Author : Aithal p. s. & shubhrajyotsna aithal
Keyword : Environmental management, ecological management, icct underlying technologies, icct in environmental management, abcd analysis for icct in ecological management
Subject : Science and technology
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : 10.1007/978-981-19-2083-7_2
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Technology is an enabler of the implementation of various strategies in solving environmental problems. Information Communication and Computation Technology (ICCT) and Nanotechnology (NT) are two new emerging general-purpose technologies that have the capabilities to solve many problems of society in an innovative and effective manner. These technologies have potentiality to manage the natural environment and ecology of the earth to support sustainable living creatures. In this paper, we made a detailed analysis of the role of ICCT underlying technologies in environmental and ecological management for maintaining sustainable living systems on earth. The paper discusses the technology interventions & management of natural Environmental & Ecology and Identifies the role of ICCT underlying technologies in environmental & ecological management. The paper also discusses implementation strategies of use of ICCT underlying technologies in environmental & ecological management and analysis of the possible role of ICCT in ecological management using a qualitative ABCD analysis framework.
Article by : Sreeramana Aithal
Article add date : 2022-08-01
How to cite : Aithal p. s. & shubhrajyotsna aithal. (2022-August-01). Exploring the role of icct underlying technologies in environmental and ecological management. retrieved from