Anohar John

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1. Anohar john

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Qatar's journey towards sustainability: overcoming sanctions and challenges of refugees to become a model for middle eastern sustainable development

Author : Anohar john

Keyword : Refugee issues,human rights,sustainable development, qatar, middle east, sanctions, internal and external threats, refugee issues.

Subject : Multidisciplinary

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : This research article explores the role of Qatar as a sustainable development model in the Middle East, despite facing sanctions and internal and external threats, including refugee issues. Qatar has made significant investments in sustainable development and has implemented various initiatives aimed at reducing its environmental impact, promoting economic growth, and improving the well-being of its citizens. Despite these efforts, however, the country continues to face challenges in its quest to become a sustainable development model in the region. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the situation in Qatar and its prospects for becoming a sustainable development model in the Middle East.

Article by : Anohar John

Article add date : 2023-02-08

How to cite : Anohar john. (2023-February-08). Qatar's journey towards sustainability: overcoming sanctions and challenges of refugees to become a model for middle eastern sustainable development. retrieved from