Dwi Mariyono

(Universitas Islam Malang)

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1. Dwi mariyono

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Awakening the meeting point, building indonesia's multicultural ideology

Author : Dwi mariyono

Keyword : Meeting point, idiology, multicultural, indonesia

Subject : Social sciences

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Indonesia's national ideology is a symbol that illustrates Indonesia's authority as a muticultural nation. This multicultural factor needs to be raised, maintained and cared for with full awareness from all elements of the nation through the meeting points of the nation's ideology so as not to trigger the explosion of the nation's disintegration bomb. This research aims to describe, analyze and interpret the evocation of common ground to build multicultural ideology in Indonesia. The research applies a systematic literature review technique better known as Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to be able to capture literature related to research on common ground in building a multicultural idiology in Indonesia. Various literature researchers collect from various research databases that researchers can reach. SLR is a method that can identify, evaluate and interpret related topics to answer research questions about the meeting point of building a multicultural idiology of the Indonesian nation that was determined earlier. This type of research is a qualitative research with a library research method as a data collection technique on books, literature, notes, articles, journals and reports that have relevance to the main problem of raising the meeting point of building the multicultural idiology of the Indonesian nation. The data collection method used is the documentation method with content analysis techniques. To maintain the accuracy of the assessment and prevent misinformation in data analysis, the researcher performs the stages of formulating problems, collecting data, evaluating the feasibility of data, analyzing and interpreting appropriate data to present the results: There are four meeting points in building multicultural ideology in Indonesia. The four meeting points are 1) Multicultural meeting point in Pancasila; 2) Multicultural meeting point in the 1945 Constitution; 3) Multicultural meeting point in Bhinkea Tunggal Ika, 4) Multicultural meeting point in

Article by : Dwi Mariyono

Article add date : 2023-05-05

How to cite : Dwi mariyono. (2023-May-05). Awakening the meeting point, building indonesia's multicultural ideology. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/1259