Author : Ayaz latif siyal
Keyword : Genetic variability, drought, wheat genotypes, yield
Subject : Agriculture
Article Type : Original article (research)
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : The present research study was conducted to determine the effects of water stress on various yield and yield associated traits of bread wheat. Fifteen newly evolved wheat genotypes and two check varieties viz., NIA-Amber, Khirman (drought-tolerant) were evaluated using various water stresses under field conditions. Experiment was conducted in split plot design with three replications and 3 treatments viz., single irrigation (T1) applied at seedling stage; two irrigations (T2) applied at seedling and anthesis stage and three irrigations (T3) applied at seedling, booting and milky stages respectively. The effects of water stresses were determined on days to booting, days to heading, days to maturity, spike length, spikelets per spike, grains-1 spike and grain yield-1 plot. Mean squares from pooled analysis of variance of different traits revealed that the genotypes, treatments and genotype x treatment interactions were highly and significantly (P≤0.01) different with each other for most of the traits. The results indicated the significant effects of water stress on different yield associated traits. The advanced genotypes BWDYT-1, BWDYT-2, BWDYT-3, BWDYT-6, BWDYT-8, BWDYT-9, BWDYT-10, BWDYT-1 produced higher grain yield and showed less reduction in various other yield associated traits viz., days to booting, days to heading and grain filling period at severe water stress (T1: single irrigation); could be more tolerant to drought stress. It was also observed from our results that the irrigation applied during the seedling stage is most crucial to obtain good yields under water stress conditions.
Article by : Ayaz Latif Siyal
Article add date : 2020-06-30
How to cite : Ayaz latif siyal. (2020-June-30). Estimation of genetic variability for yield and yield components of bread wheat genotypes under water stress conditions. retrieved from