Author : Najeem olawale adelakun
Keyword : Curriculum review, education sector, nigeria education, tertiary institutions.
Subject : Educational technology
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.6028709
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Effective curriculum is a key determining factor to the growth of the education system in any meaningful societies or nations. It is worthy of note that technology keeps evolving which prompts the need for concurrent review of the curriculum. Presently, there are still outdated topics that ought to have been phased out from the curriculum, it is alarming that some tertiary institutions are still using the old curriculum while those that have adopted the new curriculum have not fully implemented the full content due to the lack of adequate equipment or unavailability of trained personnel.
Article by : Najeem Olawale Adelakun
Article add date : 2022-02-13
How to cite : Najeem olawale adelakun. (2022-February-13). Impact of digital technology and the need for periodical review of educational curriculum in nigeria tertiary institutions. retrieved from