Sreeramana Aithal

(Srinivas University, Mangalore, India)

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1. Mishra a. k.
2. rajesh koirala
3. & p. s. aithal

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Effectiveness of the construction projects: a comparison between users committees and contractor approach

Author : Mishra a. k., rajesh koirala, & p. s. aithal,

Keyword : Users committee, performance, contract, socio-economic, environment, health, defective liability period,

Subject : Management

Article Type : Original article (research)

DOI : 10.47992/ijcsbe.2581.6942.0207

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Purpose: The policymakers are found to be undecided which assures the need for a refined policy on local governance in the formation of a user committee. It is expected to be beneficial for the project management team to point out the factors that directly or indirectly affect project performance. To assess the effectiveness of the construction projects implemented through Users Committees in comparison to the Contract Approach. Design/Methodology/Approach: The number of Informal Consultations was conducted at each sector of the project location involving UCs and beneficiaries. Furthermore, the key Informant's Interview was taken with the Planning officials, Implementing officials, and elected representatives followed by policy maker and department representative. A comparison is also made with contractor-based work. Using Content Analysis as a data analysis technique, the raw data was presented in the form of explanation, understanding or interpretation. Findings/Result: Need of empowerment & awareness to the beneficiaries too for their commitment by contributing to the construction projects and also providing orientation training to develop technical and managerial skills to UCs. A mandatory system of feasibility study of the projects for the financing of beneficiaries' contributions is essential. The work schedule or work plan should be attached to the agreement. Proper combination of both approaches would be better to be followed in a single project based on the nature, content, and complexity of rural road construction work. Originality/Value: Both relevant and practical aspects for projects implemented through users in comparison to contractors have been significant for policymakers to decide the correct approach for correct work.

Article by : Sreeramana Aithal

Article add date : 2022-10-24

How to cite : Mishra a. k., rajesh koirala, & p. s. aithal,. (2022-October-24). Effectiveness of the construction projects: a comparison between users committees and contractor approach. retrieved from