entrepreneurship, Slum, Youth & Children EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Ph. D University of Madras, Chennai 2009 PGDHRM Pondicherry University, Pondicherry 1999-2000 M.A (Social Work) Sacred Heart College, University of Madras, Chennai. 1995 - 97 CERTIFICATION: Psychotherapy, SFBT, Psycho Analysis, TA, SPSS, ORACLE, VB, Web Designing, ethics in Research, NLP, Expressive Art Therapy RESEARCH FELLOW  Research Fellow, CREED, EDI India, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. SLUM ENTREPRENEURSHIP SCALE (SE Scale)  ‘Slum Entrepreneurship Scale (SES)’ RESEARCH GUIDANCE (Present) • Degree Awarded to 8 Ph D graduates (4 UGC-SRF) and 14 MPhil graduates • 3 PhD scholars submitted thesis (1 UGC SRF) • 4 PhD research scholars pursuing • One M.Phil Research Scholar purusing. RESEARCH CONTRIBUTION: • Produced 14 M.Phil and 9 (Ph D Research Scholars in Social Work – MDRTB, Slum Adolescents girls, Women Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Decision Making pattern of Women managers and Environment and Social Work • Three PhD Research Scholars have submitted thesis and awaiting for Viva voce examination • One M.Phil & 9 (4 SRF and 5 PT) Ph D research scholars under his guidance and co-guide for three PhD candidates. • He has acted as an external examiner for 15 PhD Public Viva Voce Examinations and adjudicated 17 PhD theses as an external examiner of Bharathiar University, Delhi University, AMET University, Tilak Maharashtra vidyapeeth and Assam University, Kerala University. LEARNING EXPERIENCE (22Years) • Working as Assistant Professor (SG), Dept of Social Work (Aided), Madras School of Social Work, Chennai from 2005 onwards • Worked as Controller of Examinations, MSSW from 2017-2021 • Worked as HOD, Dept. of Research (Mphil & Ph D) in Social Work, Madras School of Social Work, Chennai, Tamil Nadu from 2015-18 onwards • He was awarded a Ph D., degree in Social Work by University of Madras. • 22 years of professional service in Teaching, Research and Training in Social Work field. Earlier he worked as Co-ordintor (Trg i/c), TORC, Head of the Department of Social Work, SCPJ College, and Welfare officer for Child Adoption, VCA-TN, Assistant Director, Research & Development Wing, RICA, CLEP, Programme Co-ordinator, CD Wing, TNSCB, and Social Scientist, TNIP-NIN, Hyderabad. • Guided 9 Ph D scholars and 12 M.Phil Research Scholars in Social Work and allied discipline. • Specializes in Medical and Psychiatric Social Work, Youth and Adolescents at risk, Children & Slum Entrepreneurship. His achievements are coined 'Slum Entrepreneurship' (SE) and developed a 'Slum Entrepreneurship Scale' to measure entrepreneurial traits among slum youth. • He has published book (eds) on Contemporary Social Work Research, Community Health, Adolescent Health, Adolescent Mental Health and Field Work practice in Social Work, Elderly in India, Elderly Wellbeing and Intergenerational Bonding. • Organized (six national (UGC & ICSSR funded), One international) and participated and presented papers in several international and National Conferences and published 89 National (68) and international (21) research papers in referred journals. • Carried out the seven research, consultancy and monitored projects sponsored by UGC, ICSSR, Ministries of Human Resource Development, Women & Child Development, Rural Development, other Governmental & Non-Governmental funding organizations. • Trainer and facilitator for Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, Life Skills, Transactional Analysis, Stress Management, therapeutic counselling, etc. • Membership professional associations such as in PSWA, Chennai, ICSW, Tamil Nadu, Indian Society of Victimology and Megha Foundation ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES ACADEMIC ASSIGNMENTS • Chairman for Board of Social Work (MSW & BSW), University Examination April 2017, University of Madras • Examiner for adjudication of the Ph D thesis Assam University, Amet University, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune, University of Madras etc., • Co-guide for the Ph