Osanyinlusi Remi

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1. Osanyinlusi remi
2. jide alfred olaseeni
3. odogiyon oghale beauty

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Keywords: proximate analysis
fresh plantain sample
plantain flour

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Assessment of chemical composition of hemp seed flour cannabis sativa

Author : Osanyinlusi remi, jide alfred olaseeni, odogiyon oghale beauty

Keyword : Keywords: proximate analysis, phytochemicals, fresh plantain sample, minerals, plantain flour

Subject : Medical research

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : ABSTRACT The hemp (Cannabis sativa) used for this work were obtained in a farm at Ogbese in Owo Local Government of Ondo State Nigeria. They were prepared for use by decoating, sun drying and milling. The milled sample were subdivided into two portions, one portion was defatted and named as defatted sample using normal hexane while the other portion was left raw. The samples were powdered in willey mill 60 mesh sizes and stored in screw cap bottle at room temperature for further analysis. Proximate analysis, mineral, phytochemical and functional composition of hemp (Cannabis sativa) were examined. The mean values of various parameters for proximate composition, of both raw and defatted samples were moisture content (5.65+0.03) and (5.60+0.05), ash content (6.50+0.01) and (6.40+0.01), fiber content (18.85+0.20 and 16.05+0.12), fat content (30.43+0.03) and (15.60+0.15), crude protein (25.45+0.02) and (28.05+0.00) and finally carbohydrate (13.12+0.01) and (28.30+0.02) for both raw and defatted samples respectively. Mineral (mg/kg) includes Potassium (8.75+0,01), Calcium (18.60+0.35), Sodium (7.52+0.02), Magnesium (14.10+0.03), Zink (2.10+0,02), Lead (0.05+0,01). The macronutrients and micronutrients present in the study is required for optimal functioning of physiological and biochemical process in the body. The results of functional properties of Cannabis sativa seed flour with the mean value of the following parameters bulk density (20.05+0.01 g/ml), Water absorption capacity (35.15+0.12), Oil absorption capacity (25.01+0.12), Foaming capacity (5.05+0.01) and Emulsion capacity (20.00+0.01) respectively. The result of phytochemical screening revealed that Oxalate, saponin and alkaloid were moderately present in Cannabis sativa seed four, tannins was slightly present while phytate was highly present in Cannabis sativa seed flour suggesting that the Cannabis sativa is relatively save for consumption

Article by : Osanyinlusi Remi

Article add date : 2023-03-24

How to cite : Osanyinlusi remi, jide alfred olaseeni, odogiyon oghale beauty. (2023-March-24). Assessment of chemical composition of hemp seed flour cannabis sativa. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/1216