Author : Anohar john
Keyword : Human rights, sustainable development, middle east, conflict, political instability, displacement, humanitarian aidrefugee issues,un sdgs
Subject : Social sciences
Article Type : Original article (research)
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : The refugee crisis in the Middle East has been a persistent issue for many years, with millions of people forced to flee their homes due to conflict and political instability. This study aims to examine the current state of refugees in the region and to identify potential solutions for the future. The study uses a comprehensive literature review and qualitative methodology to assess the challenges and opportunities facing refugees in the Middle East, and to make recommendations for policymakers and humanitarian organizations.
Article by : Anohar John
Article add date : 2023-02-08
How to cite : Anohar john. (2023-February-08). The future of refugee issues in the middle east: challenges and hope. retrieved from