Author : Job john
Keyword : Digir
Subject : Social sciences
Article Type : Original article (research)
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : As the family evolves, the children also develop certain habits which become part of their life from the young age. The current family setting is more into implementation of digital technology and it’s been misguided by the children due to lack of checking on the gadgets they’re using while they study or work. The responsibility as a family is very less as kids become smarter and cunning. The social responsibility in the digital age is very less as children are falling into big traps due to the advancement of technology. Technology can negatively affect children's developing social skills, relationships, health, and overall ability to focus in developing their social skills. This can lead to more being socially awkward, withdrawn, shy, or intimidated by social situations.
Article by : job
Article add date : 2023-03-08
How to cite : Job john. (2023-March-08). Child protection in the age of digitals society : a call for social responsibility. retrieved from