Dr Syed Aftab Alam

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1. Syeda rija rizvi
2. dr. ismail abbasi

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Textual analysis of danai guriras play "eclipsed" from the lens of simone de beauvoir's existentialist feminist theory

Author : Syeda rija rizvi, dr. ismail abbasi

Keyword : Existentialism, other, feminism, marginalization, oppression, subject

Subject : Humanity

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : The purpose of this research is to analyze women’s suffrage from marginalization and oppression during the war times. In order to inquire about this, the play Eclipsed (2016) by Danai Gurira has been selected. The book talks about the basic rights thatomen are being deprived of and how they are forcefully accustomed to doing things without their will. In order to conduct the research, the theory of Existentialist Feminism by Simone de Beauvoir has been applied to look at the deprivation of women rights in the play and the principles are taken specifically from Beauvoir's book, The Second Sex (2011). The theory talks about the gender inequalities that prevail in society and how men, in several instances from history, have acted superior to women and have considered them as "Others". The methodology that has been used for the analysis is the textual analysis by Bauer. The research is important because it helps to understand a Zimbabwean writer's perspective of Women's rights, which shows how the patriarchal society has engraved the fear of growth into women. The gap of the research is that it is going to bring forward the sufferings of the neglected women of the society i e the Liberian women. Blacks suffer due to their color and not much light is shed upon their lives. Therefore, this research aims to put black women in focus.

Article by : Dr Syed Aftab Alam

Article add date : 2023-02-25

How to cite : Syeda rija rizvi, dr. ismail abbasi. (2023-February-25). Textual analysis of danai guriras play "eclipsed" from the lens of simone de beauvoir's existentialist feminist theory. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/1194