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1. Prof. dr. ahmed shaker al-alaq

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Iran's freedom renaissance party and its impact on the contemporary history of iran 1979-1981 a.d. an analytical study of the party's statements

Author : Prof. dr. ahmed shaker al-alaq

Keyword : Freedom renaissance, iran, opposition, khomeini, bazargan, iranian parties

Subject : Arts and humanities

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : The Iranian Freedom Renaissance Party is among the Iranian parties that played an important role during the period that followed the victory of the Islamic Revolution. His position on the overall political and social events and developments, and he presented a number of proposals at moments when the country was in dire need of them. The party's statements, which constituted the main material for the subject of the research, and which were issued on an almost daily basis, carried within them the party's programs, aspirations, and visions of its leaders. By reading and analyzing many of them, it became clear that the party He had serious national stances, in many of which he supported the political authority and the gains of the Islamic Revolution. The party's problem was that it opposed most of the directions and decisions of the executive authority and commented on them in a way that was not acceptable to the centers of political power, such as the formations of the Revolutionary Guards, the Revolutionary Court, and other formations. It was because of its positions that its members, leaders, and even supporters were subjected to legal prosecution, and the judiciary began to pursue many of them, including Whoever is absent in prisons, some of them are deported, and some of them are subject to compulsory residence

Article by : ahmedalalaq

Article add date : 2023-04-01

How to cite : Prof. dr. ahmed shaker al-alaq. (2023-April-01). Iran's freedom renaissance party and its impact on the contemporary history of iran 1979-1981 a.d. an analytical study of the party's statements. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/1234