Fijabiyi Matthew

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1. Fijabiyi matthew olusegun

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Placenta accreta spectrum
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Placenta accreta spectrum; different management approach. a report of two cases.

Author : Fijabiyi matthew olusegun

Keyword : Placenta accreta spectrum, placenta previa, hysterectomy, uterine tamponade, morbidly adherent placenta.

Subject : Obstetrics and gynecology

Article Type : Case report

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Introduction: Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is one of the conditions that can be regarded as “obstetrician nightmare” because of its attendant severe maternal morbidity and significant mortality from haemorrhage, owing to its unique challenges in diagnosis and management. The incidence of PAS is on the rise in recent times due to increasing caesarean delivery rates. Early identification of patients with risk factors, multidisciplinary team management approach, availability of blood / blood ality. Main symptoms: In this report of two cases the authors presented their experience in the management of two multiparous women with placenta accreta spectrum, the first patient had placenta percreta and the second patient had placenta increta. The cases were referred from a peripheral facility with bleeding per vaginum and diagnosis was incidentally discovered at surgery. Intervention: The first patient had a subtotal hysterectomy and the second patient had a conservative surgery (fertility sparing) with satisfactory post-operative outcomes. Conclusion: Placenta accreta spectrum is an obstetrician nightmare due to the morbidity and mortality associated with it thus early identification of risk factors and effective management through multidisciplinary approach is paramount to a good outcome.

Article by : Fijabiyi Matthew

Article add date : 2023-04-17

How to cite : Fijabiyi matthew olusegun. (2023-April-17). Placenta accreta spectrum; different management approach. a report of two cases.. retrieved from