Zohreh Ghadbeigy

(Allameh Tabataba'i University)

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1. Mahsa ahmadyan
2. zohreh ghadbeigy

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Proxy wars; iran; regional position; west asia; isis

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Impact of proxy wars on the regional position of the islamic republic of iran

Author : Mahsa ahmadyan, zohreh ghadbeigy

Keyword : Proxy wars; iran; regional position; west asia; isis

Subject : Social sciences

Article Type : Original article (research)

DOI : 10.18415/ijmmu.v9i6.3856

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Proxy wars are one of the most important components of war in the modern age, and what can be seen in the present century is the growing importance of this strategy; because it helps governments achieve their goals by spending less. There are differing views among international observers on the nature and position of this component. Some believe that proxy wars can be a theory or doctrine, while others see it as a politico-military strategy that fits aggressively realistic strategies. This type of conflict has become one of the common strategies in West Asia. Iran is one of the countries that use proxy wars to advance regional goals. Strategic and military support for proxy forces in Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen are clear examples of Iran's arms activities in West Asia, which seek to upset the balance of power to the detriment of the United States and the Zionist regime at the regional level. In addition to jeopardizing US interests in the region, it poses a threat to its allies, especially Israel and Saudi Arabia. The present study seeks to answer how proxy wars affect Iran's position in West Asia. The authors seek to investigate the impact of proxy wars on the regional position of the Islamic Republic, assuming that proxy wars lead to the strengthening of deterrent power and increase the regional power of Iran

Article by : Zohreh Ghadbeigy

Article add date : 2022-06-10

How to cite : Mahsa ahmadyan, zohreh ghadbeigy. (2022-June-10). Impact of proxy wars on the regional position of the islamic republic of iran. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/1073