Author : Abin george
Keyword : Manufacturing commercial enterprise, manufacturing organizations, manufacturing businesses, mcdm
Subject : Multidisciplinary
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : 10.46632/jdaai/1/4/1
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : A manufacturing commercial enterprise is any business that makes use of uncooked materials, components, and additives to collect finished products. Manufacturing is described as the creation of latest merchandise from uncooked materials or components. Productivity to understand what is missing Companies Expanding their service business Based on this extensive research, for managers in manufacturing companies We try to provide guidance. Weighted Total Product Assessment (WASPAS) analysis used the results of this study to provide decision makers with these complexity, compatibility, perceived benefits, technical resources, security and privacy as alternative and evaluation parameters ofArea of manufacturing, Job position, Age, Working experience in this position. Security and privacy is got the first rank whereas is the Perceived benefits is having the Lowest rank. In this paper Manufacturing Companies Security and privacy is got the first rank whereas is the Perceived benefits is having the Lowest rank.
Article by : Abin George
Article add date : 2023-01-13
How to cite : Abin george. (2023-January-13). Assessment of manufacturing companies using waspas mcdm method. retrieved from