Sreeramana Aithal

(Srinivas University, Mangalore, India)

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1. Shyam b. r.
2. aithal p. s.

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The anatomy of human motivation: arrays of what they say, think, behave and act with reference to blood type

Author : Shyam b. r., aithal p. s.,

Keyword : Blood type, motivation process, motivation theories, motivational behaviours, extrinsic & intrinsic

Subject : Business

Article Type : Original article (research)

DOI : 10.47992/ijmts.2581.6012.0212

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Purpose: This research sheds light on motivation. Motivation is the key to performance improvement. Despite enormous research, basic as well as applied, the subject of motivation is not clearly understood and more often it is poorly practiced. To understand motivation, one must understand human nature itself and there lies the problem. Blood is the most fundamental nourishment for our bodies. It seems to be that different blood types would react differently & motivate differently. Many other factors also influence our personality same way as motivation. Maybe blood type should be used for more than just matching organ donors, same way may be blood type could also be good for watching which blood type stimulates which motivation type/behaviour & to find which is the best blood type motivation. Objective: The researchers have set the following primary objective and the current study investigates 2 broad research questions: This research aims to examine which blood type stimulates which motivation type/behaviour & to find which is the best blood type motivation. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is based on both secondary & primary evidence. Hypotheses are stated for the various variables selected and analyzed to prove or disprove the same without any errors. The designed questionnaire includes demographic factors and human resource motivation with reference to blood type-related close-ended structured questionnaire in the form of 5 points Likert scale. The primary data are collected from 128 various professionals of different domiciles by using a convenient random sampling technique. The analysis of the research work is carried out with the help of SPSS software (21.0), wherein, descriptive statistics are used to describe the nature of the data. Factor analysis is used to check the commonalities and homogeneous grouping of the factors amongst the variables. Reliability tests are used to understand how reliable the data grouping. A statistical tool like one-way

Article by : Sreeramana Aithal

Article add date : 2022-08-07

How to cite : Shyam b. r., aithal p. s.,. (2022-August-07). The anatomy of human motivation: arrays of what they say, think, behave and act with reference to blood type. retrieved from