sana gupta

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1. Sana gupta

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Exchange transfusion – a constant endeavour in neonatal sepsis

Author : Sana gupta

Keyword : Exchange transfusion

Subject : Medical

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Abstract Background: - Neonatal sepsis remains the leading cause of death among neonates admitted to NICU. A few of them develop sclerema ( severe panniculitis that manifests as a diffuse skin hardening in critically ill, premature, and low-birthweight infants due gram negative sepsis ). Striving to fight against the mortality caused by fulminant sepsis, we conducted a study in our tertiary care centre on 40 new-borns having culture positive sepsis (90% of which were enterobacteriaceae and klebsiella) who developed sclerema. Material and methods: - New-borns were divided in two groups of cases and controls. Cases were treated with double volume exchange transfusion as an extra modality from control group. The procedure was done through umbilical vein catheterisation under all aseptic conditions. The main aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of DVET as compared to standard antibiotic regimen. The new-borns in both the groups were comparable in terms of gestation, weight, hemodynamic status and sepsis screen (more than 2 markers were positive for most of them). Pre and post-exchange counts, CRP and blood culture was done. Vitals were monitored throughout the procedure. Conclusion:-The response to treatment was evaluated on basis of mortality (as compared to study group, clinical improvement in septic shock, improvement in counts and CRP, duration of hospital stay and duration of antibiotic usage. It was observed that DVET showed a marked protective effect by decreasing the mortality (50% in cases and 95% in controls) and hospital stay (15 days in cases and 21 days in controls).

Article by : sana gupta

Article add date : 2023-03-17

How to cite : Sana gupta. (2023-March-17). Exchange transfusion – a constant endeavour in neonatal sepsis. retrieved from