D scholars of Cancer Institute, Chennai and Karpagam University, Coimbatore. • External Member, Doctoral Committee, RGNIYD, Loyola College, Chennai. • Member- Social Scientist, Ethics Committee, Apollo Hospital, Chennai. • External Examiner for the Research Project report / dissertation viva voce examination for MPhil in Social Work, Dept. of Social Work, Loyola College, Chennai on 11.8.2016 • External Examiner for Field Work, Research Dissertation evaluation for PG in Social Work programme to the University of Madras, Bharathiar University, Thiruvallur University, RGNIYD, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Loyola College, Stella Maris College, Sacred Heart College, etc., • Attended as the Member, Board of Studies, Dept. of Social Work, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya college of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 27.2.2017. • Attended as the Subject Expert for the Board of Studies, Dept. of Social Work, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai on 15.3.2017. • Jury for YUVA FEST 2K17 organized by the Dept. of Social Work, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai on 15.3.2017. • Selection Committee member for the Field officer, Technical Assistant–Social Worker, for the Project titled Pre Treatment loss to Follow-up in Tuberculosis (TB) patients project, NIRT, Chennai on 09.5.2016 • Member of Steering Committee for Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP) funded by the Global fund through ICMR, 2015-16. • Attended the selection meeting on 30.1.2017 NIRT-ICMR, Chennai as the external member for the Selection committee constituted for the post of Scientist –B (non-medical for projects). • Member, Academic Audit, Dept. of Social Work, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College, Mylapore, Chennai on 31.1.2017 • Chairperson for the paper presentation session in the National Conference on “Social Development & Equity in Society” organized by Dept. of Social Work, Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Chennai on 27.1.2017 • Delivered a Special Lecture on “Role of Youth in National Integration” at DKM College for Women, Vellore on 7.3.2017. • Delivered a lecture on “Youth & Mental Health” for the National Conference on “Mental Health and Well Being in Youth” organized by the Dept. of Social Work, NGM College, Pollachi on 17th March 2017. • Chairperson for the paper presentation session in the International conference on Emerging Trends in Youth Development on Jan 20th & 21st organized Department of Social Work, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur on 20th January 2017 • Resource person for the “Integration of multi-disciplinary approach by combining WASH education with other subjects” session during the Strengthening Water and Sanitation in Urban Settings programme organized by TERI University in partnership USAID, Coca Cola and World Vision on 28th November 2016 • Member of the Recruitment panel for interview [Counsellor] at the Central Office for all the SBOA Schools on 22.2.2017. • Expert committee member for module writers for Employability Skills, Enhancing Employability Skills among Student Youth - (Intervention Program with Under Graduate Students), RGNIYD, Govt of India on 1st April 2017. • Delivered a Lecture ‘Laws – Health & Disease’ in the two days seminar on “Youth Participation for Social Harmony through Social Legislation” organized by Dept. of Social Work (Aided), Madras School of Social Work, Chennai-8 • Handled a session on “Parenting and Work Life Balance” for IT employees of Tata Consultancy Services, Velacherry, Chennai on 10.8.2016. • Handled a session on “Parenting and Work Life Balance” for IT employees of Tata Consultancy Services, Siruseri, Chennai on 21.7.2016. • Chaired a Session on Institutional Initiatives during the A Seminar on Enhancing Contribution of Voluntary Organizations to Resurgent India organized by XIME Chennai, in collaboration with Christian Institute of Management, Chennai 30th November 2016. PUBLICATIONS (7 books) • He has published a book on Youth Entrepreneurship