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1. Prof. dr. ahmed shaker al-alaq

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Mr. hasan modarres and his political role in iran 1870-1937 ad

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Mr. hasan modarres and his political role in iran 1870-1937 ad

Author : Prof. dr. ahmed shaker al-alaq

Keyword : Mr. hasan modarres and his political role in iran 1870-1937 ad

Subject : Arts and humanities

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Ayatollah Sayyid Hassan Mudarris played an important and pivotal role in Iran throughout his life and participated in making many important political and economic decisions. His role was not limited to the House of Representatives, but he also participated in the masses in their demonstrations and sit-ins, which is why Mr. Mudarres was subjected to many arrests and was imprisoned for long periods. The greatest concern and preoccupation of Mr. Modarres was to defend the independence of Iran and to reveal the trends of British policy in Iran since the conclusion of the August agreement in 1919 AD, in which his statements and telegrams through which he denounced and denounced those methods and defended fiercely in order to annul those obligations that burdened the Iranian people. We also note his role in the period that followed the February coup of 1921 AD. He was an opponent of the state's policy and a staunch defender of the rights of the Iranian nation. Even when the issue of overthrowing the Qajar family was raised, he had his opinion on that issue and took it upon himself to reveal the circumstances of Reza Khan's policy and his desire to take power in Iran, Ayatollah Modarres continued in that direction that he grew up on during the rule of Reza Shah Pahlavi, and to a greater extent than before. His assassination by the Iranian security services at the behest of Shah Reza Pahlavi, after he was arrested for many years, thus ending an important stage of the conflict between the Iranian religious establishment and the Iranian royal court.

Article by : ahmedalalaq

Article add date : 2023-04-01

How to cite : Prof. dr. ahmed shaker al-alaq. (2023-April-01). Mr. hasan modarres and his political role in iran 1870-1937 ad. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/1242