Author : Shyam, b. r., aithal p. s.,
Keyword : Blood type, motivation process, motivation theories, motivational behaviours, content motivation, process motivation, reinforcement, extrinsic & intrinsic
Subject : Psychological
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : 10.47992/ijaeml.2581.7000.0142
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Purpose: Blood is the most fundamental nourishment for our bodies. It seems to be that different blood types would react differently & motivate differently. Many other factors also influence our personality in the same way as motivation. Maybe blood type should be used for more than just matching organ donors, the same way may be blood type could also be good for watching the motivation process, theories & behaviours of people. Thus, the purpose of the study is to identify the effect of blood type on motivation process, theories & behaviours. Objective: The researchers have set the following primary objective and the current study investigates 1 broad research question: To identify the effect of blood type on motivation process, theories & behaviours. Design/Methodology/Approach: A descriptive study was undertaken with the involvement of 128 respondents of various professionals. Respondents were given a validated close-ended structured questionnaire on Likert’s 5-point scale. The options chosen were scored & complied resulting data was analyzed statistically by ANOVA using SPSS (21.0) software. Findings/Result: Previously nobody studied blood group & motivation. The researchers in the study have observed that blood type has no statistical significance with motivation, behaviours and personality. Considering the strong belief in many countries where blood type is having significant association with the term motivation and it was strongly proved. Hence the major observation in the study is individuals have changed their personality, and motivation factors to be connected with the blood type rather than in a self-fulfilling prophecy. Thus, the blood group does not have any statistical significance with the motivational process, theories & behaviours of people. Research Limitations/Implications: Motivational behaviours are to be in the flow by considering the major factors that are in trend and it is considered as the primary weapon in understanding the motivational f
Article by : Sreeramana Aithal
Article add date : 2022-08-07
How to cite : Shyam, b. r., aithal p. s.,. (2022-August-07). Effect of blood type on motivation process, theories, and behaviours. retrieved from