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1. Prof. dr. ahmed shaker al-alaq

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The impact of morgan schuster's financial mission in iran 1910-1912 ad, a historical study

Author : Prof. dr. ahmed shaker al-alaq

Keyword : Iran, money, economy, schuster, qajariya, russia, , the constitution

Subject : Social sciences

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Among the difficult tasks facing the Iranian government during the period (1910-1912) was the bankruptcy of the treasury and the spread of administrative chaos, and it was necessary for the government and the situation in this manner to rely on foreign expertise, to take over the reform in this aspect, and turned the eyes of the constitutional Towards the American experience, and this choice was not purely coincidental, but the realization of the politicians of Iran that the US administration is then the best neutral bodies in this area After realizing that the work of foreign experts with traditional influence in Iran from Russia, the British and Belgium, were ineffective their sole concern is to establish bases in the country to promote their interests, so the Iranian government decided to direct its Minister Commissioner in Washington to take the task of approaching the US side, Reform of financial matters and organization of the administrative structure in a modern manner,

Article by : ahmedalalaq

Article add date : 2023-04-01

How to cite : Prof. dr. ahmed shaker al-alaq. (2023-April-01). The impact of morgan schuster's financial mission in iran 1910-1912 ad, a historical study. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/1233