Author : Dr rehan haider
Keyword : Liquid chromatography; stationary phase; separation mechanism. chromatographic techniques in pharmaceutical analysis
Subject : Biological
Article Type : Original article (research)
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : The chemical sciences in modern times owe no small debt to the development of improvements in analytical techniques. Cinematographic methods, in particular, have served as successful, systematic separations in chemistry, biology, and biochemistry. The founder of chromatography is recognized as the Russian botanist M. S. Tswett (1), who in 1906 applied the concept of "chromatography" for the first time. In 1941 the work of British chemists A. J. P. Martin and R. L. M. Synge (2) became world-renowned; they were awarded the Noble Prize in 1952 for the development of partition chromatography. By contrast, the work of the German chemist F. F.Runge (1794-1867) has remained virtually unknown. About 100 years before martin and Synge, he took advantage of the capillary action of blotting paper as a means of visualizing chemical changes. In his 1855 book, Bildungstrieb der Stoff, Runge described techniques that are the forerunners of modern paper chromatography.The academic and industrialchemist F. F. Runge was born on February 8, 1794 inBillwerder near Hamburg.After completing an apprenticeship in pharmacy inLübeck, he first studied medicine in Berlin and then moved to the university in Jena, where he concentrated on plant chemistry. In 1822he completed his doctoral studies on toxic plant ex-tracts, under the direction of W. Döbereiner (3). He became Professor of Technical Chemistry at the University of Breslau (currently Wroclaw, Poland) (4) in1828. Wroclaw, Poland) (4) in1828. Because he found the meager salary of a professor disappointing, Runge took a position in1833 at the ChemischeProduktenfabrik inOranienburg (5), where he sought the opportunity to bring his creativity and inventiveness to fruition. As technical director, Runge had as one of his assignments finding uses for coal tar oil, a product in the manufacture of illuminating gas (6). In the process discovered and identifiedphenol and aniline (7).
Article by : Rehan Haider Naqvi
Article add date : 2022-11-22
How to cite : Dr rehan haider. (2022-November-22). Friedlieb runge and his capillary designs. retrieved from