Author : Joby john
Keyword : Transcendental leap, neuro-context, linguistics, hermeneutics, theory of interpretation
Subject : Multidisciplinary
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.6618566
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : This paper is an attempt to introduce and explain the term Transcendental Leap in the field of semantics. With this concept, the process of meaning-making is explained more clearly. The semantic process of Transcendental Leap takes place within the Neuro-context of a person. Therefore, the transcendental leap varies in accordance with the expansion of one’s neuro-context. This academic paper opens the door of linguistics to the field of science, especially to Neuro-Linguistics. The academic paper does not deal with anything with regard to the brain and its physiology directly, whereas it is directed towards the same. This concept is explained with the imagery of ‘the Medicine of Life’ of St Ephrem which is used to denote the Holy Eucharist.
Article by : Joby John
Article add date : 2022-06-27
How to cite : Joby john. (2022-June-27). An introduction to the transcendental leap. retrieved from