Author : Durgadevi boopathi
Keyword : Temporomanandibular disorders, screening, 3q, bruxism, diagnosis. questionnaire
Subject : Public health
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : 10.46791/ujmds.2020.080207
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Aim: The objective of the study was to determine diagnosis of temporomandibular disorder using three screening questions and TMD screening questionnaire amongst patients with bruxism and to assess the diagnostic accuracy of three questions (3Q/TMD) and temporomandibular disorder (TMD) screening questionnaire in relation to clinical evaluation in the same patients. Materials and methods: This study included 50 patients with history of bruxism, 18-50 yrs of age, selected from the outpatient department of our Institution. Clinical examination was done by a single, blinded oral physician including clinical signs and symptoms, articular sounds, quantitative and qualitative alterations in mandibular movements and arrived at diagnosis. Results: When comparing both questionnaires on the basis of diagnostic accuracy, 3Q showed sensitivity of 92.6% (92.1-92.8), a specificity of 73.9% (73.5-74.1), positive predictive value 80.6% (80.4-80.8), negative predictive value of 89.5% (89.4-89.6). The TMD questionnaire showed sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 39.1% (38.8-39.2), positive predictive value of 65.9% (65.7-66.1) and negative predictive value of 100%. Conclusion: In this study, the diagnostic accuracy of three questions and temporomandibular disorder screening questionnaire for temporomandibular disorders among patients with bruxism was assessed, The three questions is a simple tool which is more precise, simple and accurate for screening temporomandibular disorders, especially among pain related disorders.
Article by : Durgadevi Boopathi
Article add date : 2020-09-07
How to cite : Durgadevi boopathi. (2020-September-07). Comparison of three questions and tmd screening questionnaire in diagnostic accuracy of temporomandibular disorders amongst patients with bruxism. retrieved from