Dr.Tapas Tripathi

(School of medical science and research sharda University)

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1. Tapas tripathi

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A study of association between chronic liver disease and thyroid function tests at a tertiary care hospital in western uttar pradesh

Author : Tapas tripathi

Keyword : Keyword: obesity, hypertension, calcium, bmi, smoker

Subject : Medical research

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Background: One of the many functions of the liver is the synthesis of carrier proteins and hormone metabolism, and liver diseases have been linked to a variety of endocrine disorders. Aim:The study's goal was to look at the spectrum of chronic liver disease and the relationship between thyroid profile and severity of liver damage in a tertiary hospital. Methods and materials: The current study was a single-center, tertiary care hospital-based,case-control study that included 50 cases of liver cirrhosis/chronic liver disease and 50 age/sex matched healthy controls (chosen at random from relatives attending OPD with patients). Thyroid function tests were performed and results were compared between cases and controls.Result : This study included 50 cases of liver cirrhosis/chronic liver disease and 50 healthy controls.The mean age and gender of cases and controls were comparable, and the difference was not statistically significant. The majority of cases (76%) had alcoholic liver cirrhosis, with the remainder having non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis (16%) and chronic viral hepatitis (8%). As per Child-Pugh Score, the majority of cases (40%), followed by Child-Pugh C (32%) and Child-Pugh A (28%). In the current study, free T3, free T4, and TSH levels were compared between cases and controls, and abnormal values were found in cases, indicating a statistically significant difference. Serum thyroid profile abnormalities were observed as Child-Pugh Score Classes advanced, and the difference was statistically significant for free T3 and free T4.

Article by : Dr.Tapas Tripathi

Article add date : 2023-04-04

How to cite : Tapas tripathi. (2023-April-04). A study of association between chronic liver disease and thyroid function tests at a tertiary care hospital in western uttar pradesh. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/1243