on Slum and edited books on Elderly Wellbeing and Inter-general Bonding, Elderly in India, Contemporary Social Work Research, Community Health, Adolescent Health, Adolescent Mental Health and Field Work practice in Social Work. Research Articles (Recent) • K. Sathyamurthi & Srinithi S. (2021). A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ON CHANGES IN THE EFFECTS OF PARENTING STYLE AND CHILDREN'S BEHAVIOR. International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education, 7(4), 2259-2273. • K. Sathyamurthi & Akhil Kumar.P., (2021) ANOREXIA NERVOSA – A Covid-19 Perspective, nternational Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 8, Issue 8, August 2021 ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8870 • K. Sathyamurthi & Poongothai (2021). Knowledge of Intellectual Disability (ID) among the Graduates of Social Work. International Journal of Indian Psychology, 9(2), 1922-1926. DIP:, DOI:10.25215/0902.190 • Divya. J & K. Sathyamurthi (2021) SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT OF ADOLESCENTS: SOCIAL WORK PERSPECTIVE, Science, Technology and Development Journal, ISSN: 0950-0707. Volume X Issue V MAY 2021, Page No : 501-510. DOI:21.18001.STD.2021.V10I5.21.351055 • K. Sathyamurthi & Anjana M (2021), SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE AND ITS IMPACT ON SCHOOL GOING ADOLESCENTS’ HEALTH IN CHENNAI, International Research Journal of Education and Technology, ISSN.2581-7795, Volume: 02 Issue: 02 | June 2021, Pg. 22-31. • Anjali U S & K. Sathyamurthi (2021) INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF CHILDREN AND THEIR PSYCHOSOCIAL PROBLEMS, Science, Technology and Development Journal, ISSN : 0950-0707. Volume X Issue II FEBRUARY 2021, Pg. No. 273-282. DOI:21.18001.STD.2021.V10I2.21.350532 • Mini K P & K. Sathyamurthi (2021) Perceiving Community Social Work: An exploration of Community Practice of Professional Social Workers in Kerala, Science, Technology and Development Journal, ISSN : 0950-0707. Volume X Issue II FEBRUARY 2021, Page No : 440-447. DOI:21.18001.STD.2021.V10I2.21.350548 • Sudarmathy S & K.Sathyamurthi(2021) ASPIRATION AND PERCEPTION OF UNDER GRADUATE SOCIAL WORK STUDENTS IN CHENNAI, Science, Technology and Development Journal, ISSN : 0950-0707. Volume X Issue II FEBRUARY 2021, Page No : 154-166. DOI:21.18001.STD.2021.V10I2.21.350518. • Ayswarya. J & K.Sathyamurthi(2021) A CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING OF PSYCHO-SOCIAL WELL BEING OF YOUNG WOMEN ATHLETES: SOCIAL WORK PERSPECTIVE, INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARYEDUCATIONALRESEARCH ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); VOLUME:10, ISSUE:1(6), January :2021. • K.Sathyamurthi, Anjana M and Amrita Madonna Dcruze (2021) Psycho Social Care and Support for Suicidal Ideation and Attempt among School Going Adolescents, International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (1) (2021) Page 631-634. ISSN 2582-7421. • Murugesan P and K.Sathyamurthi (2021) , CHALLENGES DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE MANAGEMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS IN INDIA, International Journal of Current Advanced Research ISSN: O: 2319-6475, ISSN: P: 2319-6505, Volume 10; Issue 05 (B); May 2021; Page No. 24368-24376, DOI: • Sudarmathy S & K.Sathyamurthi , (2021) "PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES OF UNDER GRADUATE SOCIAL WORKS STUDENTS IN CHENNAI", International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.9, Issue 1, pp.355-363, January 2021 • K.Sathyamurthi, Lakshmi Devi.R, Anjali.U.S, Saraswathi Nandhini.R, Aarathi U C and Govarthini.R "Attitude And Practice on SARS-COV-2 Among Indian Residents During Covid19 Lockdown In India – A Transverse Study", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (, ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.7, Issue 7, page no.108-117, July-2020, Available : • K.Sathyamurthi and Sathish Kumar R (2020) "Prevalence of Substance Use Among Neighbourhood Community Adolescence In Chennai ", International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research (, ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.5, Issue 7, page no.233 - 239, July-2020, Available at : • Sathyamurthi, K., Agalya, S., and Anjana, M. (2020) Adolescents substance usage in the neighbourhood community of Chennai, Journal of Current Research, 12, (06), 11988-11990. DOI: • K.Sathyamurthi, Lakshmi Devi R, "Knowledge, Attitude And Practice On Sars-Cov-2 Among The Young Indian Residents During Lockdown Due To Sars-Cov-2 Outbreak -A Cross Sectional Survey", IJRAR - International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.7, Issue 2, Page No Pp.294-305, June 2020, Available At : Http://Www.Ijrar.Org/IJRAR2002418.Pdf. • K.Sathyamurthi (2020), Care Giving a Child with Cancer: A Psycho –Social Perspective Study, Studies in Indian Place Names, Vol-40-Issue-71-March -2020 Pg. No. 1875-1884. ISSN: 2394-3114. Available at: • Abida, K.Sathyamurthi, Study on Multiple Intelligences among Adolescent Girls in Chennai, International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926Vol.-2, Issue-11 Special Issue-1, Nov.-2016. • Anjali & K. Sathyamurthi (2018), Adult Day Care: Rehabilitation of Elderly, Elderly in India –Problems and Prospects, Today Publishers, Chennai ISBN: 978-81-936440-9-6. • Chithra, K., K.Sathyamurthi. (2016). Development at the cost of uprooting People - An Indian Scenario. International Journal of Research in Social Science, 6(10), 505-514. November, 2016. • Chithra, K., Sathyamurthi, K. (2016). Social Determinants of Child Health and Development - A Participatory Approach. International Journal of Current Research, 8(9).38295-38300. September 2016 • John Gabriel M S, K.Sathyamurthi “Sex Education among School Going Adolescents in Chennai” Sacred Heart Journal of Science and Humanities, vol.8. No.2 December, 2016, 2016: 196-202. ISSN: 2277-6613. • Nandhini, R.S., K.Sathyamurthi. (2016). Psychosocial Issues Pertaining to Menstrual Disorders among Slum Adolescents- Case Study. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS). • Nandhini, R.S., K.Sathyamurthi. (2016). Wellness of Adolescent Girls in the context of Health Seeking Behavior – An Analytical Approach. Sacred Heart Journal of Science and Humanities, 8(2) December 2016. • Nandhini, R.S., K.Sathyamurthi.(2016). A Qualitative Study on the Health and Education of Primitive Tribal Groups (PTGS) of Gudalur, Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Information Research and Review, 3(4), April 2016, 2161-2168. • Nesamani Rahel Jenifer, K.Sathyamurthi. "Work Life Balance of Women Employees in Manufacturing Industry- Tiruvallur." Sacred Heart Journal of Science and Humanities, vol.8. No.2 December, 2016: 167-172, ISSN: 2277-6613. • Sathish Kumar, R., K.Sathyamurthi. (2016). Substance Usage is a Hindrance to Youth Development – Sustainable Development Perspective. Sacred Heart Journal of Science and Humanities, 8, 2016 • K.Sathyamurthi., Nandhini, R.S. , Sathish Kumar, R. Demonetization in India: Issues and Challenges. Nehru School of Management Journal, Vol.2, No.2, March 2017, ISSN: 2349-4883. • Shefali Mohanty, K.Sathyamurthi "School Mobbing among Adolescents of St. Xavier’s High School, Odisha" Sacred Heart Journal of Science and Humanities, vol.8. No.2 December, 2016, 203 -211. ISSN: 2277-6613. • Steffi Jacob, K.Sathyamurthi. "Health, Life skills and Socio Economic Aspects of Burmese And Afghan Refugees in New Delhi - A Qualitative Study,." Sacred Heart Journal of Science and Humanities, vol.8. No.2 December, 2016, 2016: 173-182. ISSN: 2277-6613. • R. Saraswathi Nandhini. K. Sathyamurthi (2018). Elders as Health Promoting Factors in Adolescent Girls – An Introspective Study, Elderly in India –Problems and Prospects, Today Publishers, Chennai ISBN: 978-81-936440-9-6. • R. Saraswathi Nandhini and Sathyamurthi K (2019), SCOPE OF SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE IN PROMOTING HEALTH SEEKING BEHAVIOUR OF ADOLESCENT GIRLS IN CHENNAI SLUMS – AN ECLECTIC APPROACH, Review of Research, impact factor : 5.7631(Uif) UGC Approved Journal No. 48514 ISSN: 2249-894X, Volume - 8 | issue - 7 | April - 2019, Pg.No. 1-9 • Saraswathi Nandhini R & K. Sathyamurthi (2018), Elders as Health Promoting Factors In Adolescent Girls: An Introspective Study, Elderly In India: Problems and Prospects, Today Publishers, Chennai, 2018, 251-260, ISBN: 978-81-936440-9-6 • Anjali U S, K. S. (2018). Psychosocial Competence of Institutionalised Adolescents. