Dr Imran Ahmed Khan

Author Details

1. Shivani rastogi
2. (major) vishal arora
3. imran khan
4. rajlaxmi bhandari
5. zafeer khan
6. atit kumar gupta

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A comparative study of sevoflurane vs halothane for general anaesthesia in pediatric patients

Author : Shivani rastogi1, (major) vishal arora2, imran khan3, rajlaxmi bhandari4, zafeer khan5, atit kumar gupta6

Keyword : Sevoflurane, emergence, recovery, halothane.

Subject : Anaesthesia

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : (BACKGROUND): Halothane has been the induction agent of choice in pediatric age group for nearly five decades. Sevoflurane with low blood gas solubility allows rapid induction and early emergence, its pleasant odour makes it an attractive alternative for inhalational induction in children. AIMS: Comparison of halothane and sevoflurane regarding induction in children, hemodynamic and respiratory study between two agents, emergence, recovery and side effects. This study was carried out over a period of two years from Dec 2009 to Dec 2011. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Sixty patients were included and analyzed at our hospital after ethical approval. METHODS AND MATERIAL: Patients in Group I(n=30) received Halothane while Group-II(n=30) patients received Sevoflurane for induction and maintenance. Parameters recorded and analyzed were Time to loss of eyelash reflex, Time to complete induction, Hemodynamic parameters during induction and at regular intervals, Emergence time and Recovery profile at the end of surgery. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: For the purpose of evaluating the results of the study following statistical tools were used: Mean, S.D., t Test, Confidence Level and Chi-square Test. ANOVA was used to compare observations taken under different conditions within the same group. RESULTS: Time to loss of eyelash reflex and time to complete induction were statistically significant in sevoflurane (Group II) group. A statistically significant difference was seen between two groups with Group I showing significantly higher proportion of complications as compared to Group II (p=0.009). CONCLUSIONS: Sevoflurane is a better inhalational agent than halothane because of faster induction and rapid recovery. Hemodynamic stability was better, with less incidence of complications than halothane.

Article by : Dr Imran Ahmed Khan

Article add date : 2022-02-21

How to cite : Shivani rastogi1, (major) vishal arora2, imran khan3, rajlaxmi bhandari4, zafeer khan5, atit kumar gupta6. (2022-February-21). A comparative study of sevoflurane vs halothane for general anaesthesia in pediatric patients. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/1036