Osanyinlusi Remi

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1. Osanyinlusi remi

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Comparative study of the effect of boiling on nutritional composition of garden egg (solanum melogena)

Author : Osanyinlusi remi

Keyword : Keywords: fruits, plants, unboiled, air-dried, boiled, raw, nutrients

Subject : Medical

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Abstract Garden egg is a plant with edible fruit and its potential as a medicinal fruit have also been investigated. Extract has been suggested to have effects that could be therapeutic and nutritional. Analyses were carried out to determine the proximate and phytochemical constituents of both processed and raw indigenous Africa eggplant (Solanum macrocarpon and solanum aethiopicum). Proximate analysis of process and raw solanum macrocarpon (WBA) per (100%) showed: 75.13% moisture, 3.50% protein, 1.40% lipid, 3.40% ash contents, 5.14% crude fibre, and 11.43% carbohydrates. And raw which is (WUA) showed: 72.11% moisture, 4.25% protein, 1.96% lipid, 3.90% ash content, 5.40% crude fibre and 12.38% carbohydrates. While that of processed Solanum aethiopicum (GBA) shows: 73.70%moisthere,4.05% crude protein, 0.91% lipid, 8.90% crude fiber, 3.36% Ash content, carbohydrates 9.08% and the GUA show: 71.96% moisture, 4.14% crude protein, 1.01%lipid, 8.56%crude fiber, 4.02%ash and the available cabohydrate 10.38%. There was a significant presence of alkaloid, saponin, flavonoid, terpenoid, and absence of phlobatannin and steroids in WBA, while WUA shows the presence of phlobatannin, and absence of Tannins, saponins, glycosides and steroids. Saponins Glycoside and Tannins were present WBA and absent in WUA. Solanum aethiopicum in the other hand shows the presence of saponnin, flavornoid, alkaloids and absence of tannin, phlobatannins and steroids in both GBA and GUA, terpenoids and Glycoside are absent in GBA but present GUA. The results should that the moisture content of WBA was higher than that of WUA, and other nutrients such as protein, lipid, fiber, Ash,and carbohydrates are significantly higher in WUA than WBA. In same vein, The moisture content is higher in GBA than in GUA, while the protein, lipid, Ash and carbohydrates are higher in GUA leaving only crude fiber higher in GBA.

Article by : Osanyinlusi Remi

Article add date : 2023-02-15

How to cite : Osanyinlusi remi. (2023-February-15). Comparative study of the effect of boiling on nutritional composition of garden egg (solanum melogena). retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/1187