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IOSR-JHSS), 23(10), 42-46. • Mini, K.P. and Sathyamurthi, K. (2016). Deciphering the Concept of Community Social Work. Journal of Social Work Education, Research and Action, 2(3), 52-71. • Mini, K.P. and Sathyamurthi, K. (2017). Community Social Work: An Evolutionary Perspective. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences, 7(8), 110-118. • Mini, K.P. and Sathyamurthi, K. (2017). The Community in Community Social Work. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 22(9), 58-64. • Mini, K.P. and Sathyamurthi, K. (2017). Community Social Work: A Theoretical Perspective. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 7(10), 223-231. • Mini, K.P. and Sathyamurthi, K. (2017). Community Social Work: A Sustainable Development Perspective. Journal of the Madras School of Social Work, 11(1&2), 23-42. • Mini Pradeep and K.Sathyamurthi. Community Social Work with Elderly. In K.Sathyamurthi. (Ed.). (2018). Elderly in India: Problems and Prospects. Chennai, India: Today Publishers. Pp.265-273 EXTENSION ACTIVITY • Initiated and co-ordinating the Adolescent Centre for Health and Education at Managalapuram, Chetpet, Chennai in collaboration with Guild of Service (central) from July 2016 onwards as an extension activity for the Dept. of Social Work (Aided). COMPLETED RESEARCH PROJECT • An action project on Multiple Intelligence of Adolescent Girls in Neighbourhood community, Chetpet, Chennai. • Socio Economic profiling of Quarry Workers in Kanchipuram District ON GOING RESEARCH PROJECT • K. Sathyamurthi, CARE FOR COPS Project for Women Police Officers of Chennai, FICCI FLO, Chennai. • K.Sathyamurthi, Madras School of Social Work and P. Ganeshkumar P. Manickam J. Yuvaraj P. Kamaraj, National Institute of Epidemiology joint Research Proposal submitted in the year 2015-16 was approved by the ICMR under ICMR-ICSSR Joint Research Programme titled “Socio-behavioral issues and structural factors regarding health of under-5 children in urban slum population of Chennai, Tamil Nadu” is in progress. I. Research, Consultancy and Evaluation Projects Role Name of the Project Project Area/Place Funding Institution/ orgn Period & Cost in lakhs Principal Investigator “An Observational study on the determinants of Psycho-Social Wellbeing (PWB), Lost to Follow up (LFU) and Deceased patients of Multi Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB) patients in Chennai and Madurai Districts of Tamil Nadu” Chennai & Madurai National Operational Research Committee (NORC), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi. Rs.23,80,127/- 2020 onwards D.O.Z-28015/209/2020 Principal Investigator Care for Cops- Women Police Well being project Chennai FICCI-FLO, Chennai 10,06,316/- 2019-20 Principal Investigator Socio-behavioural issues and structural factors regarding health of under-5 children in urban slum population of Chennai, Tamil Nadu Chennai (In collaboration with National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE), Chennai) Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi 22,28,600/- 2017-19 No. 17/2016/ ICMR/-ICSSR-SBR-25.5.2017 Project Co-ordinator Multiple Intelligence assessment and Academic performance of Adolescent Girls Mangalapuram, Chetpet Slum, Chennai University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi August 2016 to March 2017 (Rs. 65,000/-) Project Co-ordinator Health and Educational field action project for Children, Adolescent and Women in Neighborhood Community Chetpet & Chindradripet Slums, Chennai University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi July 2015 to March 2016 (Rs. 65,000/-) Project Co-ordinator Psycho Social Support to Flood affected Urban Community- Children & Women