Osanyinlusi Remi

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1. Osanyinlusi remi
2. awoniyi r r
3. obajuluwa m e
4. ogundare a e

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Proximate analysis
black velvet tamarind

dialum guineense

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Nutrional composition of the fruit, leave, root and bark of africa black velvet tamarind (diallum guineense)

Author : Osanyinlusi remi, awoniyi r r, obajuluwa m e, ogundare a e

Keyword : Proximate analysis, black velvet tamarind,, dialum guineense

Subject : Medical research

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Abstract The study is to identify the presence of phytochemical composition, proximate composition and mineral composition of the fruit, leave, bark and root of Africa Black Velvet Tamarind (dialium guineense). It is aimed at investigating the nutritionall constituenrs of the fruit, leave, bark and root of Africa Black Velvet tamarind. The crude extract were obtained and were screened for the presence of Phytochemicals, in order to identify the therapeutic potential of the plant. The result of the findings shows that phytochemicals such as tannis, saponins, flavonots, terpe, noids, Alkanoids, steroids and glyocoside were present in the sample except phlobotannins which is only present in the bark but absent in leavve, fruit and root of Africa Black velvet tamarind. The results also showed that Flavovoids and terpenoids and Glycoside were absent in the fruit of Diallum Guineense but present in other samples. The results of the proximate analysis are as follows: moisture (15.03±0.05%, 37.70±0.09%, 40.49±0.06% and 57.12±0.04%), ash (13.01±0.05%, 18.53±0.01%, 15.02±0.00% and 15.41±0.00%), crude fat (4.89±0.5%, 9.40±0.00%, 0.79±0.00%, and 0.18±0.00%), crude fiber (1.70±0.00%, 1.05±0.001%, 1.00±0.00%, and 1.01±0.00%), carbohydrate (61.35±0.05%, 40.94±0.01%, 41.37±0.05,% and 23.99±0.00%), protein (4.02±0.12%, 1.91±0.01%, 1.33±0.02%, and 1.69±0.02%) respectively. The following are the results of mineral analysis conducted on the fruit, leave, root and bark of Diallum Guineense Phosphorus Bark (1.53±0.01mg/l) leave (0.75±0.00 mg/l) and root (0.51±0.00mg/l), fruits (0.59±0.00mg/l). Magnesium was the most abundant mineral in the examined parts of D iallum Guineense, fruit (2.91±0.01), leave 2.16±0.00),

Article by : Osanyinlusi Remi

Article add date : 2023-03-24

How to cite : Osanyinlusi remi, awoniyi r r, obajuluwa m e, ogundare a e. (2023-March-24). Nutrional composition of the fruit, leave, root and bark of africa black velvet tamarind (diallum guineense). retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/1219