Zohreh Ghadbeigy

(Allameh Tabataba'i University)

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1. Samaneh movahedi
2. zohreh ghadbeigy

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Russia's presence in the syrian crisis

Author : Samaneh movahedi, zohreh ghadbeigy

Keyword : Identity, middle east, syria, geopolitics, russia, eurasia, terrorism

Subject : Social sciences

Article Type : Original article (research)

DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.6369953

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Russia is the largest country in the world, on the two continents of Europe and Asia. Russia, despite great extent, from time immemorial has always been concerned about access to the seas warm the world, and Even "Ivan IV" as the founder of the country was forced to command a series of a failed expeditions to the Crimea. After that, "Peter the Great" Between 1700 and 1721 lunched bloody wars with Sweden over the Baltic Sea and After the victory, he was so concerned about access to open waters that he had to move the capital, St. Petersburg, and move Russia's political heart from Moscow to the Baltic coast. After Peter and the end of the Romanov dynasty, the Russians always considered access to hot water important, so that Russia's existence was linked to it. Perhaps this is why, during the Soviet era, Kremlin officials went beyond the development of the Crimean port region in southern Ukraine to consider building maritime terminals in Libya and Syria. Russia in the middle of the first decade of the new century after the internal crisis turned its attention to international issues. In the meantime, the Middle East, which is geographically located between Europe and East Asia, has once again come to Russia's attention. But with the recent developments in the Middle East, Moscow's military contracts and economic cooperation have shifted back to its traditional allies (such as Syria) in the region. In the new era, restored its relations with Syria. In this article, we intend to examine the geopolitical situation in Russia and answer the question: what factors have led to the Russian military presence in Syria? Factors directly related to the country's geopolitical characteristics, such as attention to Russian identity, Russia's inefficiency in resolving the Central Asian crisis, and Russia's turn to the Middle East, play an important role.

Article by : Zohreh Ghadbeigy

Article add date : 2022-04-28

How to cite : Samaneh movahedi, zohreh ghadbeigy. (2022-April-28). Russia's presence in the syrian crisis. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/1054