Chennai District Tata Group, Mumbai December 2015 to March 2016 Rs. 1,25,000/- Project Co-ordinator Psycho Social Support to Flood affected Rural Community- Children & Women Cuddalore District Tata Group, Mumbai December 2015 to March 2016 Rs. 1,25,000/- Project Co-ordinator Chennai Flood Relief & Response Action Project – Intervention to the Slum Community in Chennai Slums of Chennai FUNDME Initiative, Alliants International University, USA. January to March 2016 Rs. 1,10,886/- Role Name of the Project Project Area/Place Funding Institution/ orgn Period & Cost in lakhs Project Co-ordinator Socio-Economic, Education and Health Condition – Need Assessment study Oothivakkam Village, Guduvancheri, Kanchipuram District. University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi January to March 2015 Rs. 25,000/- Project Co-ordinator Child Help Line among Chennai Corporation School going Adolescents (Bridge- Get Connected)- An Awareness and Intervention study Chennai University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi August 2011 to March 2012 25000/- Co-ordinator Pre-natal Sex Selection awareness study Chennai PRAJNIYA December 2012 to March 2013 Co-investigator Baseline Study on Community Child Coalition Model Godavari ADP, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India World Vision India Rs, 3,00,000/- 2009-10 Co-investigator Study on the impact of Economic, health, education policy & programmes in post globalization Era on the socio economic status of people living in rural community- Vengal village, Tiruvallur Dist Vengal Panchayat, Thiruvallur district. Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi March 2009 to October 2011 (5 Lakhs) Project Director Monitoring Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme for the children of working mothers in Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, New Delhi. June 2006 To 0ct 2010. (8 lakhs) Project Director Monitoring Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme for the children of working mothers in Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andaman & Nicobar Islands Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, New Delhi. June 2006 To 0ct 2010. (1 lakhs) Member, Evaluation Team. External Evaluation Team for Continuing Education Programmes Uttara Kannada District, KSLMA, Directorate of Mass Education, Karnataka Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi. July – Sep 2006 (2.5 Lakhs) Role Name of the Project Project Area/Place Funding Institution/ orgn Period & Cost in lakhs Member, Evaluation Team External Evaluation Team for Continuing Education Programmes Warangal District, APSLA, Direct. of Adult Edn, Andhra Pradesh Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi June – Sep 2007 (2.5 lakhs) Research Assistant Pre-adjudication intervention programme for Juvenile Delinquency CP, Chennai & Vellore. Government Special Home, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu Directorate of Social Defense, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. July 1999 to Feb 2000 (Rs. 1,00,00 lakh) Research Assistant After Care Services of Prisoners Central Prisons in Southern States of India BPR&D, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi. July 1999 to August 2000. II. Evaluation Projects of CAPART, Ministry of Rural Development, New Delhi S.No File No. Project Name and NGO Name Year 1 DIS/TND/17/1/2008 Mid Term Evaluation for Community based rehabilitation of the persons with disability, Theni District 2010 2 ARTS/TND/14/8/2003 Final evaluation on the construction of fuel-efficient Crematoriums, Thiruthurai poondi (PO) Thiruvaarur Dist 2010 3 PC/TND/14/59/2002 Post Evaluation – Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Practices Through Organic Farming, Nagapattinam 2010 4 112/0030/95-96 Mid-Term evaluation, Construction of Low-cost Houses, Salem 2010 5 NREGA/TND/14/5/2007 Mid-Term Evaluation project of SCORD, Mannargudi, Tamil Nadu 2009 6 PC/TND/17/1/2004 Post Evaluation- Effective Transfer of Alternative Livelihoods, Dindigul 2009 7 RIIMA/TND/17/1/2005 Mid Term Evaluation-Integrated Income Generation Activities for Rural SHG Women, Palani 2009 8 ORP/TND/14/33/2001 Mid Term Evaluation 1 CBR of PWD, CENDECT, Theni District 2009 9 ARTS/TND/14/32007 Midterm – RWH from roof Top of colony houses in Vadamadurai, Dindigul District. 2009 10 PC/TND/17/1/2004 Post Evaluation – Trust for Rural Upliftment and Education, Tirunelveli. 2009 S.No File No. Project Name and NGO Name Year 11 PC/TND/14/2006 Post Evaluation. Closing the Poverty Gap through Sustainable Development – Paramakudi, Ramnad. 2009 12 ARTS/TND/14/42/2007 PFE-Project proposal on popularization of RWH from roof top for the poor Rural population, BEST Trust for depressed, Cuddalore. 2008 13 PC/TND/14/31/2008 PFE – Skill development and Empowerment of rural poor. SWEETS, Chennai. 2008 14 ARTS/TND/14/64/2007 PFE-Project proposal on popularization of RWH from roof top for the poor Rural population, BEST Trust for depressed, Ramnad. 2008 15 PCTND/14/25/2007 Skill training in computers for Youth, Omalur Block, Salem 2008 16 ARTS/TND/14/42/2007 PFE/Popularizing RWH through Ferro Cement Technology tanks in the villages. IRWO, Ramanathapuram. 2007 17 ARTS/TND/14/11/2007 PFE – dissemination of simple technology on renewable source of energy by means of CARBON Briquitting. SEEDS, Arupukkotai, Virudhunagar, TN. 2007 18 PC/TND/14/28/2007 PFE – Computer skill on DTP & DCA to the Drop out SC/ST/BC. REWARDS, Villupuram. 2007 19 NREGA/TND/14/5/2007 PFE – Monitoring. SCORD, Mannargudi - 614018 2007 20 PC/TND/17/1/2004 Mid Term evaluation - 2 for effective transfer of alternative livelihoods and participatory sustainable development, Dindigul 2005 III. Academic Research Studies in M.Phil & Ph D in Social Work a. Ph D in Social Work S.No Name of the Scholar Broad Area of Research Duration Status 1. Camillus Rajkumar Health Status of Multi Drug Resistance Tuberculosis (MDRTB) in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and New Delhi 2013-16 Degree Awarded 2. Shapna Yasmin Women Entrepreneurs in Madurai 2011-16 3. Saraswathi Nandhini Health Seeking Behaviour of Adolescent Girls in Chennai Slums 2014-17 4. Chithra Kuruvilla Community Participation in ICDS programme in Trivandrum District 2014-17 5. Sindhu Sivan Leadership and Decision Making pattern among Women Managers 2014-17 6. Priya James (Co-guide) Geology and Social Work 2013-18 7. Sathish Kumar R Interventional study on Substance Use Disorders among Adolescents in Slums 2015-21 8. Mini K P Community Social Work: Education and Practice in Kerala 2016-21 9. Anjali U S Psycho Social Competence of Neglected Adolescents 2017-21 Thesis Submitted 10. Murugesan P Determinants of Psycho Social Wellbeing of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients in Chennai Corporation 2016-21 11. Sudarmathy Professional Competencies amoung under graduate and post graduate Social Work students in Tami Nadu 2016-21 12. Divya J Adolescence Psycho-social Wellbeing 2021 Process 13. Rubini V E Corporate Social Responsibility 2021 14. Nandhitha Process of Registration 2021 15. Kenneth Jeyaseelan Process of Registration 2021 16. Justish Anandan Child friendly Community in Urban Neighbourhood Community 2014 Discontinued b. M.Phil in Social Work S.No Name of the Scholar Broad Area of Research Duration Status 1. Yasmin Quality of Life of Women Police Officers in Chennai 2021- Process 2. Ayswaria J Psycho- Social Challenges of Young athletes in Chennai 2019-20 3. Loknath Sahoo Youth and Social Work 2018-19 Awarded 4. Shefali Mohanty Emotional Intelligence and Life Skills among Adolescents – An Intervention Study 2016-17 5. Abida A Psycho Social problems of Adolescents at Government Children’s Homes for Girls 2015-16 6. Maria Fatima Victor Psycho Social Problems of patients with Migraine and Neurological disorders 2014-15 7. Divya Health & Hygienic practices of School going Adolescents Girls in Chennai and Kanchipuram District 2011-12 8. Ashok Kumar A study on Pre-Marital Sex among the Adolescents in Vellore District 2007-08 9. Hemalatha Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups 2006-08 Dr. K. Sathyamurthi, Ph D.,